

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


There is now a darkening economic cloud that has, for at least the time being, sent Barry "Almighty’s" job performance ratings plummeting to just 47 percent, or just 1 point higher than his lowest ever mark, at least according to a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll. But is it not fair to say that these plummeting poll numbers can be seen as being pretty much self-inflicted? Might they be seen as a direct result from this whole ongoing fiasco consisting of nothing but bogus attempts to "stimulate" our economy through what is nothing more than one costly government boondoggle after another? Who in their right mind can look at the way Barry has gone about instituting his plans to bring about an economic "recovery" and still view him as being even remotely capable of "handling" the economy. All you have to do is to listen to the man. He has one and one solution only for fixing our economic woes, raise taxes. What a plan. This guy is an economic genius.

Barry's economic approval ratings continue to tank, they are now at the lowest level since September, when he stood at 41 percent approval and 57 percent overall disapproval. And this should come as a shock to anybody why exactly? This whole charade of attempting to bring about an economic recovery has instead been a very purposeful attempt to do just the opposite. Can anyone point to any rational, self-respecting economist who is willing to go on the record and can say with a straight face, that all that has been done by Barry as been done are perfect ways to strengthen our economy? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the motives behind Barry and his team are designed to one thing and one thing only. And this is to bring about a total and complete financial and economic collapse in this country. Nothing else explains the actions being taken, or not taken, by this supposed team of economic whiz kids. What these people are in reality is nothing short of a cadre of economic saboteurs. They attempt to use all manner of scare tactics in their effort to never let a good crisis go to waste.

And just in case the White House didn’t receive the message that a majority of Americans are now sending, Wall Street attempted drove the point home on Monday when benchmark rater Standard & Poor’s cut its long-term outlook on U.S. debt to a dismal negative rating, signaling a financial crisis if the Obama administration does not bring down the national debt. But the White House remained in denial, assuming that it knew much better than the experts at S & P. A recent poll shows that Americans agree with the S & P verdict. In a tie with his overall worst economic approval rating, 57 percent said they disapprove of how Barry is handling the economy, with 46 percent saying they strongly disapprove. Only 23 percent strongly approved. What do you wanna bet that just about everyone of those folks resides in the black community. These folks will stick by Barry no matter what, especially as long as he continues to stick it to the rest of us! That's what these people are all about. Never mind that the country is going to Hell in a hand basket with Barry leading the charge, as long they keep getting their checks it's ok by them!

On the heels of the recent gloomy economic news, GOP leaders have again clearly stated the urgency for making the drastic cuts in federal spending that are so badly needed and saying that raising the debt ceiling should be contingent upon the level of success met in making those cuts. Republican Rep. Eric Cantor, majority leader of the House, said Republicans would not sign off on any debt-limit increase without serious reforms, according to The Hill. “For decades, Washington has blindly increased the debt-ceiling limit while doing little to stop spending money that it doesn’t have, a dangerous pattern that must end,” Cantor said. “As S&P made clear, getting spending and our deficit under control can no longer be put off for another day.” However, the question that remains is will the Republicans stick to their guns or simply fold under the weight of criticism that is most assuredly headed their way. This is not the time for idiotic political games, there is simply too much at stake here. They need to communicate what it is that they see as being needed, and then do it. There can be no wishy-washy nonsense in their portrayal of just how bad things are and how they can be fixed. We need concrete solutions and we need them fast. Compromise on the part of the Republicans is not a tactic to be accepted as being useful.

In a recent statement, Rep. Paul Ryan, whose own plan promises to slash $6 trillion over a 10-year period, said that Barry’s current spending spree “threatens not only the lives of future generations, but also the economic security of American families today.” For his part, Barry’s plan calls for nothing more than the raising of income taxes and the repeal of the same “Bush tax cuts” he originally agreed to continue on December 7. There is no focus on the actual cutting of a serious amount of spending. Boy, now there's a plan that guarantees success. Is it any wonder that Barry’s poll numbers could quite possibly doom his 2012 prospects? Although to make such an assumption this early in the political season, I think would be more than a little premature. Even though a Newsmax poll placed Donald Trump far ahead in a matchup with Obama — 68 percent would vote for Trump, 13 percent for Obama, and 13 percent for another candidate. Now while I refuse to put much stock in any poll that has Trump trouncing Barry, it does provide food for thought. Look, out of all the people who will end up being considered as serious candidates, the guy that I give the least chance to be there at the end is Trump. While I agree with a lot of what he says, things that actually needs to be said, at the end of the day he is not going to be viewed as being a serious, nor a viable, candidate.

The independent vote, which Barry relied on very heavily in his 2008 bid, remains dubious for 2012 after showing overwhelmingly in Republicans’ court last year. The Washington Post-ABC poll pits independents squarely against Barry — 55 percent disapproved of the job he is doing. But all that can change very rapidly if these voters come to the conclusion that the Republicans are not serious about getting spending under control. If the feel that they are instead choosing to do nothing more than to use our current economic misfortune to their political advantage, then the tide can very quickly turn to favor Barry. Republicans need to be seen as the ones, unlike Barry, who are putting the country above gutter politics. They need to be seen as the “Elliot Ness” trying to combat what is essentially nothing more than the “Al Capone” gangster-style government of Barry and the Democrats. They need to be seen as being the sane ones who are attempting to rein in all of the fiscal insanity. They cannot allow themselves to be dissuaded from doing what they know needs to be done and they need to convince the American people that they are committed to getting our fiscal house in order.

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