

Friday, April 22, 2011



Where does this guy come up with this stuff? This has got to be one of the strangest claims I’ve yet heard coming from this outrageously arrogant hypocrite. Talk about the pot calling the kettle…black. No pun intended. Kinda makes you wonder just what illicit drug he might actually be on. This guy is the perfect example of a radical. In fact, if you were to look up radical in the dictionary, you would very likely see his picture. Look, here we have a man, Barack Hussein Obama, at whose feet can now be directly laid, the creation of the worst economic environment since that very same “Great Depression” which he loves to talk so much about. A man trained in the finest traditions of Saul Alinsky, he has now nearly singled-handedly completely dismantled that which has been, up to now at least, a thriving economy that made it possible for the United States of America to achieve a level of economic success, and power, that is, simply put, unrivaled. An economic system that is based upon nothing more than the government getting out of the way and allowing the entrepreneurial spirit of the American people to flourish, which in turn allowed them to bring forth the most potent economic powerhouse this world has ever been witness to. And yet our "Hope and Change" president, since day one of his taking office, has been on a mission to destroy it. He has seen it as being necessary the taking upon himself to do everything in his power to inflict as much damage as is possible upon that which has for centuries made it possible for so many, and not just here at home, to prosper beyond their wildest dreams. The actions that this one man has undertaken, or failed to undertake, has created a scenario that today has this country in a position where it has never before found itself. A precarious position that now leaves our entire future as a free nation very much in doubt. But it all seems to matter so very little to him. Such is the note on which we begin the 2012 election season. And I'm so glad that Barry can find time to do things other than to provide a little leadership regarding the ongoing budget debate, or coming up with, say, a viable energy plan that would help average working Americans as they try to cope with rapidly rising food and energy costs and try to prepare themselves as best they can for what many are now forecasting as being 5 or even 6 dollars for a gallon of gas. Make no mistake here, Barry "Almighty" is the radical here, and no one else.

As so it was then that Barry, on this past Wednesday, in yet another friendly venue, took the occasion to castigate Republicans in general, and Rep. Paul Ryan specifically. While attending yet another tightly scripted event, and in front of yet another carefully selected, and obviously very supportive, crowd, he wasted very little time in launching into what was a full frontal assault on those evil congressional Republicans who, Barry claimed, are only trying to push a very "radical" plan to cut the deficit. He claimed that their plan to trim Medicare and Medicaid is nothing if not patently unfair and he ramped up what is very typical Democrat rhetoric before a friendly Facebook crowd gathered at the headquarters of that popular social networking site. And yet, as he sat there making what were essentially nothing more than outlandish, and baseless, political accusations, nearly in the same breath he stated that he thought that a bipartisan accord is still possible. Forget about all that stupid birth certificate nonsense, I want to know what planet this guy is from. So I guess he figures he can continue call his political enemies essentially everything but a white man, and then still expect them to be willing to strike some sort of deal with him. "I think it's fair to say that their vision is radical," Barry told those at this little gathering, one that included questions posed by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg as well as those sent in by the site’s users. "I don't think it's particularly courageous," he said of the GOP plan to convert Medicare to a voucher program and make big cuts to the federal-state Medicaid program for the poor. Continuing to spew the standard liberal mantra of class warfare, he added, "Nothing is easier than solving a problem on the backs of people who are poor, or people who are powerless, or don't have lobbyists, or don't have clout." Republicans in Congress argue strenuously that Barry's deficit prescription is nothing more than a prescription for disaster and would accomplish far too little, relying far too heavily on damaging tax increases. But then isn't that always the Democrat way? This whole concept be being "fair and equitable" is rapidly leading us down the road to ruin. Personal responsibility has become pretty much a thing of the past.

Barry continues his attempts to very aggressively control, and to manipulate, the current budget/deficit dialog. His method of choice for doing so is through all manner of pure exaggeration of the facts as well as the use of the same old tired, yet standard Democrat strategies of portraying as victims the lazy among us and the stoking of the class warfare flames. He must fancy himself as a present day Robin Hood as he goes about making the claim that he would raise $1 trillion by returning income tax rates for high earners to the levels from "BJ" Clinton's administration, when the economy prospered. That, he says, would force wealthy people like himself and Zuckerberg to pay "a little more in taxes." "I'm cool with that," said this stupid doofus, Zuckerberg, as his employees simply laughed like a bunch of dummies and applauded. I’m not sure what it is that these group of morons found so freaking humorous. Either they don't mind paying higher taxes or they are members of that 50 percent of households which pays no income taxes. Either way, as a group, they don't seem to be too terribly bright. So while this jerk off Zuckerberg may be "cool with that," I really don't think that the millions of small business owners out there who are literally struggling to make ends meet, are going to be all that "cool with it." But Barry is far from being the first one to call the Republican plan "radical" by any stretch. There have been any number of imbecilic Democrats who have also called the GOP plan "radical," but what's different here is that our "community agitator" president generally uses less inflammatory language, preferring instead to let his many minions be seen as the ones throwing rocks. Despite his choosing to use incendiary rhetoric on Wednesday in describing the Republicans, Barry said that he still believes his administration and Congress can come to some sort of an agreement regarding long-range plans to cut the deficit by about $4 trillion over 10 years. Barry made his comments in a very cozy and friendly environment surrounded by 19 million "friends," as he went about trashing those who stand in opposition to what he sees as being the action that needs to be taken. Ya know it's pretty sad when you have the president of the United States resorting to what equates to as nothing more than juvenile name calling. It lays bare the very sad fact that our president has a severe lack of any moral character.

Barry continues on his little excursion that has him pitching his budget plans while at the same time raising re-election cash. He has said that trimming $4 trillion from the nation's deficit sounds like a lot but it can be done. But as is typical with this guy, it’s his way or the highway. He will hold yet another staged sophomoric pep rally in Reno, Nevada, as he goes around the country in an effort to convince enough people that his approach will prove to be the more balanced and less painful one when compared to the rival House Republican plan. You know, this guy is just so full of shit, he could export it. His entire "plan", if you really want to call it a plan, does nothing more than to favor tax hikes on what he calls wealthy Americans while at the same time calling for further cuts in the military and other agencies. All of which GOP lawmakers very firmly, they say, oppose. Barry remains diametrically opposed to the Republican plan which would cut tax rates for corporations and high earners, but also close some tax loopholes. It would achieve nearly $6 trillion in savings from spending cuts and overhauling Medicare and Medicaid. And as we are now seeing Barry will stop at absolutely nothing in his efforts to discredit not only the Republican plan but also those who authored it. As we saw during the passage of the healthcare "reform" bill, there is no lie he will not tell, or no accusation that he will not hurl at those he views as being his political "enemies." His behavior continues to be the epitome of un-presidential. He relishes spending time in the gutter, it's where he lives, it’s where he thrives. He is not afraid to use whatever tactic that may be necessary in order for him to be successful in achieving his goal of destroying our economy. He claims to have not yet made any mistakes since he assumed office and still has not gotten beyond the blaming of his predecessor for just about everything. He is a gutless wimp possessing not one ounce of honor, commitment or courage. He is the epitome of the sleazy, dishonest politician. And speaking of his predecessor, I remember the absolute beating W. took from the state controlled media when he said he had not made a mistake. Funny, I've heard nary a peep concerning Barry's statement. No bias in the media? You decide.

I’m reading an excellent book, “GANGSTER GOVERNMENT” by David Freddoso. I strongly recommend it! It is an excellent read! Here's an excerpt from the book, “Gangster government shuns the light and operates in the shadows, cuts deals with favored businesses, writes provisions known only by a select few, offers legislative and regulatory exemptions to friends, and threatens opponents with death by regulation.”

Have you ever heard a better description of how this president and this administration operates? I really don't think so! It illustrates perfectly what has been going on now for over two years, and what mostly likely will continue until we are able to extricate ourselves from this very corrupt politician, this radical.

1 comment:

  1. To the modern Democrat, the word "bipartisan" means something that is completely left wing, but that a few RINOs will vote for.
