

Thursday, April 28, 2011


This may now be essentially old news for some, but for what it's worth, I still want to throw my two cents in, because I think it is very fair to ask the important questions regarding our illustrious president's strange, and rather unsettling, tendency to be drawn to preachers who are so obviously racists. These supposed men of God, who preach not love of their fellow man, but instead, some rather intense and hate filled racist sermons from the pulpit. It may sound a little callous on my part, or maybe even a bit abrasive, but for me I’m more than a just little suspicious of Barry's choice of church that he decided to attend for Easter services. And given the level of media bias present today that is so desperate in its attempts to cast Barry in the best light possible, regular media professionals can no longer be trusted to actually provide even the most basic reporting. Those tingles that keep going up their legs at the mere mention of his name are most likely distracting them away from they're being able to possess any serious level of actual objectivity. They are so protective of their boy Barry, that anyone who dares to say anything that can be perceived as being, even in the slightest, derogatory, must then be retaliated against in the most severe manner possible.

So determined were they to keep the lid very firmly on just how outrageous are the standard ravings of Barry's latest preacher, the one and only detail reported in our state controlled media about the Shiloh Baptist Church, where Barry attended his Easter service, was that it was founded by freed slaves during the Civil War. Sounds pretty innocuous for sure, nothing to see here folks, move along, move along. But, you know that there is always a “but” with this guy, Barry, and this instance is definitely no different. Because there no where in any “news” story was there mention that this was the first presidential visit to Shiloh, nor was there any mention anywhere that this inaugural visit might be more than just mere coincidence. Was there no mention that this is a predominately black church because the media didn't want the American people to know that our president chooses his church based solely on race? I'm just asking, that's all. I mean, he bases just about every decision he choose to make on race, so why not which church he decides to attend on Easter. But, I can only guess at the media's intentions, but when flattering facts are reported and unflattering facts are omitted, we have no choice but to fill in the blanks ourselves. And the accusations of bias become all the more easy to substantiate.

It's understandable, I suppose, that Barry might find himself being a little gun shy and none too eager to jump back into regular church life. After all, given that the one and only church that our, finally "proven to have been born here," president has ever joined in his life proved to be a rather prominent political albatrosses that was hung around his neck during the 2008 campaign. It became such an issue that he was finally compelled to throw his then preacher and spiritual advisor, and supposed reverend, Jeremiah Wright, under the proverbial bus. But with the expending of very little effort, and having to do nothing more than to dig into the blog notes from various reporters it becomes relatively easy, for just about anybody, to piece together the content from the most recent sermon/rant heard by Barry just this past Easter Sunday. Aside from the First Couple being honored guests, Pastor Wallace Charles Smith also announced that his 4 week old grandson was attending church for the very first time.

An un-named pool reporter who happened to also be present noted a very interesting perspective on the infant:

"[Pastor Smith] talked about how his baby grandson's gurgling is actually "talking" because he is saying 'I am here ... they tried to write me off as 3/5 a person in the Constitution, but I am here right now ... and is saying I am not going to let anybody from stopping me from being what God wants me to be.'"

That same un-named reported also noted regarding Barry’s attendance on Easter Sunday that, “POTUS sits through service listening with his arm around Malia, nodding." I suppose it’s impossible to know, with any degree of certainty, whether he might have been agreeing with what was being said, or if the nods were simply out of habit. Either way, the fact that Barry was once again in attendance as race baiting flowed from the pulpit together with the fact that he seemed to have no problem whatsoever with what was being said, should cause any rational person some degree of concern.

So let me see if I have this right. We have another raving racist lunatic of a black pastor who says that he hears American institutional racism springing forth in a baby's gurgle. Let's be serious here, as far as I'm concerned that puts him right up there with the "Dog Whisperer." Really, do most sane people with infants hear Constitutional bigotry in their baby's gibberish? Did any mention of the 3/5 clause or racism in general make it into the Easter service that you attended? Is this pastor's amazing leap from a baby bark to white oppression another coincidence to add to the list, or has he established a pattern of race baiting and white bashing in the past? I'm just askin, that's all. I'm just curious, how anybody can think that such bigotry being heard in a supposed house of worship is acceptable. I have asked the question before, but will gladly ask it again. Is this type of behavior that one can consider as being typical of all black churches? Do all black pastors preach nothing more than pure unadulterated racial hatred? Are these people so consumed with such a staggering level of hatred that it has become and integral part of the way in which they practice their faith? I'm sure there wasn't one individual in that church who took offense to any of the garbage that this supposed man of God was raining down upon them. And I'm just as sure there was no one who got up and walked out. We know for sure that our black president certainly didn't.

Anyway, back to this crackpot, preacher. It doesn't require some crack investigative team, logging hundreds of hours of research time to uncover just what a lunatic this preacher really is. The fact is, that a basic low level YouTube search almost immediately grants the answer to that question and only serves to underscore just how astronomically inept/lazy/biased our state-controlled media is, especially when it comes to anything even remotely related to Barry "Almighty." This guy is, in fact, nothing more than one more, of what I can only assume must be many black pastors who see racism around every corner, preach white hatred, and equate talk radio with the Ku Klux Klan. This very preacher, Rev. Wallace Charles Smith, speaking just last year at Eastern University, essentially said the United States is “still” a racist country, and that Conservative Talk Radio is the modern day embodiment of “Jim Crow” and the “KKK.” He specifically singled out Rush Limbaugh and Fox News as being nothing more than purveyors of “racism and vitriol” – “the same vile filth” that was once put forward by the KKK. This guy is nothing short of a screaming, racist nut! All that was missing from his screed was the "God Damn America," rant.

Smith totally rejects the idea that America has moved, or is moving, past race. In fact, he said racism is very much alive and rampant in America, especially on the conservative airways. He clearly insinuated that Fox News hosts are racist and that Rush represents the new breed of KKK members. Saying that, “Anytime you can have the kind of hate-mongering that continues in the hallowed halls of talk radio it show that Barack’s presidency has not solved the problem,” Smith said in 2010. “Now Jim Crow wears blue pin stripes … and he doesn’t have to wear white robes anymore, because now he can wear the protective cover of talk radio, or can get a regular news program on Fox. He doesn’t have to wear his white garments anymore.” He continued: “Even such venerable saints as Rush Limbaugh know the lines they are not to cross. But any of their constituency can hear clear the same vile filth spewing forth in their statements that was once the purview of Robert Shelton and members of the Ku Klux Klan and the White Citizen’s Council.” Have you ever heard more racist and incendiary language coming from a pastor? I mean other than from Jeremiah Wright, of course. That this pathetic individual can feel free to spew such a level of hatred and still manage to be comfortable in his accusing others of doing nothing more that spreading hate, would be laughable if it weren't so serious. It is but one more example of the level of hypocrisy that is present on the left.

While this pastor may be a little less flamboyant than Barry's previous preacher for 20+ years, Jeremiah Wright, in both tone and wardrobe, the evidence is clearly in. Obviously, Barry has a preference for and actively seeks out this special brand of church. Race, or so it would seem, is our President's primary motivation on a variety of decisions, and the media will actively provide any amount of cover needed for minority racists as long as it fits within their current narrative. To say the least, there appears to be a rather disturbing theme that we see running through those from whom Barry chooses to get his spiritual guidance. So it was then that as many in the media stood and applauded this past Easter Sunday when Barry and the family went to church, might there have been much more going on that met the eye. Call it an Easter slight of hand so to speak. Sunday’s visit to Shiloh Baptist Church in D.C. shows again that Barry really is a man of faith, the reports would seem to suggest. But while the media rushed to report on the first family’s attendance of the predominately black congregation, what it failed to mention were the outlandish views held by the church’s racist pastor. And while those views have not been delivered in the same fiery manner as Barry’s former pastor, Jeremiah " God Damn America" Wright, they do sound eerily familiar.

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