

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Barry takes great pride in touting himself as being one of those "special, more enlightened" individuals, one of those who avoids even having to discuss such distasteful topics as, race. He considers himself as being above all of that petty nonsense. He’s much too sophisticated for any of that, or so at least, the story goes. He especially likes to portray himself as being a man of the people, all of the people, and as being more of a uniter than a divider. Well we've seen how well that has worked out. But I think most of us have very little trouble recognizing this behavior of his as being much less than genuine. We see the motivating force behind this silly charade as being something that is exhibited more out of political expediency, even necessity, than out of any real concern regarding the achieving of any level of racial harmony. Barry essentially sees himself as being in a position where he feels that, while he can ill afford to alienate white voters, he may need to now spend the requisite time to make sure that black folks will come to the polls when summoned. Because of what he has done over the course of the last two years, the real Barry is now much more apparent. Americans have now witnessed first hand the very radical nature of their president, whereas in 2008 most Americans looked no further into his background than what was presented to them by a fawning, state controlled media. Black voters, on the other hand, while considered as being firmly in the safe column for Barry, still require a fair amount of reassurance. However, as we have already seen, black folks will vote for him again and most likely in substantial numbers regardless, and for no other reason that because his is…..BLACK.

So on Wednesday, that Barry "Almighty," "The Anointed One," chose to take his first step into the racial arena early in this burgeoning election season, in an effort to reassure. He did so by choosing to speak in New York at Al "The Bullhorn" Sharpton’s national convention. That Sharpton has now managed to become "respectable," and I use the term loosely, and now viewed as someone whose support is seen as being important for the likes of presidents, as well as other political candidates, absolutely amazes me. Granted, the majority of those who vie for his somewhat double-edged support, are firmly affixed in the Democrat Party, and are usually in desperate need of the votes that are reliably supplied by the black community to Democrat politicians. Reliably because small minds are very easily influenced, especially by someone the likes of "Bullhorn." But I can’t help but wonder, is his really the face that a majority of blacks in this country wish to have representing their community? Apparently so! So it is for that reason then that Barry embarked on the tricky path that he must now navigate in order to engage black voters who are absolutely crucial to his successful re-election. Although, I doubt that it will be a very difficult task, since any potential opponent is bound to be white, except for possibly Herman Cain, because these black voters would rather shoot themselves in the head than vote for any white candidate who will eventually be running against Barry.

"It proves again that 2012 will be very different than 2008," said Larry Sabato of the University of Virginia. "Then, Obama was very wary of the race issue and of being labeled as a 'black candidate.' But some of the enthusiasm surrounding that election has faded," said Sabato. Adding that, "He needs an injection of energy and Sharpton can provide some of that, at least in the black community." On the one hand, there’s nothing unusual about a president fulfilling a campaign promise made to a staunch political ally whose radio show is now broadcast in 40 cities each weekday. Nor is it odd for Barry, who has spoken to other civil rights groups, to connect with Sharpton, a frequent White House visitor whose fame flows from what has been described as his rather aggressive brand of "black advocacy." "Black advocacy," now that's a very politically correct way to identify what it is that "Bullhorn" does, which is nothing more that to stir up to the highest degree possible all manner of racial tension, even hatred. Because, quite literally, the more hate and discontent he can stir up, the more he can later be called upon to act as mediator in the quelling of any potential racial unrest. Actually, how this pathetic race-baiter could ever be perceived as being considered an "advocate" for anyone other than himself is beyond me. But hey, this faux preacher has, over time, come to be embraced by a growing number of blacks who have bought into his idiotic message that has blacks being nothing but victims. He is right about one thing though, they are victims in a sense, victims of the perverted policies of the Democrat Party that are designed to keep them forever in bondage to the party and firmly on the Democrat plantation.

Aside from the timing of Barry’s recent appearance and speech, which were obviously politically motivated, and taking place, coincidentally, just two days after his re-election bid was made official, Wednesday’s events at "Bullhorn's" National Action Network gathering were also heavily political as well. Barry’s top campaign aide and that consummate political scumbag, David Axelrod, was also present as was the Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Shaun Donovan, Attorney General, Eric "The Racist" Holder and the EPA administrator. When all was said and done, our buddy Holder said he'll be working with old "Bullhorn's" group in an attempt to alleviate teen violence in black neighborhoods, especially violence involving guns. Shaun Donovan said he would be teaming up with "Bullhorn" to help black homeowners facing foreclosure. And Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said he's been traveling with "Bullhorn" around the country to black neighborhoods with the highest school dropout rates. All touchy-feely BS that will accomplish absolutely nothing but to portray the requisite image that Barry's cares and can feel the pain being experienced in the black community. And Sharpton's role is to do the dirty work that Barry cannot do if he hopes to win re-election and thus provide him with a plausible deniability regarding any racial "flare-ups." Barry must be seen as being the one who can continue to rise above the fray while at the same time be seen as the one who will continue efforts to provide for the black community.

It goes without saying that Barry remains extremely popular among blacks. Frankly, I’d be quite surprised if he wasn’t. In 2008, 95 percent of blacks voted chose Barry. Gee, now there's a big surprise. But hey, race had nothin to do with it. Right? In a Gallup poll taken just last week, 84 percent of blacks said they approved of Barry’s overall performance, about the same percentage as six months ago. Which should also come as no big surprise to anyone, since the only thing that a majority of these folks care about is they’re continuing to be subsidized by the rest of us. What might be going on that would draw Barry out there and make him feel that it's necessary to make an aggressive and more concerted effort at "exciting" the black community? Have things now gotten to the point where he thinks a little shoring up of his support from blacks may be required? And if so, is it to the point where he is now willing to take the risk of potentially turning off a few white voters in an attempt to bolster the support of the entire black community and ensure that they will remain loyal? Personally, I don't give a rat's behind what color this guy is, that's not why I dislike him or his policies. What has me concerned is the way he continues to spend money with near reckless abandon. It's like he's trying to get us so far into an economic ditch that we'll never be able to claw our way out. And evidently, to the blacks in this country, this growing debt issue that Barry has foisted upon us is of very little concern to them. What's most important to them is the fact that we have a black guy in the Oval Office.

Supposedly it’s actually harder for Barry to reach out to black voters than it would be for a white president, at least according to some guy named Mark Anthony Neal, who I'm told is an African-American studies professor at Duke University. He says that's “because there‘s a narrative that he’s catering to a black constituency.” DUH, ya think? “Obama needs Al Sharpton as a certain kind of surrogate for black voters,” Neal said. “Symbolically, his willingness to speak at the convention is a subtle message to black voters that he is paying attention to their concerns." I think this guy is just making stuff up. And isn't it pretty sad when you find yourself in the position of "needing" to rely on someone like old "Bullhorn" Sharpton. If anything, all that does is to make all the more obvious the sad state of today's black community. That a blatant race pimp like Sharpton, is in a position to have some influence with a president, shows the rather unseemly side of our current political system. “Because that’s the other side of the narrative … there is a heavy critique of Barry among black voters for not being cognizant and attentive enough to issues affecting the black community.” How the heck do they figure that? What the Hell else do they want? A factor in this dilemma is the view among many whites that Barry gives blacks favorable treatment. Now there's a no shit item! Carol Swain, a Vanderbilt University political science professor and frequent Barry "Almighty" critic, called that view a misperception. But she said that it is one fed by cases like the New Black Panther voter intimidation lawsuit and the Justice Department asking Dayton, Ohio, to lower its police exam passing score because too few black applicants passed. I'd say those are pretty good indicators of where Barry stands on the issue of race.

This perception held by an increasing number of Americans, may have made Barry “overly defensive” about race, said Bill Anderson, a host on the Philadelphia black talk radio station WURD. “But think about it,” Anderson said. “If the president speaks to an entire room of white people, nobody says he’s alienating society. But if you go to an organization that’s dealing with (issues) important to society but from an African-American perspective, all of a sudden, you’re a separatist.” That’s how some view "Bullhorn" Sharpton. That’s the problem today. Blacks refuse to look beyond themselves and what they're being told by guys like Sharpton. They never look at the bigger picture because they’re selfish, self-centered and looking to get as much as they can by expending the least amount of effort possible. And a mindset has now been created that makes blacks very overly susceptible to the level of tripe and drivel peddled by Sharpton and, therefore by proxy, Barry himself. It’s all about them! Yet some still are able to see through “Bullhorn’s” veneer of respectability and recognize Sharpton for exactly what he is, the same rabble-rousing, albeit without the pompadour, agitator of the 1980s who spread Tawana Brawley’s unproven claim about being sexually assaulted by white men and, in a separate case, exhorted protests that ended with eight dead at a Jewish-owned store in Harlem. Sharpton is used to the criticism, even when it comes from black people. “It’s a burden you bear gladly,” he said in an interview. “I’m doing a job people would rather not see done.” He is the definition of scum. He sticks a knife in the back of even those who trust him.

The president “is going with Sharpton to show us some support some kind of way,” Ilsa Lilly Fields, a black woman, said as she left a West Philadelphia drugstore Tuesday. Fields made a face when Sharpton’s name was mentioned: “He‘s just loud and always in everyone’s business. He’s not a helpful person.” But she said Barry was doing the best he could to help blacks: “We’re a patient people. We know what Obama has to do. We’re just waiting for him to do it.” Swain, the political scientist, said even though Barry has not addressed black issues, blacks remain protective of him — “almost like a member of the family.” “Black people are in many ways worse off today than they have been in decades,” she said. “They’re worse off than if there was a white president, because a white president has to do something for the black community. Obama doesn’t have to do anything.” These people just don't get it and thus are deserving of whatever predicament they find themselves in. They insist on voting Democrat election after election and refuse to point the finger of blame at the purveyors of the policies explicitly designed to adversely effect the black community. Democrats use guys like "Bullhorn," and make sure he is on the receiving end of some very lucrative funding, to convince blacks that it is the Democrats who are really the good guys. And they keep buying into the myth and allow themselves to be convinced that their predicament has as its source the undying allegiance to a corrupt political party.

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