

Monday, April 25, 2011


The man who for the last 30 years has been not so fondly referred to as being the worst president in the history of this great country, but who has now been bumped down to the number two position, Jimmy "The Incompetent" Carter, will lead yet another band of like-minded misfits on yet another boondoggle to that god forsaken place, North Korea, starting today. By doing so he has made a conscious decision to afford to the miscreants who are in charge of that pathetic little country, yet one more opportunity to use him in their continuing propaganda/smear campaign against this country. Which seem to bother him not in the slightest. The trip is being made under the pretense of, and is based, I guess, on the fictional rationale of being supposedly designed to help push forward talks on curbing the development of nuclear weapons while addressing the food shortages that plague the Stalinist state. At least that was the reason for the trip provided by the group in a statement that they released. Carter, together with former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari, former Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland and former Irish President Mary Robinson are in Beijing today. In Beijing, Pyongyang and in Seoul they will meet with top officials, diplomats, scholars and “members of civil society,” which calls itself “The Elders.” Sounds like things should be very productive. NOT! Carter continues to be exquisitely successful in his efforts to become a total and complete embarrassment not only to this country but to freedom loving people everywhere.

So with Carter in the lead, this little band of pathetic starry-eyed idealists, is once more traipsing off, albeit armed with the best of intentions I suppose, in their attempt to convince these heathens in North Korea the error of their ways. These wishful thinkers will once again attempt to show us just how much smarter they are then the rest of us who see this rogue nation, and its leaders for exactly what it is and they are. This is nation that willfully starves its own people, threatens its neighbors on nearly a daily basis, keeps its people in the dark and therefore amounts to nothing more than a shit stain on the world community's underwear. And yet our esteemed Mr. Carter feels compelled to visit this the armpit of Asia. What should happen here is that this trouble maker of a country should be punished like the spoiled child that it is. I'm sure we all remember the tension created on the Korean peninsula last year after 46 South Korean sailors died in the sinking of the Cheonan warship, and blamed on a North Korean torpedo. In November, the North shelled a South Korean island, killing four people. Chinese-led six-country talks aimed at curbing the North’s nuclear program have not taken place in more than two years and would prove to be nothing but a waste of time anyway. “At a time when official dialogue with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea appears to be at a standstill, we aim to see how we may be of assistance in reducing tensions and help the parties address key issues including denuclearization,” Carter said in a statement. What a freakin moron!

One of the other clowns on this little trip, some doofus named Brundtland, who is the former director-general of the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO), has said that the group would also discuss “longer-term food security and health issues that are so important to economic development." Food security, what the Hell is that? This is North Korea that he's talking about right? It's really getting harder and harder to take clowns like this seriously. I've got a concept for ya, maybe if these slime balls in North Korea spent a little less on their huge army, they'd have a bit more to spend on such things as food and health issues. The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization said last month that an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in North Korea endangered the lives of cattle, hogs and goats. Funny, I didn't think that they had all that much livestock in the country to begin with. Let's face it, just how many cows, hogs and goats are there in North Korea anyway. There's nothing there for them to eat either. And I'm told that North Korea's economy shrank 0.9 percent in 2009, when UN sanctions banning "arms trading" and restricting financial transactions were toughened following the country’s second nuclear test in May that year, according to the Bank of Korea in Seoul. North Korea doesn’t release its own data. Gee, I wonder why? And how exactly does an economy that's worth, in its entirety, zero point shit, shrink? Nothin from nothin is still nothin, right?

It's time that we get down to brass tacks here and for all of the mollycoddling to come to a stop. In fact it's passed time, way passed. When a former American president, even an imbecile like Carter, goes over there it does nothing but provide to the goons in charge over there with some level of undeserved credibility. Carter always manages to do more harm than good on any of the many excursions he has made to visit with any number of terrorists, dictators or average run of the mill despots. He is, apparently, a very poor judge of character, but then we know that long before now. Of course that may very likely have something to do with the fact that he is rather deficient in the area of actually possessing any level of character himself. He's just another America hating liberal, out to stir up as much trouble as he can in his continuing efforts to give his country a perpetual black eye. Way to go Jimmy! YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK BIG TIME!


  1. First let me say that I agree with everything you said, with one exception. Jimmy Carter is not stupid. For the 30 years he has made himself rich doing nothing but "pandering" to the Liberal Base.

    Everything he does is to keep himself in the public eye and to continuously get grants and donations from the Liberals and the US government.

    Perhaps the best thing that you and I could hope for is that his aircraft make a "hard-pan" ditching in the Pacific Ocean or that Carter would stay in North Korea. I would say that I hope he takes a "dirt nap"; but as a Christian I know it is wrong to wish for another person's death.

  2. Aren't there leash laws? Good grief this former P is a mess. I can't for the life of me figure out how anyone takes him seriously. On the other hand, perhaps it's a nice momentary diversion from the mess that is D.C.

    Great read here, Dan.

  3. "The Elders" seem to be suffering from dementia.
