

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The answer to that question may be a very resounding…yes. And just think about it for a minute, if that is so, we owe it all to our very own president, Mr. "Hope and Change" himself, Barack Hussein Obama. I can only guess that if there is still anybody out there who remains even slightly curious about what Barry might have meant by his promise of "Hope and Change," this final straw, should now make it painfully obvious. However, if they're still in doubt, then I can only surmise that they must be complete morons. This has been the mission of our president, he was, and remains so, fervently committed to the bringing about of the total and complete demise of these United States of America as a world power, financially, internationally and militarily. It has been his primary objective since his first day after assuming office, and probably even before. So now that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has dropped what can only be described as a bombshell, I'm surprised not to see a huge "Mission Accomplished" banner flying high over the White House. What is worrisome to me is the fact that such an announcement can be made and yet very few Americans have seemed to take notice. Ah, yes my friends, ignorance truly is bliss. But then, I suppose this should come as no big surprise to anyone really. But with the international organization, for the first time, having now actually set a date for the exact moment when the “Age of America” will end and as the time when the U.S. economy will be overtaken by that of China, every American should now be experiencing a very cold chill running down their spine. So it is then that according to the latest IMF official forecasts, China’s economy will surpass that of America in real terms in 2016, that's just five short years from now. So put it on your calendars boys and girls, apparently this is what you voted for in 2008. You took a guy with no practical experience, who was a devout Socialist, a man who I think it safe to say, quite literally, hates America, and you elected him as your president. Why? Because he's black, of course! Unfortunately, we can no longer afford to allow ourselves the luxury of living in denial when it comes to what might motivate this man. Barry and the Democrats work very diligently to create their perception of reality, fortunately it's a perception that is so very easily contradicted by the actual events that are unfolding before our very eyes. FOR GOD'S SAKE PEOPLE, LOOK AROUND YOU!

When this little IMF bombshell is placed together with the recent Standard and Poor's declaration, this prediction provides a rather new, as well as painful, context which, when applied to the current bout of budget wrangling taking place in Washington right now, paints a rather stark portrait of where we may be headed as a country. It raises enormous questions about what the international security system is going to look like in just a mere handful of years. And it casts a deepening cloud over both the U.S. dollar and the giant Treasury market, which have been propped up for decades by their privileged status as the liabilities of the world’s hegemonic power. It is a sad commentary that, at least according to the IMF forecast, whomever is elected U.S. president next year, be it Barry "Almighty," Mitt Romney, or even the Trumpster, they will be the last to preside over the world’s largest economy. And yet, is it not our own fault for electing this, this "community agitator" as our president? Most people aren’t prepared for this. Hell, most of them aren’t even aware it’s that our demise is this close. And if you listen to experts of various political persuasions, they will tell you that there is no cause for alarm, this moment is still decades away. They’ll say, don't worry, be happy! The most bearish will put the figure out in the mid-2020s somewhere. Sadly, such is not the case. China’s economy will be the world’s largest within five years or so. But still Democrat rhetoric designed more to misrepresent the facts than to present of an accurate portrayal regarding our current precarious position, is present everywhere. It is, of course, then fed straight into what can only be described as the state controlled media "echo chamber" and is then either pumped out across the airwaves or used to fill page upon page of every "news" paper and/or "news" publication all across this land. The American people are going to have some very tough decisions to make and in the very near future. They will have to decide if they are going to continue to allow themselves to be convinced into peering through the rose colored glasses that the Democrats put in front of them, along with continuing to fall victim to the never-ending liberal scare tactics regarding what needs to be done to fix our problems, or if they are finally going to have the gonads that are going to be required in order to save themselves. I'm not real confident about the outcome there, folks! Not at all.

Look, it was just 10 short years ago that the U.S. economy was three times the size of China’s. Now I know to many, predictions of the kind being made by the IMF rate right up there with those the we are witness to on a nightly basis as we watch any weather forecast. All forecasts are fallible but they vary greatly in the severity of their consequences. There are always variables that can come into play which can alter, to some degree the outcome that has been predicted. Therefore, while the actual date identified as being when China will in fact surpass the U.S. might come even earlier than the IMF predicts, or it may somewhat later, there is little doubt among experts that it will come. Because as this Barry created train wreck of an economy continues, there is nothing in the works to do anything other than to make matters much, much worse, so that we get to the point where the actual date matters very little. Now if by chance the great Chinese juggernaut should blow a tire, as a growing number predict that it might, it could possibly delay things by several years, but at the present time it would only serve to delay what appears, at least for now, to be inevitable. But let’s not deceive ourselves here or allow Barry to convince us that we are invincible. Because at this stage of the game we most definitely are not! I'm sure he and his "economic council" will be pooh-poohing this whole notion of America becoming number two. Thanks to Barry we've already become the equivalent of "Number Two," if you get my drift. Because the outcome of this sleigh ride to Hell is scarcely in doubt. It is the end of the Age of America. And as has been stated by far too many of those who should know, “We are witnessing the end of America’s economic hegemony."

Sadly in a way, we have lived in a world dominated by the U.S. for so long now that there is no longer anyone alive who can remember it any other way. And it is that mentality, I think, along with the disastrous policies that have been put in place by Barry "Almighty," that has served to exacerbate the current problem. Far too many people, take far too much for granted which in turn makes it much easier for corrupt and patently dishonest individuals like Barry to have a much bigger impact then they would normally be allowed to have, on how it is that the average American citizens perceived the world around them. Americans have allowed themselves to be lulled into having a false sense of security of sorts, and it’s something that Barry and the Democrats may well have tapped into. The truth of the matter is that America overtook Great Britain as the world’s leading economic power in the 1890s and essentially never looked back. And both those countries live under very similar rules of constitutional government, respect for civil liberties and the rights of property. China, on the other hand, has none of those “qualities.” It s the antithesis of both Britain and America. Therefore, the Age of China will feel, and look, very, very different. Victor Cha, senior adviser on Asian affairs at Washington’s Center for Strategic and International Studies, has said that China’s neighbors in Asia are already waking up to the dangers that may lie ahead. “The region is overwhelmingly looking to the U.S. in a way that it hasn’t done in the past,” he said. “They see the U.S. as a counterweight to China. They also see American hegemony over the last half-century as fairly benign. In China they see the rise of an economic power that is not benevolent, that can be predatory. They don’t see it as a benign hegemony."

The rise of China, and the resulting decline of America, is the biggest story of our time. And yet, where are the screaming headlines or the breaking news alerts? Where are all those diligent news types who were always standing at the ready to put the screws to George W. Bush? Sitting on their hands that's where. But to be honest, we really don't need these purveyors of falsehoods to be telling us their perception of what's going on, in fact we would be much better served if we chose to simply ignore whatever it is that they have to say. All we really need to do is to open our eyes and "see." Because today you can see the implications of that decline everywhere, from shuttered factories in the Midwest to soaring costs of oil and other commodities. Chinese interests are snapping up farmland and foodstuff supplies, from South America to China and elsewhere. This is the result of decades during which China has successfully pursued economic policies aimed at national expansion and power, while the U.S. has embraced either free trade or, for want of a better term, economic appeasement. “There are two systems in collision,” said Ralph Gomory, research professor at NYU’s Stern business school. “They have a state-guided form of capitalism, and we have a much freer former of capitalism.” What we have seen, he said, is “a massive shift in capability from the U.S. to China. What we have done is traded jobs for profit. The jobs have moved to China. The capability erodes in the U.S. and grows in China. That’s very destructive. That is a big reason why the U.S. is becoming more and more polarized between a small, very rich class and an eroding middle class. The people who get the profits are very different from the people who lost the wages.” I can't help but suspect that the growing encroachment of our government further and further into our "private sector," under Barry, has had a very detrimental effect here and can be blamed specifically for creating the environment that made our current predicament possible in the first place.

The next chapter of this story is now well underway and, as much as it pains me say this, in the end I'm afraid things do not bode well for America. The America in which my daughter will spend the majority of her life will be much different than the America that I have experienced thus far in my life. And I fear for her. I have to think that anyone with even the slightest amount of intelligence feels the same way that I do. Unfortunately, far too many people are much more concerned about themselves than about the fate of our country. These people see absolutely nothing wrong with the current U.S. spending spree Barry has us one. And they either simply fail to recognize, or stubbornly refuse to, the obvious fact that it just isn't going to work. Not matter what Barry and the Democrats may promise. It hasn't worked thus far, and shows absolutely no sign of working in the near or distant future. Other than funneling a substantial amount of funds into the coffers of Barry's union buddies, all of the crazy spending has only served to make matters worse, much worse. What the rise of China means for defense, and international affairs, could be quite detrimental and have barely been touched upon. The U.S. is now spending gigantic sums, from a beleaguered economy, in an attempt to try to maintain its place in the sun. It's not all that difficult to imagine us being in the same predicament that the Soviet Union found itself in during the 80’s when they were trying to keep up with our pace of spending on defense. Remember the old adage about history repeating itself? You can’t stay on top if your economy doesn’t. That's why Barry has been so determined in his efforts to undermine and to weaken our economy in every way imaginable. And it appears he has been quite successful in his efforts.

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