

Sunday, April 17, 2011


When you stop and think about it, Democrats, as a whole, are a pretty sorry lot. I just can’t imagine myself going through life with the same pessimistic outlook as these folks, regarding just about everything in their lives. By their very nature they are nothing more than a bunch of lazy whiners and complainers who constantly have their hands out. They profess to be filled with such generosity and a sense of fair play, when just the opposite is true. They hate anyone who appears to be better off then they, never taking into consideration that had they expended just a little more effort or perhaps made better choices during their pathetic lives, those lives might be a little less pathetic. They suffer from a near terminal case of jealously regarding those who are willing to take advantage of all that living in this country provides to each and every one of us. Instead they chose to advocate the outright theft from those who chose to work, most of what it is that they have earned through their deciding to work very hard in order to provide the best life possible for their families. So it should come as no big surprise that Democrats in America today are twice as likely as Americans living the Great Depression era to favor the imposing of heavy taxes on the “rich” as a means of redistributing wealth. At least according to data published very recently by the Gallup poll.

So, in a Gallup poll that was conducted April 7-11, in the lead-up to the annual deadline for filing federal tax returns, it was shown that 71 percent of Democrats believe the government should use heavy taxes on the “rich” to redistribute wealth. 71 percent! You see, having the government steal from those folks is just so much easier than actually having to demonstrate a little initiative toward being able to provide for yourself. So it was then that in 1939, after ten years of the Great Depression, only 35 percent of all Americans believed government should do that. Apparently back then more people were of the opinion that if they choose to work hard, and take advantages of the opportunities presented to them and were then able to become “rich” themselves they wouldn’t have wanted their hard-earned money to be stolen from them by their government. Today most Democrats neither wish to work hard or to demonstrate a willingness to become self-sufficent, they would rather sit on their rather rapidly expanding behinds, enjoying their sedentary lifestyles while throwing stones at those who work to become successful and make something of themselves. They consider themselves as being entitled to the fruits of another’s labor.

In the survey, Gallup asked more than 1,000 American adults: “People feel differently about how far a government should go. Here is a phrase which some people believe in and some don’t. Do you think our government should or should not redistribute wealth by heavy taxes on the rich?”

Again, it was 71 percent of Democrats who told Gallup that, yes, the government should impose heavy taxes on the “rich” in order to redistribute wealth while 26 percent said that the government should not. By contrast, it was only 28 percent of Republicans who said the government should impose heavy taxes on the rich to redistribute wealth, while 69 percent said the government should not. Overall, in the April 7-11 Gallup survey, 47 percent of Americans said government should impose heavy taxes on the rich to redistribute wealth while 49 percent said the government should not. So essentially we are pretty evenly split. That’s a fact which is really pretty sad when you stop and think about it. Have that many people become so completely comfortable with the fact that they are now so dependent on the government? This political wrangling between Barry and Republican leaders about taxes on the rich reflects the division in sentiment between rank-and-file Democrats and Republicans nationwide. With more than 7 in 10 Democrats agree that the government should "redistribute wealth by heavy taxes on the rich." Fewer than 3 in 10 Republicans (28%) and 43% of independents agree.

Besides party affiliation, Americans' views also differ substantially, depending on their personal income bracket. More than 6 in 10 Americans making under $30,000 a year say wealth should be redistributed through heavy taxes on the rich. Thirty-one percent of those making $75,000 a year and more agree -- even though many in this broad group would not be affected by the new taxes proposed by the president, most of which are targeted at those making $250,000 a year and more. Every one of those 6 in 10 complainers had the very same opportunities as those that make over $250,000 and made a conscious decision not to. It’s all about sour grapes. I’ve heard it put this way before, how exactly does having the government literally steal hard earned money from one individual, improve the life of another. Somehow these whiners and complainers have allowed themselves to be convinced that they are now nothing more than victims of those who make substantially more money then them. What they are really victims of is their own personal behavior and a complete lack of any self esteem whatsoever. They allow themselves to be convinced by self-serving Democrat politicians that they are incapable of improving their lives without the assistance of the government. I would ask those making under $30,000 a year, just why is that? Who limited them to making that amount? The answer, THEY DID!

According to Gallup, back in March 1939, after a decade of the Great Depression, the Roper poll conducted a survey for Fortune Magazine asking the same question. At that time, only 35 percent of Americans believed government should impose heavy taxes on the rich to redistribute wealth while 54 percent said government should not. Although public support for taxing the rich to redistribute wealth is higher today than it was in 1939, it is a bit lower than it was at the beginning of Barry’s presidency. When Gallup asked the question in a survey conducted March 27-29, 2009, two months after Barry’s inauguration, 50 percent said they favored heavy taxes on the rich to redistribute wealth while 46 percent said they did not. On this past Wednesday in an effort to get more folks on his side, Barry delivered what has been described by many as his first campaign speech of the upcoming election season. In it he outlined his supposed plan for dealing with the national debt and calling for higher taxes on wealthier Americans. The Gallup survey on taxing the “rich” was completed two days before the president’s speech. I think that this poll can be offered up as being undeniable proof that Democrats simply are less willing to go out and expend the necessary effort to support themselves and are more willing to simply act as a parasite, leeching off those of us who do.

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