

Friday, April 29, 2011


They say that truth is stranger than fiction. And they also say that there's no honor among thieves. Which brings me to the current goings on up there in that bastion of liberal lunacy, Massachusetts, a place well known for various forms of collusion between corrupt unions and even more corrupt Democrat politicians that have been going on, I think it safe to say, for centuries. But change may now be in the wind. Things may now be starting to change, very slowly to be sure, but changing none the less. And definitely change for the better. Change that has been encouraged, in a manner of speaking, by a crisis scenario brought about by the need to control spending that simply cannot be maintained at current levels. A scenario that now has Democrats apparently much more willing to throw the greedy unions, at least there in Massachusetts, under the proverbial bus. Because Democrats in that state apparent have decided to now get in on the act of moving to curb excessive union power.

So it was then that the Democratic-controlled Massachusetts House of Representatives voted by 111-42 to strip health care bargaining rights from municipal workers. Can you believe it? As expected, throughout the run up to the vote, Unions had fought very hard in an effort to kill the bill. They carried out their battle through the use of radio ads and warnings to legislators that they were risking the loss of union backing in the next election, at least according to the Boston Globe. But I guess at least in this instance, the threats were all for naught. At least for the time being. To be honest, Massachusetts was the last place that I would have ever thought something like this would have taken place. And if it can happen there, then I'm sure union leaders every where have become very mindful that just such an occurrence is now possible anywhere and could very soon be visited upon them as this ripple effect continues.

“It’s pretty stunning,’’ Robert J. Haynes, president of the Massachusetts AFL-CIO said after the vote. “These are the same Democrats that all these labor unions elected; the same Democrats who we contributed to in their campaigns; the same Democrats who tell us over and over again that they’re with us, that they believe in collective bargaining, that they believe in unions. “It’s a done deal for our relationship with the people inside that chamber,” he added. Have you ever heard a bigger freakin crybaby than this loser? Did he really think that this highway robbery at the hands of union hacks would last forever? These unionized bloodsuckers have been screwing over the taxpayers for decades, and it never seems to be enough for them! More and more people, apparently even some Democrats, are now of the opinion that these parasites need to be responsible for covering a little bit more of their own expenses.

Democratic House Speaker Robert DeLeo said the move would save $100 million a year across the state. “By spending less on the health care costs of municipal employees, our cities and towns will be able to retain jobs and allot more funding to necessary services like education and public safety,’’ he said. Well, well, well. I never thought I would see the day when a Liberal Democrat, especially in Taxachusetts, would actually choose to take the side of the people instead of siding with the unions. Maybe there's hope for us after all. Things simply cannot be allowed to continue the way they have been if there is to be any hope of ever being able to salvage what's left of our country. People need to be convinced that we all need to be more accountable. And it is going to require much effort, and yes sacrifice, from each and every one of us if there is to be any hope of being able to pull this country up before it slams full speed into the deck. Like it or not we all have to be on the same team.

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