

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton is out there once again, plastering that ugly mug of his in front of any television camera in sight and grabbing any microphone that happens to be within reach. This time we find the preverbal "racist" pot stirrer in New Jersey where he has busied himself telling workers fighting for their jobs at a New Jersey residential center for severely disabled women, that it's wrong for governors like Gov. Chris Christie to balance state budgets on the backs of the "working class." Al urged the Vineland Developmental Center workers to demand justice not only for themselves but for the center's 350 residents. You tell 'em, Al. Man, his concern for these poor people brought a tear to my one good eye. NOT! I think it very safe to say that maybe, just maybe, old "Bull Horn" might have an over-inflated sense of importance. Blacks may buy into his poisonous rhetoric, and he may be welcomed on places like CNN and even Hannity's show on Fox News, but most reasonably intelligent people see him for exactly what he is, a race baiter and loudmouthed buffoon. And by the way, I think of myself as being a member of the "working class" and I'm getting damn sick and tired of having my taxes go to the paying of these folks as well as for their rather extravagant benefits packages. More often than not their benefits surpass my own, which by the way, I have to pay for as well.

But, old Al does seem to fancy himself as being some sort of spiritual spreader of the gospel, but what he is in reality is nothing more than a very prolific purveyor of hate, and one that never misses an opportunity to spread his rather unique brand of vile, and rather insidious, propaganda. I'm thinking that most likely he was ordained off the back of a cereal box. I mean really, here's a guy who takes an extreme amount of pleasure in doing nothing more than sowing the seeds of hate and discontent like some warped kind of modern day Johnny Appleseed. The sad thing is, is that he has been able to make a pretty good living from doing so. And in this most recent endeavor of his, he has joined forces by teaming up with some of your typical scumbag national union leaders and scheduled numerous events around the state of New Jersey in an attempt to smear that state's governor by drawing attention to the perceived hardships facing New Jersey's "working families." In all honesty, these "working families" are just more overpaid and underworked state workers who have, over time, become firmly affixed to the taxpayer teat and are now whining incessantly about much needed budget cuts that needed to be made in order for the state to be able to survive.

These Leftist Labor "leaders" just love to repeat over and over again how it is that proposed budget cuts are putting a squeeze on the middle-class and working families. These imbeciles couldn't care less about middle-class and working class families. What they're all about is the perpetuating of the typical Democrat mantra of victimization of the little guy that they see as being a systemic problem of our capitalist/free market driven economy. And what they really care about is the dues that they are then able to steal from these "working-class" people to fill their coffers. So therefore what is absolutely paramount to these union thugs is that the taxpayers must remain responsible for providing for the excessive pay and benefits of these folks so they in turn can continue forking over the bucks to these unions. Look, what got not only New Jersey in trouble, but the country as well, are the exorbitant salaries and benefits packages that these people have enjoyed for to many years on the backs of the taxpayers. It's time, Hell it's way passed time, for these parasites to start paying their own freight. Gov. Chris Christie's proposed budget calls for saving $1.6 million a year by shutting down this Vineland Developmental Center. The governor also wants to overhaul teacher tenure. Good for Governor Christi!

But never one to give up easily, our buddy Al has continues to sound like a broken record as he once again accused Gov. Christie of balancing the state budget on the backs of the working class as he spoke to workers at a southern New Jersey residential-care center for disabled women that faces a shutdown. Al was joined in this little endeavor by national union leaders Randi Weingarten of the "American Federation of Teachers" and Lee Saunders of the "American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees" for a rally in Vineland, one of several the trio is holding around the country. The group later met with state lawmakers in Trenton and attended a workers' rally in Newark. These hypocrites simply can no longer be on the receiving end of any amount of respect, they are not the ardent defenders of the little guys that they so loudly profess themselves to be. What they are, are the defenders of is of the current money making racket that they have created for themselves as a method of ripping people off in the form of union dues. Dues that can then be use to pay off guys like Al and any number of corrupt Democrat politicians.

"We have committed to going all over this country to deal with the reality that we cannot balance the deficits and the budgets that we didn't cause on the backs of working-class people," Al said. "They are not talking about shared sacrifice. They are talking about putting it all in one place." I find it very hard to believe that guys like Al actually believe the garbage that they so enthusiastically peddle to the weak minded masses. States are going broke and the closure of the Vineland Developmental Center would eliminate 1,450 full- and part-time jobs in the Vineland-Bridgeton-Millville region. Besides closing Vineland, Christie has also proposed overhauls to pension and health-care benefits that would require all public workers to pay more. He also proposed changing teacher tenure and tying teacher raises to student achievement, and frequently berates the teachers union for standing in the way of those proposals. He's doing what he was elected to do! Just like Scott Walker in Wisconsin and John Kasich in Ohio, these guys have budget crises in their respective states that require speedy action. Hence all of the squealing coming from these union hacks now that their gravy train may finally be coming off of the tracks.

The governor's office did not return a message for comment, and, I think, wisely so. Hell, I wouldn't either bother responding to this bigot either. Why provide a blowhard like Al with any level of credibility by choosing to respond to any of his idiotic accusations. He's a complete fraud and a low life that is totally undeserving of any response that might prove to enhance his reputation as being an individual possessing any level of character. There is no rationale whatsoever for the governor to chose to dignify Al or the nonsensical accusations he continues to spew with any sort of a response. Look, clowns like Al are simply enthralled with the sound of their own voices. To choose to respond is to do nothing more than to throw gasoline on the fire. The best tactic to use when dealing with this caliber of individual is to simply ignore them. These guys love to ramp up the rhetoric for no other reason than to try to get a rise out of people, and the more you ignore them the louder they seem to get. But that does alter the fact that ignoring them is often the best way to counter their endless drivel. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get Al so wound up that he'd simply vapor lock?

While in New Jersey, Al urged the workers at the Vineland Developmental Center to demand justice for themselves and the 350 severely disabled women who will be displaced if the center closes as planned. Christie's proposed budget calls for saving $1.6 million a year by shutting the center within two years. The west campus is on schedule to close June 30, with the east campus to follow in 2013. Felicia Zimmerman, 40, who has worked at Vineland 18 years, said it was the only job she has held since high school. Ok, Ms. Zimmerman, whose fault is that, exactly. Who was it that might have held a gun to this woman's pinhead and prevented her from perhaps going back to school so that she could maybe get another job. I'm sure there are any number of taxpayer funded programs in New Jersey that she would have been available for. But it was she, and she alone, who made the decision not to do so, no one else. "This is all I know," she said. "I'm scared to death." Too bad, so sad! It's time to grow up, Ms. Zimmerman. Welcome to the real world. That these public employees possess a mentality that allows them to see absolutely nothing wrong with their expecting taxpayers to cheerfully fork over the necessary funds to pay for their, often times, luxurious benefits, is freakin amazing. Those same taxpayers who, by the way, are also responsible for paying for such things as their own, usually very basic, healthcare and retirement plans.

Lee Saunders, AFSCME's international secretary-treasurer, said Christie was "dead wrong" about closing Vineland because the facility "provides essential services to the people who need them most." However, Human Services spokeswoman Nicole Brossoie said keeping people with developmental disabilities isolated in facilities like Vineland runs counter to a federal Supreme Court mandate. "Closure is being advanced to protect the civil rights of people with developmental disabilities, in particular their right to move out of institutions and into communities, as determined by the U.S. Supreme Court," she said. Wonder what Mr. Saunders, most likely a very big supporter of New Jersey liberal Supreme Court, has to say to that? These guys always stand up and cheer when some leftist court trounces the Constitution in their favor, and then whine when a decision goes against what it is that they are trying to do. They can't have it both ways, but it doesn't keep them from trying.

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