

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Somehow this is not how I would have thought that the Republicans would go about the generating of the level support that will be necessary if they are to have any hope be being able to assume control of the Senate in 2012. I'm just not feelin it. But hey, go figure, I have been proven wrong before, maybe this is a good strategy. But I just don't think so. What causes me a little concern here is the fact they we now have this rube, Senator Saxby Chambliss, who I guess fancies himself as being another "Maverick," saying that the U.S. House’s 2012 budget proposal submitted by fellow Republican Paul Ryan is “not going to work” because it relies too heavily on spending cuts and doesn’t raise tax revenue to help cut the deficit. What? I'm a little surprised that this would be the tactic of choice by those who, if you believe the political gurus, are supposed to be in a great position of taking back control of the Senate come the next election. Chambliss, though you wouldn't know it from these recent comments, is a Republican from Georgia. He is the co-leader of yet another bipartisan "gang," this time of six senators, who are supposedly busy crafting their own version of a debt-reduction plan that may redirect the budget debate as Congress faces fights over raising the federal debt limit and the fiscal 2012 budget. This stellar little group includes such notables as Senate Majority Whip "Little Dick" Durbin (D-Ill.) and fellow senators, Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), Mark Warner (D-Va.), Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) and Mike Crapo (R-Idaho). Chambliss and Tom Coburn, are, or so I'm told, personal friends of House Speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio), and Sen. Mike Crapo, is a close adviser to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). Kent Conrad, is the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee; and "Little Dick) Durbin, as we all know, is the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate and a close Barry ally. Warner is remembered as being the former governor who "famously" balanced the Virginia budget.

“Everything is on the table,” or so it is claimed by the esteemed Senator Chambliss. Adding that, “For a Republican to put revenues on the table is significant. For a Democrat to put entitlements on the table is significant. But Mark and I believe and know in our hearts that the only way we’re going to solve this problem is to have a dialogue about these issues.” Have you ever heard anything that sounded more ridiculous? Everything, despite what Saxby says, should not be on the table, certain things must be seen as being non-negotiable. And the raising of taxes is very much one of those things. I am curious though about how it came to be that old Saxby is now free to assume that he is able to speak for all Republicans? Sounds like he's doing little more than looking for a little time of his own out there in the limelight. As stated earlier, this group, which has laughably taken to calling itself the "Gang of Six," does include some of the Senate’s more influential members, men with close ties to Barry "Almighty" as well as GOP congressional leaders. Which is a little disconcerting when I hear comments like, “Are some people going to pay more in taxes? You bet,” as Chambliss said during a news conference in Atlanta yesterday after giving a speech to the Rotary Club. I'm not sure when this moron is up for re-election, but I think the GOP would be doing itself a huge favor if it were to start looking, and as soon as possible, for a solid conservative opponent to face off against old Saxby in a primary election next time around. At the same time, this clown called a proposal by Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, to privatize Medicare “very intriguing.” Very intriguing? In his speech to the Rotary group, Chambliss said the plan “could be the answer” to overhauling the federal health-care program for the elderly. Yup, could be! What a freakin simpleton!

What Ryan’s plan would do is to phase out Medicare and instead provide retirees with subsidies that would enable them to buy private health insurance. The budget proposal released April 5 by Ryan, a Republican from Wisconsin, would cut the federal deficit in coming years by about three-quarters. It would also reduce spending by roughly $6 trillion over the next decade and lower top individual and corporate tax rates from 35 percent to 25 percent. Our buddy Chambliss was of the opinion that some of tax exemptions would need to be eliminated in order to lower tax rates and increase revenue. I could be wrong, but somehow I just don’t think that Chambliss is smarter than Ryan, especially when it comes to complex budgetary issues. Chambliss, Warner and their group’s other four senators aim to address financing of Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Chambliss said their little gang is “getting close to an agreement” on its proposal, though he didn’t offer any specific details of their proposal. Of course not, because they don't have any, only more smoke and mirrors. Warner, who joined Chambliss at the Rotary Club, said, “If we can start this with a bipartisan plan, it increases the chance of success.” Look, any plan that comes out of this pathetic little group is not going to be taking the steps that need to be taken. There is no plan that has Democrat fingerprints on it that will as its purpose the getting done of what needs to get done. Republicans, all Republicans need to unite behind the Ryan plan, tweak it where it might be needed and force the scumbag Democrats to come up with a competing plan. If they can. Chambliss said Barry's plan, announced by an aide on April 10, to give a speech tomorrow to propose changes in Medicare and Medicaid was a “curve ball” for his group. DUH! “None of us knew until yesterday that the president was going to make any comment on the long-term deficit issue,” Chambliss said. I'd be willing to bet that the three Democrat members of the "gang" knew.

Jim Kessler, a vice president of the Democratic policy group Third Way in Washington, said Chambliss’s comments on taxes -- similar to the view among many Democrats that some tax increases will be needed to cut the deficit -- are important. “We’ve moved from slim to possible on a major deficit- reduction deal this Congress,” Kessler said. Again I ask, just who the Hell is Chambliss to be making such idiotic comments and saying that the raising of taxes as now being put on the table? Just who is he speaking for other than himself? Didn't we just agree, not all that long ago, to have the Bush cuts extended through 2012? What happened to all of the talk about making them permanent? Are the memories of these people that short? What's really scary is that we now have a Republican sounding very much like many Democrats. What's wrong with this picture? The possibility of ax increases should be nowhere near the ongoing discussions. The last thing that needs to be done is to further rob from the American people more than what is already being stolen from them by a very bloated government bureaucracy. There should be no one on the Republican side who is advocating an increase in taxes, for anyone! Except for maybe the Democrat created permanent parasite class who currently pay absolutely no federal income taxes but still get to take full advantage of all of the privileges and benefits provided to them because they are fortunate enough to live in this country.

The budget proposal Barry offered in February aims to reduce deficits by $1 trillion over coming years, though it didn’t offer proposals on Medicare, Medicaid or Social Security. Naturally Democrats say Ryan’s plan would balance the budget on the backs of the nation’s seniors and poor while granting tax breaks to the wealthy. Typical drivel we always hear from those on the Left. Warner has said his group is using a report last year by leaders of the Barry’s "bipartisan" deficit reduction commission as a basis for its discussions. The group’s co-chairmen were former president "BJ" Clinton's chief of staff Erskine Bowles and Republican former Wyoming Senator Alan " The RINO" Simpson. Once Barry provides his ideas in his coming speech, the debate among Republicans, Democrats and outside interest groups on restructuring the government’s finances will begin in earnest, said Simpson. “The savagery hasn’t even started,” he said in a phone interview yesterday. “When they see it getting closer and closer,” interest groups “will come out of the woodwork and shear the sheep,” Simpson said. Kessler said Barry’s speech offers “a great opportunity for him” to try to win back some of the momentum Republicans gained in negotiating a short-term budget deal that led to an April 8 agreement to cut about $38 billion in government spending. At the same time, Kessler said, “there’s a lot of his progressive base that’s not going to be happy."

So, the Republicans gained some momentum in the negotiating of the recent budget deal. Oh really? To expect any claims to be made by Barry about his finally being serious about getting spending under control is wishful thinking. This thug is addicted to the spending of ever larger amounts of money robbed from the American people. He will say anything in his attempt to convey to people that yes, he finally does get it. We need to control our level of spending and make the necessary cuts, no matter how drastic, in the attempt to get our fiscal house in order. But this is not what he believes. He is the consummate liar, for whom the end always justifies the means. He is not to be trusted in anything that he says. He is out to bankrupt us, plain and simple. And Republicans, if they are to have any hope of acquiring control of the Senate cannot afford to be seen as being accomplices in Barry's efforts to destroy this country. Because if the differences between the two parties are not made to be very stark, then why vote the Republicans instead of the Democrats?

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