

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Or, is it so much worse than that? Does he actually get it but simply chooses to ignore the fact that we are now flat broke? I have a very hard time trying to fathom that at a time when America's global credit is now nearly fully in the crapper, our president, Barack Hussein Obama, can still insist, as he did on Tuesday, on ignoring the harsh realities of what he must know needs to be done. He said that he remains confident that Washington has the political will to slash the massive U.S. debt, despite fierce, fundamental differences with the Republicans about how best to go about doing just that. Barry tried to sound so hopeful of compromise with GOP lawmakers, but he once again he just couldn’t resist and returned to what was nothing more than campaign-style rhetoric during his recent town hall event. And event that focused primarily on accusing the Republicans of offering nothing more than a bleak future for the poor, young and elderly with their budget proposals. Man, it nearly brought a tear to my one good eye. All of those poor unfortunate souls who are at the mercy of those evil, greedy and old white Republicans. But who was it that created those poor souls in the first place, making sure that they essentially became nothing more than wards of the state? Huh, that would be the DEMOCRATS!

Anyway, Barry seemed to be doing some pretty fancy tap dancing as he tried to assure financial markets and the watching world that, yes, the U.S. will get its act together to address its suffocating debt, while at the same time trying to convince the voters that only his plan would share the necessary pain fairly. Yes, above all else we must be fair and equitable in all that we do when seeking ways to remedy our pending insolvency. Which we all know is a crock! Republicans on the other hand didn't sound all that optimistic about reaching a compromise. But then we've heard all that before on the many other occasions and in the end they choose only to cave rather than face even the slightest amount of political pressure. House Speaker John Boehner announced Tuesday that he had picked House Majority Leader Eric Cantor to work with a White House commission on cutting spending. But in doing so, Boehner said, "The American people understand we can't keep spending money we don't have. The only ones who don't are the Democrats running Washington." That's a point that the Republicans are going to need to pound home every chance they get. Because like Barry, many Americans, especially those firmly affixed to the government teat, just don't get it even yet!

Trying to sound a bit more upbeat, our old buddy Barry said, "Here's the good news: I believe that Democrats and Republicans can come together to get this done." Speaking before what was a friendly crowd at Northern Virginia Community College outside Washington, he said, "There will be those who say that we're too divided, that partisanship is too stark. But I'm optimistic." He's also full of sh!t! With all his rosy talk of "compromise" what he neglected to mention, either on purpose or otherwise, was the new context which must now be applied to not only his comments, but to the entire budget process. That being a new warning that the federal government "must" rein in its out of control debt or risk losing its sterling credit rating, which could in turn further erode whatever economic recovery that may be presently underway. Remember now, it was on Monday that Standard and Poor's, a key credit rating agency, lowered its outlook for the government's fiscal health to "negative" amid sliding confidence in Washington's ability to deal with its debt. Gee, I can't imagine what might give them that idea. Do you?

Though the "bipartisan" debt negotiations, to be led by Vice President "Slow Joe" Biden, are set to begin on May 5, Republicans in the House and Senate are insisting they will not vote to raise the nation's fast-approaching borrowing limit unless Barry agrees to some substantial spending cuts now. Both Barry and the House Republicans have offered plans to trim trillions from yearly deficits over the next decade or so, but the plans are on opposite ends of the reality spectrum. And since we are all very well aware of how Barry and the Democrats define "bipartisan," what lies ahead could prove to be very interesting to say the least. However, fueled in part by an angry populace, Barry and the GOP do agree that cutting the nation's debt is essential for growth, stability and the well-being of the next generation, but deep differences do exist regarding the best way to go about dealing with the problem. Said Barry on Tuesday: "If we keep on spending more than we take in, it's going to cause serious damage to our economy." Duh? Where does he come with this stuff? Does he really think that we're so stupid that we won't see just who is it that has been behind all of the insane spending?

The annual government deficit for just this year alone is projected to be over $1.6 and will only get much worse as the baby boom generation retires and Medicare costs escalate even further. So what's left is the enormous chasm regarding how best to deal with what will be a rapidly worsening imbalance between money coming in and money going out. Barry continues on his little traveling propaganda spewing road show across the country this week doing his best to push his "road to ruin" plan for reducing defense spending and health care costs, increasing taxes on the wealthy and protecting priorities he deems as being untouchable. His pitch overlaps with the burgeoning 2012 presidential campaign, which could well be defined by this debate over just what the role of government needs to be. The House Republican blueprint would overhaul Medicare and Medicaid, cut the top income tax rate but eliminate some tax breaks and shrink most discretionary spending to where it was before Barry "Almighty" took office in 2009. Which is not quite how our buddy Barry feels about things and making his feelings perfectly clear in the recent town hall, as he took very specific aim at that very notion.

On the transportation front, for example, our "Community Agitator-in-Chief" said, "Well, so what, we cut transportation by a third, and what's going to happen to America? We're just going to have potholes everywhere? We're just going to have bridges collapsing everywhere?" Just what the Hell does he think, that we can simply go on spending with reckless abandon and not worry about any of the consequences? What a warped mentality! Am I the only one who sees this pathetic nonsense for what it is? This isn't even a rational argument to begin with. It's nothing more than a wink-wink, nod-nod to all of his unions buddies. And you've got a crowd of imbecilic college twerps lapping it all up. And so it went, with his making overly simplistic comments which are sure to be repeated ad nauseam during any number of town halls yet to come where other crowds of morons have gathered together to hear their Messiah speak, whether it's this week or during any number of months out into the future. Barry accused and will continue to accuse, those mean old Republicans of wanting to simply cut taxes for all of those evil "rich" folks all at the expense of early education for our kids or health care for seniors, poor kids and the disabled. "That's not who we are as a country," he said. "We're better than that." We're also broke! A point he didn't bother to mention.

Working to create a campaign atmosphere, he made his appeal to the student-dominated crowd asking that they help him, not overtly with his re-election, but instead by backing him in what he sees as the coming fight. That's right, always turn to the stupid and uninformed when you see that you're in trouble. This guy is a real sack of sleaze. "There's a way to solve this deficit problem in an intelligent way that is fair and shares sacrifices so that we can share opportunity all across America," Barry said. "But I can't do that if your voices are not heard. There are powerful voices in Washington; there are powerful lobbies and special interests in Washington. And they're going to want to reduce the deficit on your backs." Yup, Barry's way is the only intelligent way, what a freaking crock. And by the way, if it's anybody who should know about the powerful lobbies and special interests in Washington, that would our "Fearless Leader," Barack Hussein Obama. The campaign has barely gotten underway and already he's reverting to his standard method of requesting that his mind-numbed supporters go out and get in the faces of those who dare to disagree. What a guy! What a jerk! What an asshole!

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