

Friday, April 8, 2011


Have you heard about Barry's solution for the rising price of gas? Apparently after giving the matter a lot of serious thought, he has now come up with what is his idea of what a bonafide energy policy should look like and he has now officially announced it as being "THE" solution for dealing with the rapidly rising price of gas. And what is this earth-shattering solution of his? Why, it's so simple I don't know why any of us mere mortals didn't think of it first, but then none of us are quite as smart as Barry. The solution is...(drum roll)...trade in your car! Problem solved, right? No wonder he's the president! I guess all of those morons in the state-controlled media were right after all, this guy is a flaming……genius! Anyway, the announcement came as Barry was busy out pitching the promise of energy independence, albeit with a bit of a caveat. He did caution us all at the same time, this past Wednesday, when he said that it’s going to be tough to transition from America’s oil-dependent economy and he acknowledged that there’s little he can do to lower gas prices over the short term. Let’s face it folks, our "community agitator" of a president is not going to be doing anything anytime soon that would ultimately result in lower gas prices! Why? Because he doesn’t care how high prices go, it's exactly what he wants to have happen. But, on the other hand, what he is willing to do is to provide Brazil with a substantial amount of American taxpayer money so that it can go about drilling offshore, going so far as to tell the Brazilians that America wants to be their best customer. So what is it exactly that makes it ok for Brazil to drill off of their coast but not ok for us to drill off of ours. Do they do it any safer than we do it, or is it because of something different entirely? I'm kinda confused.

“I’m just going to be honest with you. There’s not much we can do next week or two weeks from now,” Barry told workers at, of all places, a wind turbine plant. A wind turbine plant, I'm glad to see he's out there supporting such viable methods of generating electricity! But I can't help wondering just how much of my tax money this place is probably walking away with in the form of Barry subsidies. Look, even on his best day, Barry hasn’t been honest with any of us since well before he decided to run for president. He is a complete fraud and all of this faux concern over gas prices and the impact they are having on the lives of everyday Americans, has become nothing more to him than some sick joke. But it remains a continuing theme that Barry’s struck on before as he tries to prove to voters that he’s very attuned to a top economic concern as gas prices push toward $4 a gallon. He claims that he feels our pain because he remembers what it was like to pump gas. OH REALLY? But with what can only be described as his rabid fanaticism regarding "green technology," I think it very fair to say that we shouldn't be expecting anything to be forthcoming from the White House that will, in any realistic way, deal with escalating gas prices. As far as they are concerned, the higher the better! At a time when the price of nearly everything is rising, gas is taking a bigger and bigger bite out of what disposable income most Americans have left. Barry's stubborn refusal to drill here at home in an attempt to alleviate some of that burden is only continuing to make matters worse. And with the price of diesel now averaging over 4 dollars a gallon, there is going to be even more of a direct impact on the price of food as well as anything else that is transported by truck. And yet, what to we get from our stellar president? Absolutely no leadership on the issue and the making of stupid, and sophomoric wisecracks! What a guy!

Barry has said on any number of occasions that he wants to move toward “a future where America is less dependent on foreign oil, more reliant on clean energy produced by workers like you.” I'm so tired of hearing this crap, he's sounding more and more like nothing but a broken record. And like I said, he has absolutely no intention of doing anything that will bring about lower gas prices, because ever higher gas prices are all part of his master plan to bring about a financial crisis the size of which will frighten Americans to the point where they will be only too happy to have the government step in assume even more control of their lives. Hence the problem continues to be allowed to grow unabated while receiving nothing more than lip service from our president. According to Barry, becoming less dependent will only come about by us reducing our oil imports, tapping domestic energy sources and shifting the nation to renewable and less polluting sources of energy, such as wind, or so Barry just loves to say over and over ad nauseam. He has set an arbitrary goal of reducing oil imports by one-third by 2025. Does any part of that plan include the allowing of any new drilling here at home? Of course not! What other country on the planet finds itself sitting atop vast oil reserves and chooses to do nothing but to leave it in the ground as the price rockets skyward? Ah, that would be NOBODY! It just seems crazy to me that at a time when we have Mexico, Cuba, Russia, China and even India all having plans to drill in the Gulf, we're sitting on the sidelines with our thumb up our butt. Is it me? Am I missing something here?

Barry has said that our becoming less dependent isn’t going to be something that will happen overnight adding that if any politician says it’s easy, “they’re not telling the truth.” Ok, when was the last time you can remember where we could count on Barry to tell us the truth, about anything? How about NEVER! We cannot afford to assume that Barry is telling us the truth, because that's just the kind of guy that he is. “Gas prices? They’re going to still fluctuate until we can start making these broader changes, and that’s going to take a couple of years to have serious effect,” Barry said. A couple of years? So just how high is he willing to let gas prices go in the next two years? I think most Americans are able to see through all of the nonsensical rhetoric and readily recognize the blather coming from Barry as he seems to be the going about of intentionally making things worse, much worse. He even went so far as to needle a questioner at his most recent outing who asked about gas prices, now averaging close to $3.70 a gallon nationwide. Barry made what he apparently thought was a joke when he suggested that the gentleman consider getting rid of his gas-guzzling vehicle. “If you’re complaining about the price of gas and you’re only getting 8 miles a gallon, you know,” Barry said laughingly. “You might want to think about a trade-in.” What an un-presidential, even asshole, thing to say. The arrogance of this guy just never ceases to amaze me. He's busy laughing while average Americans are suffering. People are spending upwards of 70 dollars just to fill up the gas tank of the average family car. I'm glad he can see the humor in this, because, frankly, I sure as Hell can't.

The president was spewing all of this mind numbing drivel and cracking stupid jokes while at a town hall meeting at a place called the Gamesa Technology Corp., a Spanish company, yes I said a Spanish company, that makes giant turbines that use wind to generate electricity. According to the White House, it is the first overseas company of its kind to set up shop in the U.S. Now that little fact alone should tell you something. Because other than here in America where would this company be able to find someone stupid enough to throw around extravagant amounts of taxpayer money for the specific purpose of subsidizing companies for the ludicrous reason being that they build wind turbines. So as fuel prices rise because of both a growing demand and the continued unraveling of the oil-producing nations in North Africa and the Middle East, drivers continue to feel severely pinched at the pump. Republicans blame Barry and his policies, or lack of, and rightly so, while he, in turn, is striving to show the public that he truly does get it. But either he doesn't get it, or he just doesn't care. And right now I'm on the side that he just doesn't care. It's not like he's out there paying nearly 4 dollars a gallon. Gasoline prices rose another 2 cents Tuesday to a new national average of just over $3.68 a gallon, and is expected to take another big jump next week, at least according to AAA and other sources. Barry’s visit to Gamesa was his fourth energy event since March 11. He’s scheduled a fifth for Friday in Indianapolis. Barry argues that shifting to cleaner and domestic energy sources will help create jobs and boost U.S. competitiveness. He's doing noting but talking out his ass. It’s a stupid argument that he insists on using all in an effort to create a worsening economy that he see as making it easier to expand the role of government in just about everything. IT'S ALL JUST PART OF THE PLAN. "HOPE AND CHANGE?"

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