

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Just as the "Star Wars" spaceport of Mos Eisley was so accurately described as being a "wretched hive of scum and villainy," sadly, much the same thing can be said of today's United Nations. Having now pretty much degenerated into what is nothing more than a somewhat odd assortment of thugs, murderers, thieves and all manner of slimy characters imaginable, the United Nations of today has wondered very far from those lofty aspirations when pen was first put to paper in the drafting of its charter. Most of the member states these days who have come to comprise this organization of ill repute, have become pretty far removed from the whole concept of advancing freedom and human rights across the globe. It has now gotten to the point where to even imply that such a thing remains the stated goal of this conglomeration of freaks, is nothing more than obscene work of fiction. And it would now appear that the U.N. has acquired a very powerful ally in its ongoing endeavor to squelch individual freedom and any number of human rights wherever it may find them. And of course that new found ally of the U.N. is none other than the current president of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama.

As outlined in the book, “Underdogma,” written by Michael Prell, here are just a few classic examples that very clearly show what a fraudulent organization this cesspool of corruption has become:

1. On March 4, 2004 the United Nations elevated Sudan to full membership on the U.N.’s Commission on Human Rights. Now keep in mind this happened in the very same year that the New York Times ran a story which described Sudan’s ethnic cleansing of Darfur as, “some 1,000 people are being killed a week, tribeswomen are being systematically raped, 700,000 people have been driven from their homes, and Sudan’s Army is even bombing survivors.”

2. Then on April 21, 2006 the U.N. chose to bestow the honor of “Champion of the Earth” on “Screaming Mary,” the chief Iranian propagandist during the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis. When “asked by ABC News correspondent whether she could see herself picking up a gun and killing the American hostages, she replied, ‘Yes.’”

3. It was in 2005, on November 9 that the U.N. hosted the “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.” There was a map at the head of the room that was flanked by the Palestinian and U.N. flags, and that map showed, or failed to show, Israel wiped from it. The gathered dignitaries, including the then Secretary-General and president of the U.N. Security Council, stand and observe a “moment of silence ‘for all those who had given their lives for the Palestinian people’ which would include suicide bombers.”

4. And on November 14, 2007 the United Nations went so far as to praise Cuba as “a world model in feeding its population.”

5. Then came March 18, 2008. It was on that day that Chinese soldiers slaughtered Tibetan monks, who were doing nothing more than seeking the very rights enumerated by the U.N.’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. And the U.N.’s reaction to this travesty? “U.N. Security Council members are carefully avoiding the subject, saying yesterday that the issue ‘does not belong’ in U.N. deliberations.” It was just three short months after the slaughter of these monks at the hand of the Chinese military, on June 19, 2008, that the UN elevated China to full membership on the United Nations Human Rights Council.

6. On June 5, 2008 less than a year after Burma slaughtered thousands of monks ad other pro-democracy campaigners, and less than a month after Burma allowed nearly 100,000 of its citizens to perish in the wake of a deadly cyclone, the United Nations elevated Burma to the post of vice president of the U.N. General Assembly.

7. It was on June 16, 2008, after the President of Iran calls its neighbor Israel a “stinking corpse” that will “soon disappear” and “be wiped off the earth’s face” that the United Nations praised Iran, saying, “we have long been witnessing humanitarian efforts graciously made by Iran to helps its neighbors.”

8. On June 19, 2008 The U.N. lends its, and UNICEF’s, credibility to a Saudi-based charity linked to terror groups. “An Islamic charity with ties to Al Qaeda and the Taliban is now collaborating with an unlikely new partner, UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund.”

9. But there’s more. On February 13, 2009 the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) institutes a “peer review” system for human rights issues. But because more than half of UNHRC members “fall short of these basic democracy standards,” tyrants wind up reviewing tyrants. For example when Iran praised China, the world’s most prolific executioner, according to Amnesty International, for its “strong commitment to human rights.”

10. And our last example is one that took place on April 28, 2010. “Iran was elected, through a vote of acclamation, as a member on the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), an influential body committed to promoting gender equality, even though “women are not treated equally before the law in Iran and are especially vulnerable to the judicial system. A women’s testimony is worth half that of a man.” In Iran, women are stoned to death for the “crime” of adultery. Since a wife’s testimony is worth less than her husband’s, some “husbands turn wives in to get out of a marriage.” And as reported by the Global Campaign to Stop Killing and Stoning Women (SKSW), “most stoning sentences in Iran are issued not on the basis of testimony or confession but on the judge’s ‘knowledge’ or ‘intuition.’ Article 105 of the Islamic Penal Code of Iran allows a single judge to rule according to his personal opinion instead of hard evidence.”

These are but a few examples of just how corrupted this organization has become. Although the United Nations was founded in America, is headquartered in America, and is largely funded by America, the U.N. has become a virtual factory of anti-Americanism. For those of you who might doubt this assessment, there is a way to quantify this claim. All one has to do is to this is to track the U.N. votes on American resolutions at the U.N. concerning issues like Humanitarian relief, peace and security, terrorism, disarmament, economic and social development and human rights. In 2005, the U.N. voted against America in non-consensus votes 75% of the time. The year before, it was 76.7%. A 2007 study found that even “most recipients of U.S. assistance vote against the U.S. more often than they vote with the U.S.,” with 72.3% of the thirty largest recipients of U.S. aid voting against the United States of America. I would say that that is grounds for ceasing any and all payments of aid to anyone who sees it as being advantageous to them to take sides against us. The receiving of aid from America by anyone, should be completely contingent upon their willingness to support us at the U.N.. If they cannot bring themselves to do that, then they need to be put on notice that the foreign aid spigot, as far as they are concerned, will be turned off tight. Why should we the U.S. taxpayers be asked to subsidize those who only choose to make our efforts at maintaining some sort of stability in the world that much more difficult?

Since its inception back in 1945, this dysfunctional cadre of miscreants has had as its basic philosophy, one that has been both enthusiastically anti-American and blatantly pro-totalitarian. The U.S. Declaration of Independence, as we students of history are very well aware, proclaims the “self-evident” truth that “men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights.” However, when looking over the U.N.’s Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, one sees that there is a rather glaring absence in that the U.N. specifically ignores God’s existence and goes on to imply that the U.N. is the sole entity responsible for the granting of rights that repeatedly claims the power “as provided by law” to cancel them out of existence if it sees fit to do so. If any government can place restrictions on such fundamental human rights as freedom of speech, the right to keep and bear arms, freedoms of the press, association, movement, and religion, then as it has been demonstrated by member states, then very soon there will be no such freedoms anywhere except for those in positions of power. Power no matter how illegitimate and that has been gained by whatever unsavory methods thought to be necessary.

When looking back at the very beginning, we see that the U.N. was founded by a group made up of those who were essentially Communists and Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) members. Their common goal was to go about working toward the creation of a socialist world government. Sixteen of the key U.S. officials who took part in shaping the policies that lead up to the creation of the U.N. were later exposed in sworn testimony as being secret Communists. These included Alger Hiss, chief planner of the 1945 founding conference, and the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Harry Dexter White. The Soviet Union under Stalin and the entire Communist Party USA apparatus worked tirelessly to launch the U.N.. Since it’s beginning in 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has always worked toward the successful establishment of a world government. The key CFR founder, Edward Mandell House, in his book, "Philip Dru: Administrator," called for “Socialism as dreamed of by Karl Marx.” The CFR was an early promoter of the U.N., and 43 members of the U.S. delegation at the U.N. founding conference were or would become CFR members.

Over the course of the last 60+ years, the political architecture as well as the political mathematics of the United Nations, have both changed, and rather dramatically. Not only has the number of non-permanent members in the Security Council been increased from six to 10, but Third World countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East now hold the pivotal position in the General Assembly once held by Latin America. They have essentially hijacked the U.N. and transformed it into one of the most anti-Western, anti-American, anti-Semitic and anti-democratic organizations on the entire planet. Whatever usefulness the U.N. may have had in its early years, and that is a debatable point, it has by now been thoroughly dissipated by its descending into an abyss of indecency and irresponsibility in later years. A case in point is its incessant denunciations of Israel, to which it gave birth and legitimacy when it adopted the Palestine partition resolution in November 1947.

Palestine and Israel aside, really important events, such as America’s recognition of Communist China, the ending of the Korean and Vietnam wars, and the defusing of the Cuban missile crisis, were settled not by the United Nations but by diplomats operating outside the world organization. To those who would say that America’s jettisoning the United Nations would mean its return to pre-Second World War isolationism, one should answer that in the age of the computer, the Internet, and airplane travel, the United States would actually be in a position to better defend its interests and still be part of the world utilizing the old-fashioned methods of ambassadorial diplomacy, summit meetings, trade talks, cultural and scientific exchanges, and bilateral and multilateral treaties. Why should we being willing to continue on with this nonsensical organization and taking part in what is nothing more than a charade? Personally I'm getting more than a little tired of repeatedly getting knifed in the back by any number of allies and enemies alike who are part of this worthless organization. It's simply time for us to leave. We need to move on and welcome any democracy that wishes to join us.

If, and when, a more realistic administration comes to Washington, one of its very first moves should be starting the legal and administrative process of extracting the United States from the United Nations, and the United Nations from the United States. Surely, America can find better domestic uses for the amount of money that it doles out to the U.N., uses that would provide much more of a return on the investment made. Now more than ever with what appears to be a Barry "Almighty" Administration that is more than willing to subjugate the Constitution to the whims of corrupt third-word despots and dictators, the time has now come for the U.S. to sever all ties. Whether it relates to the U.N.’s International Panel on Climate Change, (IPCC) reports that the world faced catastrophe from “global warming” with resultant sea level changes and portents of doom based on dubious science, the truth is finally out. The vast majority of their data was faked as reported by the “Climate Gate Scandal” resulting from leaked documents and E-mails from IPCC scientists. This is a far bigger story than transfer of United States wealth through bogus Cap and Trade schemes, it’s about a current U.S. President who sees himself as a globalist and a willing participant in, if not advocate for the U.N.’s very questionable agenda.

With the United States rapidly creating the largest deficits in our history, Barry "Almighty" has committed $30 Billion to U.N. projects. Barry’s redistribution plans include income redistribution from the U.S. Taxpayer for among other things: 1) Funnel $63 billion to the Global Health Initiative during the next six years, 2) Make $1 billion annually to education programs, 3) Give $475 million to the Global Agricultural and Food Security Program, 4) Provide $800 million from the Overseas Private Investment Corporation to Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East and North Africa. An additional $3.2 billion will be provided by private equity capital sources to these Muslim nations, 5) Make millions more available through USAID for developing tech hubs in Uganda, Kenya, Cameroon, South Africa, and Senegal, 6) Provide $80 million through the Overseas Private Investment Corporation for small to medium enterprises in the Middle East and North Africa, 7) Provide $2.5 billion annually to 90 countries to “strengthen governance and democratic institutions,” 8) Give $1.05 billion to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, 9) Give $30 billion through the Barry’s Climate Change Initiative to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, $100 billion a year will be provided through taxpayer and private resources to deal with the alleged threat of bogus global climate change.

What should cause outrage in every single American, because I know it sure ticks me off, is how the United States has become the piggy bank for this band of outlaws. The sad fact is that The United States is assessed at 22% of the U.N. regular budget and more than 27% for U.N. peacekeeping budget. Barry requested $516.3 million for the U.N. regular budget and more than $2.182 billion for the peacekeeping budget for 2011. The United States is also assessed for numerous other United Nations organizations as well. More than $6.347 billion went to U.N. organizations in fiscal year 2009. The United States provides money to the U.N. through the State Department, Department of Agriculture, Department of Energy, Department of Health and Human Services, and more. The U.S. taxpayer is literally being forced to pay Billions to an inefficient, as well as extremely ineffective, organization run by corrupt world leaders who, like our very own president, have a deep seated hatred for America and its free market system. This doesn’t make any sense when we have only one vote in the General Assembly. There is nothing positive that comes out of us continuing to be a part of this pathetic organization. It just serves no useful purpose for any country that calls itself a democracy to remain a member of a group which to its very foundation opposes anything that enhances the freedom of individuals everywhere.

And I am sure that the majority are very well aware of the fact that our current administration is no fan of the Second Amendment. So with that being the case it should come as no U.S. Agrees to timetable for the U.N. Gun Ban Legislation. The United Nations and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton are moving forward with their plan to confiscate your guns. This unproven claim has been widely circulated on the Internet. Factually, District of Columbia v. Heller, 26 June 2008: The enshrinement of constitutional rights necessarily takes certain policy choices off the table. These include the absolute prohibition of handguns held and used for self-defense in the home. The United States joined 152 other countries in support of the Arms Trade Treaty Resolution, which establishes the dates for the 2012 U.N. conference intended to attack American sovereignty by stripping Americans of the right to keep and bear arms. On June 28, 2010 in McDonald v. Chicago the Supreme Court again upheld the Second Amendment. Would this administration sign said proposal if it were to fall under the control of the U.N.? With our Constitution no longer relevant that would be a safe bet.

The Barry "Almighty" administration has gone so far as to include the Arizona state immigration law in a report of human rights abuses to the U.N.. And we have the Barry State Department standing by this decision thus paving the way for numerous costly law suits filed by U.N. countries, against Arizona. Look, as much as it would wish it so, the U.N. has absolutely NO jurisdiction whatsoever over a sovereign state within the United States of America. Given the fact that nations with horrific human rights violations such as Cuba, North Korea, Communist Red China, Venezuela, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and many others are allowed to sit on human rights panels at the U.N., the fact that Arizona would even be mentioned is nothing more than a sick farce. Most of the above countries will not allow Amnesty International to monitor human rights in these locations. Suffice to say, female genital mutilation, pedophilia and marriage to child brides, amputations, hangings, stoning deaths pale in comparison to Arizona’s law which is merely declaring it’s sovereignty to uphold the federal law it mimics which the administration of Barack Hussein Obama fails to do. Second, a foreign nation has no business even being allowed to file a brief in a U.S. court of law against one of our own states. They should be laughed right out of the court room. Apparently, only if you are not an ardent and incorrigible globalist in favor of world governance under a dominant U.N. would you even consider such a thing as being a total outrage. Perhaps the only question that remains to be answered is should the current administration of progressives along with Barry himself, be asked to leave U.S. soil at the same time ties are severed with the U.N..

This whole exercise in stupidity simply cannot be permitted to go on. Does it make any sense to anyone that we should remain an active participant in this group that so obviously goes against the values of most Americans? This is a criminal organization and it should be treated as such and should be asked to leave. It should therefore be provided with a specific date and time by which it needs to have completely vacated this country. I think it would be much more at home in some European country, or maybe someplace like Geneva, for instance. I'm sure the prime real estate that it presently occupies in Manhattan could be put to much better use. Sell it to Trump, let him build a hotel or something. Hell, even the building of a Super Wal-Mart would be a way to better use of the property where the U.N. Building presently stands.

Additional sources of information regarding this dysfunctional organization include:
Inside the Asylum by Jed Babbin
Tower of Babble by Dore Gold
The Beast on the East River by Nathan Tabor
The U.N. Exposed by Eric Shawn
Surrender is not an Option by Ambassador John Bolton

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