

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Never one to be content with minding his own business as well as being routinely compelled to throw any amount of gasoline on whatever smoldering embers he may come across, our illustrious president, Barack Hussein Obama is once again busying himself with stirring the proverbial pot. While you would think he would have much bigger problems to deal with, I guess that is just not the case. Barry should be tending to the problems this country is presently experiencing not only on a national level, but also a global level, but he’d rather stick his unwanted nose into the ongoing business of various states. However, he is always careful to keep himself somewhat out of sight, manipulating the strings from behind the curtain. He chooses to send out any number of his empty-headed minions all in an effort to cause as much hate and discontent as is possible. He does so in the hopes that the resulting outcome will produce a positive political outcome for both himself and his corrupt political party. He is perfectly willing condone the juvenile behavior exhibited by those Democrats presently hiding out in Illinois, who have taken it upon themselves to completely ignore the will of the people. But what else is new for Democrats. To them the people are too stupid to know what’s best for them. The governor and the Republicans in the state house were duly elected after running on the specific platform, a platform that outlined exactly what it was that they intended to do if they were to win the election. They won, and are now doing nothing more than what they promised they would do. Yet the Democrats, always the first postulate about elections having consequences, don’t seem to ever be willing to accept the fact that they had their butts handed to them. So instead of accepting their defeat like adults they choose instead to act like spoiled children. And even though they lost, they still feel that they are entitled to be able to dictate policy.

The most recent example of Barry’s persistent incursions into state business, took place in the form of a conference call this past week involving the Communications Workers of America (CWA). It was during this call that Barry’s imbecilic U.S. Labor Secretary, Hilda Solis, voiced encouragement to these unionized parasites everywhere to maintain the fight no matter what, that they are deserving of their extremely costly benefits that are funded through public funds. These leeches are presently bleeding any number of states dry through their demands for ever more costly “benefits.” She enthusiastically expressed that the Barry “Almighty” administration remains a staunch supporter of the unionized public employee who are fighting Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed budget legislation. “Let’s keep fighting,” Solis reportedly told CWA president Larry Cohen with thousands of union members listening on the call. “I‘m very excited to hear about the enthusiasm that’s going on in Wisconsin and around the country,” Solis said. “I am so inspired and proud of all of you, especially those who went down to Wisconsin and also around the country.” So I guess it matters very little to these clones that the reason the governor is in his present predicament is because his state is over $3 BILLION in the red. And a very big reason for that problem is a direct result of demands made by the public employee unions. And it is these people with whom this bimbo is so proudly proclaiming that the Barry administration is proud to stand with in solidarity. One thing that this clown chooses to ignore is the fact while governor has the courage to do what is necessary, Barry has chose to take the cowards way out and do absolutely nothing about nation’s growing debt.

Washington Examiner’s Byron York reports that on more than one occasion, Secretary Solis has cheerfully referred to herself as part of the pro-union, anti-Walker cause. “I say let’s keep fighting,” Solis said, “let’s stand up for all workers, and let’s mobilize and do what we do best, and that is to make sure that the American public understands that union rights are no different from human rights.” As much as these people would like it to be so, collective bargaining, which is what is at the bottom of the current standoff in Wisconsin, is not a right, human or otherwise. On yet another occasion, Solis said, “We are willing to meet those folks at the table,” referring to Gov. Walker and the Republican legislative majority in Wisconsin. At the end of Solis’ remarks, Cohen, the CWA president, said, “I think all of us feel like those were historic words, for a member of the cabinet standing with us as clearly as you do, and, as you remind me, speaking for the president.” So while Barry works to keep a low profile and does his best to remain in the shadows, he sends people like this Solis character out to speak in his “absence.” His hope is to feed the frenzy that he sees as being conducive to bringing about a more friendly “political climate” for Democrats in time for 2012. Because victory at any cost is what’s paramount to these sleazy and very corrupt Democrats. It matters not to these people that the amount of money involved here, when discussing the budgetary shortfalls on the state level, has “got to be reduced.” One facet of this reduction in spending is to begin to have public employees begin paying their fair share of the cost of their benefits. And as much as the Democrats, including Barry, would like it to be so, tax hikes are not the answer. The answer is to CUT SPENDING!

After making the idiotic statement early in the Wisconsin standoff that Governor Walker’s proposed limits on collective bargaining represented “an assault on unions,” Barry has stayed largely quiet about the Wisconsin standoff, as have most administration officials. But as things continue, and those sniveling Democrat State Senators remain in hiding somewhere in Illinois, the administration is once again getting a little more vocal regarding its willingness to openly side with the public employee unions. But just what is it that encompasses the real job of the Secretary of Labor? Well, as Labor Secretary, Solis’ job is supposed to be one “to foster, promote, and develop the welfare of the wage earners, job seekers, and retirees of the United States,” at least according to the Department’s website. The mission statement actually makes no mention of unions whatsoever. “The Labor Department should not represent only that part of the workforce that is unionized,” Elaine Chao, Labor Secretary under George W. Bush, told the Washington Examiner earlier this week. “It should be responsible for the overall welfare of the entire American workforce.” Last weekend, Solis also spoke at the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) winter meeting in Washington and praised “our brothers and sisters in public employee unions” who are “under assault” in Wisconsin and elsewhere. Let’s be honest here, there is no one who is under assault here. And I think it is extremely unfair for these greedy, unionized public employees, who make nearly twice as much as those of us in the private sector, to expect not to contribute a fair amount for their own benefits. Why should I be put in the position of having to not only cover the cost of my health insurance and retirement, but theirs as well?

So the bottom line here is that we have an administration which is determined to undermine the authority of governors who are only trying their best to do what is best for the people of their respective states. And while Barry may not be the most visible player in the continuing political game, we must not be naïve enough to think that those voices out in front are being orchestrated by the made behind the curtain, Barry “Almighty.” He may wish to keep his hands clean in all of this, but we must not allow him that luxury. He is a political thug, nothing more, nothing less.

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