

Monday, March 7, 2011


Even the most naïve among us should be able to readily recognize the fact that the Democrats, of which “Little Dick” is one, are far from being serious when it comes to making the level of spending cuts that we all know have now become essential. Let’s face it, it is “Little Dick” and his fellow socialists who are responsible for our present level of debt which is a direct result of they’re having been spending like drunken…Liberals. So it is then that our Senate Majority Whip “Little Dick” Durbin, D-Ill., yes, that same “Little Dick” who fondly refers to our soldiers as Nazis, refuses to say whether Democrats are willing to slash more than the $10 Billion in cuts they’ve offered to House Republicans. The Republicans have rejected the proposal as being a nonstarter and totaling insufficient, or so Politico reports. “You can’t balance the budget of America by cutting education, research and innovation, and basic investment of the infrastructure of America’s future. It can’t be done,” “Little Dick” whined on “Fox News Sunday.” “What I’m saying is that if you think you’re going to balance the budget by cutting [domestic, discretionary spending] down to balance, it is literally, figuratively impossible.” So says a Democrat whose only plan ever, is to simply raise taxes. Raise taxes on individuals, corporations and taxes on anything else they can think of. The philosophy of most Democrats is one that puts forward the notion that government spending must never, ever be reduced.

House Republicans passed a bill that would cut $61 billion in spending for the remaining seven months of the current fiscal year, which was something that “Little Dick” and his fellow Democrats said was something that they saw as being simply too severe. Democrats countered Friday with a much more “modest” proposal, of $10 billion in cuts, which in the big scheme of things, is essentially nothing more than a drop in the bucket. The Senate is set to take up both the Democratic and Republican packages, though, according to “Dingy” Harry Reid, neither is likely to get the 60 votes required to pass. The two sides have two weeks to agree on a plan before a potential shutdown of the government. A government shutdown that “Little Dick” and his boss “Dingy” Harry are actually working very hard to bring about. Which is something that should be obvious to anyone who has been paying any amount of attention, because for months now the loudest voices “warning” of a government shutdown have been coming from the Democrats. They’re out there trumpeting how a government shutdown is inevitable because they see that event as being political advantageous to them. So it is then that the Democrats are the ones now working overtime to bring just such an event to fruition.

Appearing with “Little Dick” on the Fox News Sunday show, was Texas Rep. Jeb Hensarling, chairman of the House Republican Conference, who took the opportunity to rightfully place blame for the high 8.9 percent unemployment rate, which is actually much closer to around 17 percent, squarely where it belongs, with “Little Dick” the Democrats. And he also made it painfully clear that the Democrats are at fault here for their failure to make any kind of a serious attempt to aggressively tackle our huge debt. Debt, as I have already said, they themselves have created! “High levels of indebtedness are going to lead to high levels of high levels of taxation, which lead to high levels of unemployment. If you really want people to have paychecks instead of government checks, we’ve got to put the nation on a fiscally sustainable course,” Hensarling said. “When Dick [Durbin] accuses us of draconian cuts, this is 2.5 percent roughly of the entire federal budget," Hensarling added. "They are willing to do nothing.” That’s a fact, the Democrats want to do nothing. Their plan is to do nothing. For proof of that one need look no further than Barry’s budget, which was a joke that does nothing to address our current fiscal mess. There has been no leadership whatsoever that has come from out “community agitator” president regarding the need to rein in spending.

Both “Little Dick” and Rep. Hensarling served on Barry’s bogus debt and deficit commission and voted for the group’s recommendations. And now “Little Dick” claims to be heading up some “bipartisan” group of six senators that is now negotiating a way to implement elements of the debt commission’s plan. I’m not sure of the membership of this little group, so I am a little curious as to just how many useless RINOs might be taking part in it. “We are trying to come up with a comprehensive way to do it, not about the bragging rights for the next six or seven months,” “Little Dick” said, “but whether we can have a sensible way that brings us down to the point that Jeb and I agree on.” Let’s face it, “Little Dick” and his fellow Democrats have absolutely no intention of agreeing to anything that would come anywhere near approaching what is actually needed to get this country back on sound fiscal footing. There is a complete lack of seriousness when it comes to any Democrat willingness to seriously address our present debt crisis. Because what they want to have happen, what they’re hoping to bring about, is a complete financial collapse. It is their goal, because they see that as being the most expeditious way for them to then “create” an environment that they see as being most conducive to their being able to further advance the growth of government. Also they see it as a method of enhancing their electoral prospects in 2012. You see, they feel the more “voters” that they can manage to get firmly affixed to the government teat, the more easily, these same “voters” can then be “encouraged” to vote for Democrats. The Democrats always approach things from a political point of view, and never from the direction of what’s best for the country.

The Democrat Party has a rather long and storied history of offering to the American people nothing but lies. And that trend continues today as the continue to exhibit their common traits of being dishonest, deceptive and more than a little shady when it comes to the putting forward any useful suggestions of what needs to be done, and soon, if we are to rescue our country from financial collapse. Their despicable actions provide a very clear indicator that they obviously have what can only be described as an ulterior motive as they work feverishly to ensure that our present financial situation only becomes worse. They continue to propose supposed cures for what ails us, while at the same time knowing full well that their proposals will do absolutely nothing in taking us toward getting our financial house in order. They appear to somewhat determined in their efforts to make things worse, much worse. And they are being more than just a little disingenuous regarding the problems we face, refusing to admit that there is even that is anything in urgent need of being addressed in the first place. And their tactic of refusing to address current spending levels of ever more costly entitlement programs and instead leaving it for the Republicans to address, simply goes beyond the pale. Their plan for doing so is for no other reason than pure politics. They see themselves as being able to later accuse Republicans of trying to achieve some level of strictly on the backs of the elderly and the “children, and is at worst, insidious, and morally bankrupt at best. They are political hacks who are willing to sacrifice all if there is to be any chance for them to be allowed to increase their political power.

So in the end it will be up to the American people. Will they buy into the rhetoric that is sure to come from the likes of “Little Dick” and his media enablers, or will they acknowledge the fact that the Democrats have no desire whatsoever, to get control of our out of control spending?

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