

Monday, March 14, 2011


Now that a year has passed since the atrocity fondly, or not so, referred to as “Obamacare” was so ceremoniously shoved down our collective throat, it can now very easily be described as being a piece of legislation which was, and is, essentially nothing more than an act of deceit heaped upon dishonesty heaped upon deception and all perpetrated by the Democrat Party as a whole. And the urgency for it now to be successfully repealed, at all costs, grows a little more with each passing day. As time has gone by we are finding that the deeper we delve into this massive piece of Democrat handiwork, things seem to get curiouser and curiouser. Although I must confess, Nancy did say we would have to pass this fiasco before we would actually be able to see what was in it. Nancy has never spoken truer words in her entire life. As we have come to discover what is in it, we are coming up with other words that can be used to accurately describe both “Obamacare” and the manner in which it was foisted upon the American people, and they include such words as; treachery, fraudulent, misleading, sinister, unscrupulous, unethical, dishonorable, immoral, counterfeit, self-serving and unprincipled. And there is a level of shear "determination" currently being exhibited in an effort to keep all of the conniving that went on well behind the scenes and very much a secret. And the fact that all ongoing attempts at repeal are meeting with essentially a brick wall, should cause most rational people to ask, just what it might be that Barry and the Democrats are so desperate to keep hidden. The most serious ramifications brought about by this single piece of legislation are only just now seeing the light of day. Far too much of what this legislation does still remains completely shrouded in darkness and if Barry has anything to say about it, that's where they will remain. The level of utter contempt that is constantly being directed at the American people by the Democrat Party is simply astounding. What is most important to this pathetic group of individuals is the amassing of as much political power as is possible. And as history continues to show us, they will do whatever they see as being necessary to guarantee the successful outcome of their quest.

And now surprise, surprise, we are now witnessing yet one more act of typical arrogance so often seen coming from Barry “Almighty” as he works to protect the level of deception that was so artfully crafted by him and his fellow corrupt Democrats in their successful efforts to gain passage of "Obamacare." Yet where’s the outrage from those zealots in the state controlled media who claim to tout the need for openness? If I'm not mistaken, I seem to recall that many in the state controlled went, to put it quite simply, apoplectic in their screaming for full disclosure when it was then Vice President Cheney meeting with folks from the oil industry. It is that same dogged desire for complete openness regarding such matter that is so obviously missing as Republicans seek to find out exactly what promises may have been made to those in the medical and insurance fields in exchange for they're becoming supportive of the president’s supposed healthcare/insurance “reform.” We’ve already seen how Barry, Harry and Nancy created some rather sleazy trickery in they're creating some hidden funding of this “obamanation” and heard the HHS Secretary, Ms. Kathleen Sebelius, finally admit, albeit a little reluctantly, that some rather creative accounting techniques were used in a rather clandestine effort to disguise the true cost of this supposed "reform." I think we all realize that these items are only the tip of a very substantial, and costly, iceberg. The $105 billion slush fund hidden in "Obamacare" from both Congress and the public and announced by Rep. Michelle Bachmann was confirmed by PolitiFact, FactCheck, and The Washington Post Fact Checker. Barry, Nancy and "Dingy" Harry essentially hid the money by spreading it out through the 2,700 pages of the bill and bypassing the traditional appropriations process by that locked in various spending amounting to $105 billion until 2019. So essentially what was done here was more than a little cooking of the books.

I’m sure we all remember like it was only yesterday how it was when Barry looked us all in the eye and promised that negotiations over his proposed health care overhaul would be carried out openly, in front of TV cameras and microphones. But somehow, which is typically the way things happen when you're dealing with sleazy Democrats, that’s not quite the way things played out. Personally I seem to remember things happening just a tad bit different, with Republicans being completely locked out of any and all meetings on the topic and without a single television camera or microphone within 100 miles. So as much as the White House would now choose to disagree, I think it safe to say that our illustrious president was being just a bit disingenuous in making such a promise in the first place and one that he knew he had no intension to keeping. So it was then that Republican congressional investigators got the brush-off this past week after pressing for details of key meetings between White House officials and any number of special interest groups, including drug companies and hospitals that provided what can only be described as critical backing for Obama's health insurance expansion. According to White House attorney Robert Bauer, complying with the records request from the House Energy and Commerce Committee "would constitute a vast and expensive undertaking" and could "implicate longstanding executive branch confidentiality interests." Translation: Nice try but forget about it. This is but one more roadblock, in what I see as being one of many, that Republicans have been, and will continue to be, forced to contend with in their effort to get to the bottom of all that transpired allowing Democrats to get this thing passed. This whole "reform" issue was key for Republicans who tapped into widespread anxiety about the scope and costs of the new health care law to regain control of the House in last fall's elections. And Republicans are going to need to finagle some kind of way to, if not to totally repeal, than to at least minimize the impact of this blatantly deceptive legislation.

So far, because of numerous preemptive measures taken at the outset by Nancy and "Dingy," thus far the Republicans have been pretty much stymied in their attempts to repeal this horribly catastrophic piece legislation that they, and most people in general, have come to dismiss as "Obamacare." Republican efforts to deny administration agencies the money to carry out this disastrous law are running into some well placed counter measures, not to mention the sheer difficulty of tracking all of the dollars involved. Such was the specific design of this legislation, from the get go, by Nancy and Harry. Their intent was to make it extremely difficult, if not impossible for anyone who might come along at some later time who might be of the mind to repeal this smothering act of government inefficiency. So important was it to them to implement their dream of controlling the healthcare of every American, that they put into place what equates to a mine field, of sorts, designed to protect that which they created by making attempts to repeal it very difficult. Democrats took their protective measures to such extremes that it now looks like even attempts at any form of oversight as well aren't going to be all that easy either. "We are both concerned and disappointed by your response," the committee chairman, Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., wrote back to Bauer. "The American public deserves the information we have requested. The secret meetings conducted by (White House officials) are a perfect example of why transparency in government is so important." And it is precisely why transparency is the one thing that must be avoided at all costs by these repugnant Democrats if they are to have any hope of ever inflicting upon the rest of us the results of their rather twisted ideology. Transparency to Democrats is like sunlight to vampires. If the Democrats were to ever go about doing all that they wish to do out in the full light of day, they would soon find themselves out on the street, and in very short order. Theirs is simply one big charade, but for whatever reason, far too many people are still willing to trust them. Perhaps if we had a responsible "mainstream" media things would be different, but that a subject for another time.

Rep. Upton, chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee, and someone who I must admit I was not in favor of in assuming his current position, has now urged the White House to carefully reconsider, but it's uncertain if he'll ever get any of the information that he is looking for. Even if the standoff dramatically escalates to the level of a congressional subpoena, history shows that presidents usually succeed in keeping records far away from snooping eyes. Especially when it would involve something as all encompassing as the desire for the government to assume complete control of healthcare that the Democrats have been seeking for decades. President George W. Bush's administration beat back efforts to reveal the dealings between Vice President Dick Cheney's energy task force and industry. President Bill Clinton's administration successfully resisted demands for records of its failed push to remake the health care system, which was overseen by then-first lady Hitlary Rodham Clinton. The request for records from Obama's health care reform office is pretty broad. The committee has asked for a list of every meeting, briefing or telephone call regarding changes to the health care system, as well as notes or summaries of those encounters. It wants a list of every employee of the now-disbanded health reform office, including their salaries. Committee investigators are also seeking any written communications, whether by letter or e-mail, with outside groups. There is much to discover here regarding all of the goings on between the Democrats and these various interest groups, and the American people have a right to know how it was that the Democrats were successful in their endeavor to commandeer control of healthcare for every single American citizen. And make no mistake, nothing about this "reform" legislation was ever about gaining coverage for those unable to get it. It was about the government being put in the position of controlling the American people by controlling their access to healthcare.

White House visitor records released at the request of The Associated Press in late 2009 show that Barry's top aides met quite frequently with numerous lobbyists and health care industry leaders during what was then the marathon congressional debate over health care overhaul. The list included George Halvorson, chairman and CEO of Kaiser Health Plans; Scott Serota, president and CEO of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association; Kenneth Kies, a Washington lobbyist representing Blue Cross/Blue Shield, among other clients; Billy Tauzin, then head of PhRMA, the drug industry lobby; Richard Umbdenstock, chief of the American Hospital Association; and numerous others. Nearly every health industry group has complaints about aspects of the final legislation. But they're also working to carry out its provisions, even as challenges to the law's constitutionality advance in federal court. But even that process is being significantly bogged down by Barry's administration in the hopes that it can create enough speed bumps along the way before it ever reaches the Supreme Court. Perhaps the desire there is to stall things just long enough for Barry to be presented with an opportunity to appoint yet another activist/sympathetic justice, thus creating a court more apt to rule in his favor. However, any number of questions still remain regarding how it was that some sectors came to acquire some very significant and lucrative concessions from the administration in exchange for they're supporting this bogus "reform" legislation. For example, the pharmaceutical industry and hospitals agreed early on to tens of billions in savings to help finance new coverage for the uninsured. When an amendment to allow importation of low-cost prescription drugs came up in the Senate, the administration worked successfully to defeat it, even though Barry had supported the idea as a presidential candidate. As well, many hospitals won a reprieve of several years from cuts proposed by a new Medicare cost control board. So we know promises were made, but what we still do not know is how many and to what extent groups were bought off in order to gain their support for this thing at the expense of losing, for the American people, the best healthcare system in the world.

What the White House did do was to send to the Energy and Commerce Committee some 100 pages of records that had already been made public, including visitor logs and press releases. As it stands right now, that may be all that they'll be getting for some time. Look, agreement is now nearly universal regarding the fact that the new healthcare law is way overcomplicated. And agreement is nearly just as universal in that it was made that way on purpose in order to prevent lawmakers from changing it, or at least so says Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. “Obamacare is today’s Gordian knot,” he writes on Politico. “The law was drafted to be incredibly difficult for lawmakers to unravel. Some of the automatic funding continues forever, King notes. “Unprecedented in scope, these self-enacting provisions grant “Obamacare” its own self-contained, automatic money machine. These are the resources that fertilize this malignant tumor, which is extending its roots into every aspect of our health care system.” Such is the way that this, the most corrupt White House in recent memory, chooses to operate. They consider themselves as being above the law and therefore above the Constitution. I'm sure we can all remember that pillar of integrity and pompous gasbag, Congressman Alcee Hastings, telling us how it was that there are no rules in the Congress, Democrats simply make them up as they go along. They insist on knowing what is best for us, and we're to be treated as spoiled children. With the Liberal Democrats it's all about them seeking out new and improved ways for them to use in their effort modify our bad behavior so that they can then force us to conform in such a manner so that we live our lives in a way that they see as being more acceptable. This corrupt piece of legislation cannot be allowed to stand. One way or another it must be gotten rid of.

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