

Friday, March 4, 2011


Many Republicans, both inside the "Beltway" and out, are none too happy about all of the taxpayer money that manages to find its way into the coffers of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Senator Jim DeMint, R-S.C., is one of those inside the Beltway guys who is doing something about it, by introducing a bill just today to cut off all federal subsidies. And Senator DeMint has also written an opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal explaining his views. "As Congress considers ways to close the $1.6 trillion deficit, cutting funding for the CPB has even been proposed by President Obama's bipartisan deficit reduction commission," he notes. "Instead, Mr. Obama wants to increase CPB's funding to $451 million in his latest budget." Many pundits have long complained about CPB’s very obvious and blatant liberal bias. "The best way to stop the 'partisan meddling' in public broadcasting … is by ending the taxpayers' obligation to pay for it," Mr. DeMint writes. "The politics will be out of public broadcasting as soon as the government gets out of the business of paying for it.” To allow any amount of public funds to continue to be routed to the tainted CPB, is something that should no longer be tolerated!

And so it is then, in this age of astronomical Barry created deficits that are increasing at nearly a logarithmic rate, that someone is going to need to say enough is enough. It’s going to need to be explained to me why it is that any amount of my tax money should still be going to subsidize either NPR and/or PBS. Being forced to foot the bill for the salaries of leftist morons the likes of that faux journalist, Bill Moyers, just kind of rubs me the wrong way. He spends a great deal of time do nothing more than slandering my country, and I’m just supposed to turn right around and allow my tax dollars to be used to pay his salary. No, I don’t think so. And apparently there are now a few others who are also asking the same questions, with some Republican Senators having now introduced a bill to stop all taxpayer subsidies to public radio and television. As amazing as it may sound to some, since 2001, this leftist propaganda outfit, fondly referred to as the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, has pocketed nearly $4 BILLION in taxpayer money to subsidize National Public Radio (NPR) and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). Now, Senators Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) and Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) have said that with the nation on the brink of bankruptcy, and while some decisions to cut spending may be difficult -- this one is not one of them. This one is a pure no-brainer if ever I saw one! Why should something that provides absolutely no return for the investment made, continue to be allowed to swallow up millions of tax dollars?

So it is then that I agree wholeheartedly with these guys in their assessment of our present fiscal situation. "Americans struggling to make ends meet shouldn’t be forced to fund public broadcasting when there are already thousands of choices for educational and entertainment programming on the television, radio and Web," DeMint said. "President Obama’s own bipartisan debt commission proposed ending these unnecessary subsidies to public broadcasting. NPR boasts that it only gets 2 percent of its funding from taxpayers and PBS gets about 15 percent, so these programs should be able to find a way to stand on their own.” If these organizations like to so boldly boast that they need so little taxpayer money, then why should I be expected to shell out more and more of my hard earned money so that they can continue propagate their leftist propaganda. There is absolutely no reason why we, the American taxpayer, should be called upon, or even expected to, to provide them with any amount of money. If they cannot garner enough funding through private means, then let them fold up their tent and go home. You can't tell me that there are not enough well healed liberals out there who would love nothing more than to shove tons of money in their direction.

Senator Coburn calls these subsidies for public broadcasting "indefensible." "The federal government has no business picking winners and losers in today’s highly competitive media environment. NPR and CPB will do just fine without largesse from Washington," Coburn added. Here, here! The Corporation of Public Broadcasting (CPB) was incorporated as a private, nonprofit corporation under the authority of the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, and its first taxpayer subsidy in 1969 was $5 million. In the current fiscal year, CPB is slated to receive $430 MILLION from taxpayers, and Barry "Almighty" recently asked for an increase to $451 MILLION, the senators said. If this does not fit the definition of waste, fraud and abuse in a time when what is needed is a little fiscal restraint, then nothing does. These CPB clowns apparently have no problem whatsoever with they're being able to justify the ripping off of the taxpayer for their benefit, because they view what they're doing as providing a public service. Sorry, what they are, are nothing more than propagandists. And have you ever watched any of the idiotic children's programming on PBS? It's nothing but mind-numbing pabulum that’s been dreamt up by the resident cadre of imbecilic simpletons employed by we the taxpayers. The sole intent of their creative programming is to do nothing more than to brainwash those who happen to choose to tune in!

But here's the real kicker, and something that should really piss off every hard working taxpayer. PBS President Paula Kerger received a staggering $632,233 in compensation in 2009, according to the tax forms that nonprofits must file, while NPR President Emeritus Kevin Klose received more than $1.2 million in compensation. These two buffoons epitomize something that which Barry just loves to do so much. That is, to accuse all of those evil CEOs of being nothing more “greedy fat cats” simply ripping people off. These two jerks have got to be some of the fattest cats around, but because they're most likely rabid liberals, it's ok if they take we taxpayers for a ride. For crying out loud, that's more than Barry himself makes. Where's Barry's pay Czar on this issue, because these are truly exorbitant amounts of compensation that has as its source the taxpayers. Senators DeMint and Coburn also noted that in 2010, NPR accepted a $1.8 million grant from the Open Society Foundation, you know that really creepy organization funded by that even creepier liberal financier, George Soros, to hire 100 reporters. Additionally, NPR has an endowment of over $200 million, according to what they said in a news release. So explain to yet again why it needs any of my money.

To continue the funding of this worthless "corporation" on the backs of the taxpayers is nothing if not the perfect example of wasteful spending, and in the strictest sense. This truly is state controlled media at its finest and there is simply no longer any need for it to be subsidized with public funds. CPB fills no useful purpose and has no social redeeming qualities whatsoever and would hardly be missed if it were to suddenly cease operating tomorrow. In fact, it would probably be a very good thing. This taxpayer-funded gravy train for these fat cat liberals has got to be brought to a screeching halt and the sooner the better. Let's get firmly behind men like Senators DeMint and Coburn in their working to get our fiscal house back in order before it is truly too late.

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