

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Ya know, every once and a while you finally think that you just had to have finally heard it all. That with all of the craziness that's currently going on, not only across the globe, but right here in our own backyard, there's a very good chance that there is nothing left to be heard that hasn't been said at least once by somebody somewhere. But then out of nowhere, you're suddenly proven wrong. Because along comes some moron the likes of "Calypso Louie," that continuing source of hatred and incendiary vitriol, who is always at the ready to throw a little gasoline on any potential fire. This buffoon can always be counted on to prove that, nope, you may think so, but you haven't heard quite everything just yet. And so we now have the further ranting of this psychotic and obviously racist gasbag. It would seem that every time he opens his foul mouth, some of the most extreme stuff just falls out, and seems to just keep on coming. So it is then that Nation of Islam leader "Calypso Louie" Farrakhan is now enthusiastically proclaiming that it is those conniving Jews and Zionists who are now so aggressively "trying to push the US into war" and are nothing more than a cover for Satan. This most recent outrageous tirade came about while attending the group's annual meeting near Chicago on Tuesday. Ah, Chicago, home of some of the sleaziest characters, and biggest blowhards that you'll find anywhere. There's a reason they call it the "Windy City." It is a city that epitomizes political corruption and is located in a state that the runaway Democrats from Wisconsin chose to take refuge.

“President Obama," Louie warned, "if you allow the Zionists to push you, to mount a military offensive against Gaddafi and you go in and kill him and his sons as you did with Saddam Hussein and his sons, I’m warning you this is a Libyan problem, let the Libyans solve their problem among themselves.” Not surprisingly, Louis has called Muammar Gaddafi "my brother" and "my friend." Now lest we forget, our buddy Louie has made more than one trip to Libya to visit his old "friend" Muammar. In fact he was the recipient in 1996 of the Gadhafi Human Rights Award. The what? That “award” also came with a $250,000 prize. Farrakhan accepted the prize despite U.S. sanctions on Libya and has been financed by Gadhafi, including with a $5 million interest-free loan in 1985. Louie has also accused American Zionists of attempting to push Israel into war with Iran, adding that "Zionists dominate the government of the United States of America and her banking system." Why is it that the antics this imbecile get pretty much ignored by those in the state-run media? Can you possibly imagine if some white guy was to have the nerve to talk about blacks in such a way? It would be front page news from coast to coast. But look, I doubt if Louie really has anything to worry about in this regard. If he thinks that Barry would ever be willing to muster up the necessary fortitude to actually mount any sort of a military offensive, he's more delusional than even I thought he was. Barry, the guy who can't even bring himself to utter the words, 'War on Terror," choosing instead to call it an "Overseas Contingency Operation," is not about to risk starting any sort of conflict. This gutless appeasement oriented chunk of dog squeeze, would rather see the entire region go up in flames rather than exhibit any form of leadership in making an attempt, even threatening military intervention, to bring the continuing violence to an end.

One panel that was convened during this goofy little "conference," was actually titled "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews," and went so far as to make the claim that Jews were disproportionately involved in the slave trade and accused them of controlling the media. Is this not one of the most idiotic things you've ever heard? “Some of you think that I’m just somebody who’s got something out for the Jewish people," Farrakhan said. "You’re stupid. Do you think I would waste my time if I did not think it was important for you to know Satan? My job is to pull the cover off of Satan so that he will never deceive you and the people of the world again.” Man, how do you spell, nut? This man is nothing if not one of the most vile individuals currently walking on this planet. He lives to do nothing more than to perpetually stir the pot. And as always with these people, everything always goes back to slavery, which in the very big scheme of things lasted a very short time, historically speaking, in this country and ended over 140 years ago. They insist that the slavery of our early history, remains the root of all of their misfortune, refusing to see that the real cause of the self inflicted misery in the black community are guys like Louie spewing their never-ending hatred. Strange that Louie still likes to bring slavery up, especially since his buddy Muammar, today in 2011, still sanctions the practice. To simply say that Louie is being, somewhat hypocritical, is obviously very much of an understatement. As is his fellow traveler, that other well-known anti-Semite and Barry's preacher for 20 years, Jeremiah Wright.

In response to all of this nonsense, ADL National Director Abe Foxman said: "Anti-Semitism has suffused the Nation of Islam's message, and Farrakhan is the standard bearer and bigot in chief....Perhaps what's more disturbing is that despite his anti-Semitic rants, he has not been made a pariah in his own community. What does it take for him to stop being a pied piper of hatred?" Truer words have never been spoken. Louie is a hater and nothing more than another fraudulent man of God out there in the black community. As a member of the rather exclusive club that includes fellow racists Al "Bull Horn" Sharpton, Jesse "The Blackmailer" Jackson and Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright. Members of this rather exclusive little club spends the majority of their time stirring up hatred between the races because it's what puts money in their pockets. They're pond scum. These self-serving charlatans are not the least bit interested in seeing anyone in the black community doing anything that will improve their lives. And ya know, what does it say about our president that he has in the past, and may very well still be, associated with this caliber of racist. What is says is that he too has some very racist tendencies. And I think it very safe to say that Barry has a very serious problem in being able to deal with the plight of Israel in what has been seen as the traditional manner for America. It is very obvious where he sentiments lie, and they are not with the Jewish State. He take every opportunity to accuse Israel as being the roadblock to a peaceful solution to this decades old problem, because that is what he believes.

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