

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Well, well, well, what might we have here? To begin with, no matter where you choose to look today, the world seems to be going to Hell in a hand basket, and at an ever increasing rate of speed. We seem to be on the verge of some sort of cataclysmic event with December 21, 2012 looking much more like a real possibility than some kind of weird Mayan prophecy. And there seems to be a common theme, or one common denominator if you will, in all that is presently going on here both at home and all across the globe. And what that is, is the very obvious lack of leadership on the part of America's president, Barack Hussein Obama. Incontrovertible proof has now been provided that when we choose elect an individual whose only prior "experience" comes from his background as a "community agitator," and is to his very core nothing more that a feckless academic completely incapable of making any sort of a decision, that act brings with it some very dire consequences. You cannot assume a position that requires you to be a leader and continue to do nothing more than to "vote present." The election of Barry “Almighty” has brought about a climate where chaos now reigns supreme. He sees chaos as a tool, a tool to be used as a distraction. He hopes to draw our attention away from what he truly wishes to bring about, the downfall of America.

To be so willing to abdicate your leadership role in a world and do so to the likes of such a corrupt institution as the United Nations is nothing short of a dereliction of duty. Do we really want nations such as France commanding U.S. troops, anywhere? But hey, it's not only the world that is floundering like a ship without a rudder, much the same thing is happening right here at home and with near disastrous results. We're drowning in a sea of debt and the best our so-called president can do is to put forward a budget that, besides not even coming close addressing the debt issue, makes proposals that only serve to make matters much worse. Thus far he has avoided taking any leadership role in the ongoing budgetary discussions, to the point where even Democrats are now complaining. But this little trend of his of avoiding the taking of the lead is nothing new. It was evident in the creating of both the very bogus “stimulus” as well as the healthcare "reform" bills, with Barry choosing instead to allow Nancy "Botox" and "Dingy" Harry to take care of everything. Is that how he defines leadership? Don't get me wrong, I am far from being impressed with the Republican "leadership" in the House. Where is the bold decisiveness we were all lead to believe would take place if we were only to hand over control of Congress to those who portrayed themselves as being "fiscal conservatives?”

And in a world where America provides a crucial counter balance o freedom oppressing forces everywhere, its embarrassing to see how quickly that Barry is so willing, even eager, to relinquish America's leadership role. To essentially allow, of all organizations, a pathetically dysfunctional organization where such anti-American countries as China and Russia are essentially able to steer the direction of the discussions on a wide range of topics toward outcomes that are very counterproductive, even hostile, to this country. They seek to do America no favors, and Barry is right there to lend these enemies of America a firm hand of assistance. And the result is never a positive one. Does he really think that's a good idea? At a time when we should be working to extricate ourselves from this merry band of degenerates, Barry has instead chosen to make America totally subservient to it's anti-freedom, anti-individual and pro-tyranny agenda. From Libya, to Yemen to Japan and all points in between, the very obvious void that has now been left by the obvious lack of American leadership is becoming more apparent every single day. If the entire world can go so haywire in such a short period of time, it should be obvious to even the most imbecilic among us that a strong America, willing to lead, is absolutely critical to things remaining in balance.

Barry has made a conscious effort to prostrate himself, and by proxy the rest of us, before the world at large. He has repeatedly bowed down to any number of world leaders while at the same time he, “offers a vision to the world of America diminished and constrained,” and he, “arrived in China as a fiscal supplicant, not the leader of the free world.” He has repeatedly badmouthed American power in Europe, as well as at the Summit of the Americas and at the United Nations. He is consistent in his efforts to “signal weakness internationally in a very big way,” says former UN Ambassador John Bolton. He operates under the misguided notion that showing American weakness by reducing our nuclear capabilities will induce others to become weaker as well. Barry’s massive deficit spending poses a severe risk to American power as well. Might it all be part of some grand scheme by our president? His agenda is one that is designed to shift America’s economic power, via sacks of borrowed money flowing to the other side of the world. And by creating a scenario that has America even more starkly dependent on the world’s new rising powers, enemies such as China, the Gulf States and Russia see this time as being a prime opportunity to tilt the balance of economic power further in their favor. Thank you President Barack Hussein Obama. Thank you, very much!

Here at home one of Barry's more enthusiastic cheerleaders is that idiot and well-known former Labor Secretary, Robert "The Shrimp" Reich. Mr. Reich is presently busying himself these days by going around spouting what is nothing short of some of the most sophomoric pabulum regarding what should be done to bring about an economic recovery as you'll hear anywhere. You have to ask yourself, is this caliber of individual that Barry gets his screwball ideas from. This miniature buffoon's latest rant is one where he is telling anyone who will listen that above all else the government "should not" cut spending at a time when the economy is trying to recover, and that Barry should challenge GOP ‘rubbish’ claims that reducing federal expenses will create more jobs – or he will pay a political price. What is so hard for morons like this to understand about the fact that we are broke? We have no more money to spend and yet they advocate the spending of more money, a lot more money. They have got to be possessing of some ulterior motive here, there can be no other explanation for such raving. We're in debt up to our eyeballs, to the point where very soon the Communist Chinese may very well be directing to us how we manage our fiscal policies. And this goof calls it all rubbish? The policies that this dwarf continues to advocate have been proven any number of times that they do not work. And yet he continues.

“When consumers are reluctant to buy, when big businesses are sitting on about $1.6 trillion worth of cash – they’re not going to invest until they have customers – that’s the time you don’t want government to hold back; you want government right now,” Reich said Wednesday on MSNBC. Hey "Shorty," just why is it that those businesses might be more than just a little reluctant to spend all that money? Might they be waiting to see what cockamamie new scams the Democrats might come up with next and are more than a little unsure of what those scams are liable to cost them? "Shorty" went on to say, “Yes, the deficit’s a long-term problem, but right now you don’t want to cut government spending, yet [House Majority Leader] Eric Cantor and the Republicans are indulging – you hear it over and over and over – it's a big lie." Of there is anyone who can be described as being an expert on lying, midget boy here and others of his political ilk are the ones that fit that bill. These people will say or do absolutely anything in their attempt to portray themselves as being other than what they are. The level of dishonesty being foisted onto the American people by shysters like Little Bobby Reich is appalling. It is imperative that people be convinced of the need to look past all of the rhetoric of such pathological liars as Reich, and to go in search of what that know to be the truth.

“Here’s the problem – George Orwell understood this in his novel ‘1984’ that came out in 1949: Unless it’s rebutted, unless there’s a repudiation, a sharp, clear repudiation, people eventually start listening,” Reich said. “They hear it all the time – they start believing it, particularly if they’re under some economic stress.” Reich said it is up to Barry to set the record straight. “There’s no challenge,” he continued. “The president ought to be out there – the president of the United States ought to be saying: ‘This is rubbish.’ The president is the only one who has the bully pulpit. “If he doesn’t counter, and counter these Republican mistruths, he will be in trouble next year.” Bobby is being more than just a little disingenuous here in his attempt to accuse Republicans if using Orwellian language when discussing our current out of control spending. Let’s be clear here, if there is anybody busy practicing what Orwell had in his novel, it sure ain't the Republicans. Once again you have a blatant "progressive/socialist" accusing the Republicans of doing that which this clone and his leftist cohorts are doing. It's quite sick actually. It reveals a very obvious lack of any personal character as well as any morals. He proudly stands there, like all liberals, looking the American people dead in the eye, and lies to them. He is just one more flim-flam man on a long list of many.

So is this nonsense really what this clown really thinks? Really? If so, he's more of a moron that even I give him credit for. These leftists are truly living in an alternate reality, as they have absolutely no concept whatsoever of what really needs to be done to get us out of this economic quagmire that we are in, thanks to them I might add. Or maybe they do know what needs to be done but are perpetuating their lies so as to further exacerbate our current economic downturn for their own political benefit. They are determined to bring about a complete and total economic collapse in this country so that they can then reconstitute things under the socialist banner. They hate this country and they most assuredly hate capitalism. It goes against everything that they believe in. And the really scary thing here is that they are making great strides in bringing this country to her knees. These shifty little shits are working feverishly 24/7 to wreak as much havoc and economic destruction as they possibly can. They are insidious in their plotting of new and ever improved ways to undermine all that makes this country great. They can never bring themselves to focus on those things that will make us stronger only on ways that will lessen our stature and our influence.

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