

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


The Promise Of America Is. . . Socialism? Since when, exactly? Apparently ever since the leftists in our government, aided and abetted by corrupt unions seized control of our public schools. Because that’s exactly what is being taught in many American government run schools. Our public schools, it would seem, over the course of the 30 years degenerated into what are essentially nothing more than community indoctrination centers. Centers of dis-information specifically designed to properly prepare students for entry into any of our institutions of higher learning where the task of brainwashing is brought to its successful conclusion. Those whom we have always been able to trust to actually "teach" our children, long ago forgot what their true mission is. And because of out of control teachers' unions, we, the parents, have gradually become powerless in our ability to rid the educational system of these zealots, thus having them left in place, free to poison the malleable young minds of our children.

It's always under the guise of they’re "teaching" our children to read, or how to do math, or, to write, that these fanatics seize upon the opportunity, and devise ever new and creative ways in their attempt to plant the seeds of Socialism within the minds of our young and very impressionable children. It’s these same revisionists who take such great pleasure in they’re completely rewriting the history of our country. Some of the most important parts of our history that make this country truly exceptional among all other countries are simply glossed over, or never mentioned at all. As I child I was always taught to respect my teachers, and I have taught my children to do the same. But I'm afraid there are very few teachers today who are deserving of any level of trust whatsoever. Their role has drastically changed over time, becoming less teacher and more indoctrinator, and they have chosen to embrace this new role and have aggressively set out to exceed the mandates outlining the level of indoctrination to be achieved at specific grade levels.

For example, are you one of those Americans who believe that the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States mandates the following: "The People’s basic needs must be met in a country. Needs for housing, education, transportation, and health care overseen by our government system." No? Apparently this is the type of cockamamie BS that has managed to work its way into lesson plans in schools all across the country. In fact those very words are being chanted over and over and over by school children in too many parts of our country. Our whole educational system has come completely off the tracks. And it is something that those in charge have no desire to get firmly back onto the tracks. This is all part of an educational program called Building Fluency Through Practice and Performance. This section is called ‘The Promise of America’ and it breaks down the fifty-two word single sentence that is the Preamble.

Here is the original:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Now while disguised as a “reading” exercise, the Preamble has now been turned into a five page choral project with commentary planted inside this very simple sentence. Here is an example. Make note of what the children are being asked to read after the words ‘promote the general welfare’:

People’s basic needs must be met in a country.
Needs for housing, education, transportation and health care, overseen by our government system.

This “method” of “teaching” is something that we simply cannot, as responsible parents, allow to continue. It comes nowhere near to fitting the definition of education. This bastardization of our educational system at the hands of these socialist propagandists has resulted in an amount of damage that is incalculable. This type of behavior is nothing less than criminal. For today’s teacher to practice such a level of deceit against our children is inexcusable. That they can such pleasure in purposely lying and distorting and still manage to call it "teaching," is, yes, a criminal act. To imply that the Preamble or the Constitution actually includes such imbecilic notions as having the government responsible for meeting the people’s needs for housing, transportation and health care, is reckless at best and at worst, dishonest. So, I guess instead of actually teaching the Preamble and Constitution as it is written, “teachers” from coast to coast now seem to be very comfortable in altering it so that it more closely matches up with their version of history. They are taking it upon themselves to enthusiastically implement the indoctrinating of our children about the “benefits” of Socialism and have a new tool in their effort, all thanks to a company called Teacher Created Materials. TCM sells ‘The Promise of America’ to thousands of school districts all across the country as well as over 100 countries around the world. Apparently even after several phone calls were made to this outfit, its printing company Shell Education and New York City sales outlet Sussman Sales, very little specific data was obtained regarding just how many schools are currently using this crap, ’Promise of America.’ But one company rep has said that the “Fluency program is really, really popular.” I'll just bet that it is!

This is exactly the kind of training that is reminiscent of old Soviet-style indoctrination and the recent stories leaking out of North Korea in the summer of 2009 when Kim Jong il was reportedly close to stepping down and handing over control to his son. And it also, apparently, is the brand of training very much favored by Barry's Department of Education or possibly whatever Czar has been tasked with wiping out any chance of our children ever being able to form any kind of an independent thought. It shows just how entrenched into our educational system these psychotic leftists have managed to become. And when you add organizations such as this TCM into the mix, combined with the eagerness of our "teachers" to use it to the fullest extent possible, is it any wonder the caliber of graduates produced. The products of our public school system cannot read and are not the least bit knowledgeable regarding any of the important aspects of our history. But because of 13 or more years of constant indoctrination, they very willingly embrace the whole concept of progressivism and multiculturalism and all the nonsense that goes with them.

Dong-A Ilbo (the country’s official newspaper) stated that North Korea notified its diplomatic offices and is teaching its people a song in praise of the anointed leader. The North Korean school children started learning the song first. Indoctrination starts with the young ones. Sounds eerily reminiscent of when not too long ago we heard American school children singing about Barack Hussein Obama, Hm, Hm, Hm. Our current government run school system is today nothing but a joke. Our schools are literally filled with "teachers" who have absolutely no business being anywhere near a classroom. They preach poison and they willingly advocate a political philosophy that has failed everywhere it has been tried and is responsible for creating nothing more that abject misery and death. And yet, they feel justified in doing so. Until the parents in this rise up and shout this far and no farther nothing will change, and our kids will be the only losers.

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