

Monday, March 21, 2011


Old "Slow Joe" may think of himself as being a pretty clever fella, obviously Barry thought as much, but sadly for him, such is just not the case. Because as we have very clearly seen on any number of occasions and going all the way back to his plagiarism days, "Slow Joe" has never really been much more than a pretty dim bulb. But apparently, a dim bulb that was able to successfully get himself re-elected by a state sufficiently populated with other dim bulbs. I know, I really shouldn't say such things, after all here in Florida we've got numerous examples of our own dim bulbs. Those dim bulbs come to us in the persons of that raving nut Corrine Brown and that other prime example of stupidity, Bill "I'm an Astronut" Nelson. So it is then that we seem to have any number brain-dead Democrats spread all across this great land. But it would appear, as some have said, that old "Slow Joe" just might be in a class all his own. Let's face it, if brains were dynamite, old "Slow Joe" wouldn't even be able to blow his nose.

And so it was then that Vice President "Slow Joe" Biden, while speaking at a fundraiser in Philadelphia Friday for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), chose to compare the Republicans in Congress to people who excuse rapists by blaming their victims. Where does he come up with this stuff? What a brilliant analogy! Old "Slow Joe," always known for speaking his mind, what little of it there is, and at times putting his foot in his mouth, or should I say down his freakin throat, said that those extremist Republicans who want to arbitrarily and indiscriminately slash spending while at the same time cutting taxes for the evil rich are similar to rape apologists. In setting up his little comparison, or his exercise in stupidity, old "Slow Joe" carefully explained to the audience that before the Violence Against Women Act that he had so proudly championed and was then passed into law, before that “there was this attitude in our society of blaming the victim," at least that was the account provided by the press pool in attendance at the event. Ok folks, how do spell moron. Easy, J-o-e B-i-d-e-n, moron.

“When a woman got raped, blame her because she was wearing a skirt too short, she looked the wrong way or she wasn't home in time to make the dinner,” Biden said. “We've gotten by that,” he said. “But it's amazing how these Republicans, the right wing of this party – whose philosophy threw us into this God-awful hole we’re in, gave us the tremendous deficit we’ve inherited – that they’re now using, now attempting to use, the very economic condition they have created to blame the victim – whether it’s organized labor or ordinary middle-class working men and women. It's bizarre. It's bizarre.” Bizarre? What's bizarre is that this mental midget can see the out of control spending binge that taken place since he and Barry first came through the Oval Office door and still make the calim that it is not their fault. Here we go again with this imbecile once more blaming it all on Bush. Now there may have been a bit of hole when these two schleps took over, but the speed with which that hole has been made very much deeper, rests entirely with the current administration and their congressional cohorts. And besides, Dumb and Dumberer have now officially been at the helm now for over two years. So at what point is this "Martin and Lewis" team finally going to man up and accept some level of responsibility for what they themselves have brought about?

After Biden's appearance at this fundraiser, his office tried to tell us what it was that old Slow Joe meant. They attempted to focus on the economic message that our rocket scientist VP was trying ever so diligently to convey. "The vice president was obviously making the point that on any issue, we shouldn't blame the victim," was what he was trying to say, at least so says Biden spokeswoman Elizabeth Alexander. So that's what he was "obviously" trying to do? Obvious to whom, exactly? "Blaming workers or union members for states' fiscal crises – an argument made by some Republican governors – isn't the answer." Barry had tapped Old Slow Joe to be his lead negotiator with congressional Republicans on the budget and we have now seen how well that has worked out. Biden's nothing short of an idiot, there's just no other way to put it. He's living proof that the majority of those who currently reside in Delaware can't be all that much brighter than the morons who live in Massachusetts. It's those morons who are prefectly comfortable with re-electing that other pompous gasbag, John Kerry Heinz, who I believe, spent a rather short, yet highly productive tour, medal-wise, in Vietnam. I swear, if you took Biden's IQ and added it together with Kerry's the total would be less than either of their shoe sizes. Kerry gets a medal in Vietnam for a self-inflicted gunshot wound, how "Three Stooges" is that?

While Republicans were quick to seize upon Biden's comments, the response left a little to be desired. The party's House campaign arm called the comments both "tasteless and offensive." "As much as Vice President Biden should retract this specific statement, he should apologize for comparing our country’s dismal economic situation to such horrid acts as violence against women,” said Joanna Burgos, spokeswoman for the National Republican Campaign Committee (NRCC). Wow, now that's a response that'll make old "Slow Joe" sit up and take notice. NOT! Look, this is all these sleazy Democrats know how to do and it's what they always resort to. Juvenile name calling and infantile temper tantrums when they don't get their own way, it's typical behavior. Together they make up a gang of those who most likely got beat up for their lunch money on what was most certainly a daily basis, and now that they have been provided with a little political power, they see this time as being their prime opportunity to perhaps provide a little payback. And the Republicans are going to have to toughen up and be willing to kick some Democrat butt if it becomes necessary. The Republicans need to act more like that bigger kid who picked up the smaller bully and threw him to the ground in the video that's been flying around. You simply cannot permit morons like Biden to keep getting away with saying such stupid things. Ignorance cannot continue to be considered an excuse.

And then it was over in his home state of Delaware where Joe, that ever diligent watchdog of taxpayer provided stimulus money, on Saturday witnessed the newly-renovated Wilmington, Delaware Amtrak station be named for him, and appeared humbled by the honor. "Slow Joe" became famous, or infamous, for frequently traveling from his hometown to Washington on Amtrak during his nearly four-decade Senate career, but said that he is not worthy of the accolade. Well, on that point I think I can wholeheartedly agree with worthless old "Slow Joe." The only thing this bonehead is worthy of is a quick trip to "The Home." "The truth is, I don't deserve this, unless you reward longevity," said our selfless friend of the little guy, "Slow Joe." At least according to delawareonline.com. The Wilmington station is now officially referred to as being the Joseph R Biden, Jr. Railroad Station. Whoopee! A $37.7 million renovation was recently completed at the former Wilmington train station, with construction taking almost two years. It should also be noted that amount included $20 million from the very same stimulus act which Slow Joe "helped" to oversee. Just one of those things that makes you go hmmmmmmmm.

Now the Wilmington station, whoops, I mean the Joseph R. Biden, Jr. Railroad Station is one of the busiest stations in the nation, even though by Amrak standards that's not really saying a whole lot. And it is part of Amtrak's, a rampant money loser despite substantial government subsidizing, heavily traveled, by liberals at least, Northeast corridor. During his little "acceptance" speech, "Slow Joe" recalled some of his more fond memories from the many years of his traveling on the train to the nation's capital, especially in hard times. Hard times for whom exactly, "Slow Joe?" This guy is such a pathetic jerk off. "Everything, good or bad in my career, the first people I encountered were getting on the train," "Slow Joe" said. They were the first ones there for me. I mean literally. They would say, 'Joe, it's going to be ok.'" Man, don't that just bring a tear to your one good eye? The $20 Million of taxpayer money that was spent refurbishing this train station so that it could then be named for "Slow Joe," was nothing short of a monumental waste. It's nothing more than pouring my hard earned money which was confiscated by Barry down a bottomless hole. And yet we're suppose to buy into the notion that this mess that we're in is of Bush's making. Not quite, "Slow Joe," not quite.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Saturday condemned Vice President Biden's invocation of rape while criticizing the GOP. In what I would consider a less than forceful response to yet one more bit of evidence regarding the sanity of our illustrious VP, Mr. Priebus chose to respond via his Twitter page: "Using a rape analogy to describe one's political opponents is inexcusable & beneath the office of the Vice Presidency." To me that's nothing more than Mr. Priebus saying to "Slow Joe," "OH YEAH, YOU AND WHAT ARMY!" Come on, for crying out loud people. It's time to call these individuals out regarding their continuing use of inflammatory rhetoric. And besides, what the heck happened to all of that civility that was so enthusiastically called for. Or does that only apply when Republicans are talking about douche bag Democrats? These Democrat hacks such as "Slow Joe" cannot continue to say such outlandish things without being put on the receiving end of some sort of payback. If anyone is getting raped, it’s we the taxpayers getting raped at the hands of Barry and his band of fiscal rapists. Ok boys and girls, it's time to grow a spine and to then go for the jugular. We need to be bold and decisive in getting our fiscal house in order, letting our actions speak louder than the mealy mouthed language coming from "Slow Joe" and any other scumbag Democrat. We can no longer afford to pussyfoot around!

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