

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


The longer this ridiculous charade and blatant assault on the American people, fondly referred to as "Obamacare," is allowed to go on, the more facts about this legislative debacle come to light. As well, all of the falsehoods that were told to us regarding this travesty, as well as all of those things that Barry was trying desperately to keep under wraps, are now becoming so much more apparent. And as time marches on it is not going unnoticed, by more and more people, what has been going on here since the signing into law of this despicable legislation, all under the guise of healthcare/ insurance "reform." We are all aware of what was the true intent behind this monstrosity, no matter how vehemently it may have been denied by the culprits behind it at the time, and since. And the administration has now been forced to admit the rather "unique" method of accounting it utilized to disguise the true cost of this blatant swindle. However, we are as Nancy said we would, finding out more and more of just what is in this "obamanation" as time has gone by. Despite all of the chicanery that is just now being uncovered in congressional committees, we continue to have Democrats who remain so very proud of their handiwork, proclaiming that it is just what the doctor ordered. What it is, however, is something much more sinister because it is a purposeful dismantling of the best healthcare system in the world. If the Democrats were so confident that this "reform" would truly prove to be such a boon to this country, why was it necessary to put into place all method of trickery that we're are only now finding out about. It doesn't say much for the level of confidence these Democrats had in this legislation when they feel the need to try to fool all of the American people long enough to get it passed. Although, is does give a little credence to the notion that there may have been some ulterior motives behind their desperation in getting this thing passed. Although, not many of us were really fooled, what we were, was ignored.

As if we weren't already aware of the Democrats clandestine activities revolving around this issue, we have Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), degenerate legislator and "ranking" member, and I do mean rank, of the House Judiciary Committee, admitting what we all already knew. He told CNSNews.com just this past Monday that the health-care law which Democrats successfully shoved down the throats of the American people and that Barry "Almighty" then signed into law last March, is in fact nothing more than a “platform” for building that highly sought after, by the Democrats, single-payer healthcare system right here in the United States. DUH! These sleazy Democrats must think we're pretty stupid. Anyway, during a newsmakers program at the National Press Club on Monday, this piece of dog squeeze, Conyers, said that after discussing this very important issue with Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D.-Ohio), you know, the guy who goes around talking to aliens from outer space, he voted for the healthcare law because he saw it as being a "necessary platform" for building toward a single-payer health-care system here in the United States. I simply do not understand the rationale behind trying to create in this country that which has failed in every single country where it has been tried. But then that little matter had little to do with the true purpose behind the legislation anyway. We all know what was driving the urgency to get thing passed, it was nothing other than the desire of the Democrats to possess what can best be described as the ultimate power over the American people. What it's about, is control, control, control. Control of us, by them. It's never been about healthcare, because wherever these morally bankrupt "progressives" have been successful in putting into place a healthcare system such as this, there has been a very distinct, and deadly, reduction in the quality of care. And yet…..here we are.

Speaking with CNSNews.com after this event at the National Press Club, Conyers said, “What we’re trying to do is insure everybody, right? We’re trying to insure more people, not less and so it’s my feeling that the rising costs that are going on will not be solved by getting rid of people’s health insurance--that throws them into emergency rooms and charity and other things. That’s why HR 676 is our ultimate solution--is that everybody’s insured from birth on and that’s what we’re still fighting for.” The ultimate solution? Whoops, careful there Johnny, that sounds eerily similar to something that you might not want to make any connection to, even remotely. Or, was that the "final solution?" Either way, this supposed "reform" does not bode well for the American people. Have you ever heard a more insane argument for stripping from every American citizen something as personal and private as their individual healthcare? It's pure drivel! What this is the "ultimate solution" for, is the Democrats who have been trying to seize complete control of our healthcare since before the days of FDR. And it most certainly is not designed to benefit the American people in any way, shape, manner or form. This whole notion that we're going to somehow miraculously be able to insure everyone is nothing more than a lie, a ploy to tug at our heart strings. We're supposed to feel sorry for all of those poor unfortunate souls who are forced to go without insurance. Even though it is a little talked about fact that most of those poor souls don't have insurance because they "choose" not to have it. They're young and healthy and have better things to spend their money on. Which is as it should be. This is just one more scheme put in play against the American people the sole purpose of which is to expand the power of government over the lives of every single one of those very same Americans. The Democrats are not being good Samaritans, they're simply out to control us.

CNSNews.com then asked our buddy Conyers, “Do you see a single-payer health care system ultimately in the United States?” With absolutely zero hesitation this clown said, “Of course." Adding that, "Universal health care--well, every industrial country on the planet already has a universal system of health care.” So here we have this moron telling us that it's for no other reason than because "every other industrial country" has put their citizens into the unlucky position of being forced to receive pathetically inept government controlled healthcare, that now we need to do the very same thing here in America too. Now wait a minute here, just why is it that this dim bulb thinks that a great many of those people in all of those very same industrialized countries choose come here to the United States for their medical treatment? He must think it's because of the scenery, or something. What an absolute imbecile! When asked if he thinks Barry's health-care law will lead to a single-payer health-care system in the U.S., Conyers said: “Well it’s a platform. I don’t think they flow smoothly but without that, if we didn’t have this then health care, universal health care would be an even more difficult legislative objective,” he said. You know, to think that we have people like this mental midget in positions of power in this country is truly pretty frightening. What he's saying here makes it all the more clear exactly what the true purpose was, and continues to be, behind the whole train wreck that is "Obamacare." ALL funding for this act of highway robbery being committed against the American people needs to be stopped and stopped now. And the Republican leadership has been disappointing in this area to say the least. Stopping “Obamacare” was what got the Republicans their new majority. Now is not the time for them to simply sit on their hands waiting to see what the courts may decide to do because as we are all very well aware, that whole process has become pretty much nothing more than a crapshoot. The problem arises from the fact that we now have far too many far too liberal judges who seem to be much more interested in the advancing of the "progressive" agenda than they are in preserving and protecting the Constitution. Now there's a big surprise!

Just a little side note here. I cannot for the life of me figure out what it is that's going on in the black community in this country. But then, maybe I'm not supposed to be able to. However, I do think that if I was a black American and was asked to support any of these black Democrats in Congress today, I would like to think that I would have a pretty tough time doing so. Because when it comes to the obvious lack of intellect possessed by any of these black politicians, it would seem to me that they have no business being in the positions that they are in. This idiot Conyers is but one example, there are plenty of others. For example, we have our favorite loons from down here in Florida, Corrine Brown and that other fool, the ever corrupt and impeached former judge, Alcee Hastings. Or, how about that rather bizarre loudmouth from Texas, Sheila Jackson Lee or even that self-serving bigot from South Carolina, James Clyburn. Let's be honest, this is one list that seems to go on and on, and I tell ya, I'd be feeling pretty demoralized, even embarrassed if these were the best I could ever hope for to represent me as a black American. But again, these stellar individuals do possess that single quality which seems to be most important to black voters, their "proper" skin color. But let's face it, these people are just flat out embarrassing. And worse, they're dangerous. They're dangerous because not only are they nothing short of being some of the most ignorant people you'll ever come across, but also because they're in positions of power. The collective brainpower of this little group of misfits wouldn't be able to generate enough energy to light up your average nightlight. And yet, they have are able to have a say in some of the most important matters facing this country today. It's individuals such as these who have no problem whatsoever basing, or blaming, everything on race. It is this low caliber of individuals, both white and black, who have been the major players responsible for our being in the mess that we are today.

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