

Monday, March 28, 2011


Apparently, the very liberal group, Media Matters, best known to just about everybody as being just one more front group operating under the auspices of billionaire kook, George Soros, has been quietly transforming itself, all in preparation for what its founder and Soros stooge, David Brock, described in an interview, as an all-out campaign of “guerrilla warfare and sabotage” aimed squarely at Fox NEWS. So it is then that Fox News once again finds itself squarely in the crosshairs of the loony left fringe in this country. It seems to me that they could find a much better use of their time and money instead of going after Fox. It’s just all nothing more than a monumental waste of time, money and effort. But as they say, it’s their money and their time. But in an age where Liberals consistently control roughly 90 percent of all print and broadcast "news media," I find myself asking just what is it about Fox NEWS that has these folks so completely terrified to the point where they have now become nearly apoplectic. Even if you took all of the viewers of Fox and then added them to all of those who listen to talk radio or visit the more popular conservative websites, the numbers would still tilt very much in favor of the very Liberal state-controlled media. What is it that is in the genetic make up of these people that makes them paranoid to such a degree that they are simply incapable of accepting any opposing viewpoint? They are never to be criticized, they are only to be agreed with, and those who chose to not go along with them or their cockamamie ideas must be forced into exiled to the outer reaches or be completely destroyed.

This little group of zealots, launched in 2004 supposedly as a supposed "traditional" media critic, now calls itself, and very proudly so, a progressive media watchdog "dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media." You’ll notice that they’ll not waste any of their precious time correcting any “Liberal misinformation” only supposed conservative misinformation as defined by them. But which side is more often found to be guilty of spreading misinformation? Can you say “Obamacare?” Funded in large part by individuals such as Democrat sugar-daddy, George Soros, the group has all but abandoned its initial platform which supposedly involved the monitoring of newspapers and other television networks and has now become quite fixated, even to the extreme, after having narrowed its focus considerably in its effort to take down Fox NEWS. But it isn’t only Fox who has earned the wrath of this cadre of losers. A handful of conservative websites also now find themselves resting firmly atop its hit list. Why you ask? Because these liberal fanatics have come to the conclusion that Fox NEWS is unworthy of being called a news organization. Instead, together with a handful of conservative websites, the group's leaders, with, I'm sure, more than just a little direction from Soros, view it as being nothing but a political organization that serves as the so-called “nerve center” of the conservative movement. So it has now become mission-essential, to attack, slander and malign all those of differing political views.

“The strategy that we had had toward Fox was basically a strategy of containment,” said Brock, Media Matters’ chairman and founder, as well as, or so I’m told, a former conservative journalist. He added that the group’s main aim had been to challenge the factual claims of the channel and to attempt to prevent them from reaching the mainstream media. The new strategy, he says is now one that will essentially be nothing short of an all out “war on Fox.” So I guess, if I have this right, what we have here is an organization that bills itself as being a "media watchdog" but is in reality nothing more than a "media attack dog" on a long leash held the Democrat Party, and going after one media outlet because it doesn't like what is being said. The strategy has now become one designed around this group’s attempt to squelch free speech whenever either what is being said is not something that Liberals agree with, or is something they simply don’t want to hear. Don't try to argue based on the facts of the matter as they are presented, no, instead spread lies and innuendo and use intimidation in an effort to silence the opposition. Oh yeah, that's what this country was built on.

Tactics to be employed during what is sure to be an all out offensive, at least as laid out thus far by this hack Mr. Brock, include the assembling opposition research files not only on Fox’s top executives but also on any number of midlevel officials as well. The group has now hired an "activist" who has led a successful campaign to press advertisers to avoid Fox’s Glenn Beck show. The group is also assembling a substantial legal team that will be there to help those people who have “clashed” with Fox, actively encouraging them to file lawsuits for defamation, invasion of privacy or other causes. And it has also now hired two experienced “reporters,” Joe Strupp and Alexander Zaitchik, to dig into Fox’s operation in order to help assemble a book on the network, due out in 2012 from Vintage/Anchor. Media Matters last month also issued a report criticizing “Fox and Friends” co-host Steve Doocy’s criticism of a blog by one of the group’s leftist reporters. Alexander Zaitchik has penned a new book on Glenn Beck that is now out entitled, "Common Nonsense: Glenn Beck and the Triumph of Nonsense." Strupp likes to refer to himself as being an "investigative reporter," guess that the latest liberal definition for political hatchet man. Anyway, I think you get the idea where it is that these morons will be coming from in the future.

Mr. Brock said Media Matters also plans to run a broad campaign against Fox’s parent company, News Corp., an effort which most likely will involve opening a United Kingdom arm in London to attack the company’s interests there. The group hired an executive from MoveOn.org to work on developing campaigns among News Corp. shareholders and also is looking for ways to turn regulators in the U.S., U.K., and elsewhere against the network. The group will “focus on [News Corp. CEO Rupert] Murdoch and trying to disrupt his commercial interests — whether that be here or looking at what’s going on in London right now,” Brock said, referring to News Corp.’s — apparently successful — move to take a majority stake in the satellite broadcaster BSkyB. “The strategy that we had had toward Fox was basically a strategy of containment,” said David Brock, the founder of Media Matters. Now the strategy of the liberal group has changed. The new strategy is “war on Fox.” This whole scheme gives fanaticism a whole new meaning. And for what? Are these people that insecure regarding their position on the key issues today that they are now compelled to eliminate any and all voices of opposition? I guess so.

Well boys and girls, look how far we've come. I sure am glad that we have all of this new civility, aren't you? By the way, did you ever notice how it is that the only liberals ever use the term "WAR" that it's always in conjunction with those who form their political opposition and their policies? But, in having declared their little war on Fox News, has the group quite possibly stepped across the line of legality. Of course, as we all know, as far as Liberals are concerned, all is fair when it come to politics and political agendas to be pursued, as long as the agenda is always a very Liberal one. The fact that their chosen tactics may be brought under closer scrutiny, with questions being raised about its legality, is of very little consequence, or concern to them. Such are the rules that apply only to them, for they are acting with only the best of intentions.

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