

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Well, well, well, what might we have here? To begin with, no matter where you choose to look today, the world seems to be going to Hell in a hand basket, and at an ever increasing rate of speed. We seem to be on the verge of some sort of cataclysmic event with December 21, 2012 looking much more like a real possibility than some kind of weird prophecy. And there seems to be a common theme, or one common denominator if you will, in all that is presently going on here at home and across the globe. And what that is, is the very obvious lack of leadership on the part of America's president. Incontrovertible proof has now been provided that to elect an individual whose only "experience" comes from his background as a "community agitator," and who is to his very core is nothing more that a feckless academic completely incapable of making any sort of a decision, brings about some very dire consequences. You cannot assume a position that requires you to be a leader and continue to nothing more than to "vote present." The election of Barry has brought about a climate where chaos now reigns supreme.

And so now, even stranger still, is the fact that it would now appear to also have the rather bizarre and earth shattering scenario where we have at least nine liberal Democrats having found something that they actually agree with Republicans on. That of course being that Barry’s authorization of military strikes on Libya without congressional consent, is unconstitutional. Imagine that, Democrats, any Democrats, actually thinking of something as being unconstitutional. Those Democrats have now joined GOP critics, including Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana, ranking Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Tea Party favorite Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky. And Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio, yes the same guy who claims to have seen a flying saucer, has even gone so far as to suggest that Barry’s action could be an “impeachable offense.” My, my, just look how far we’ve come. Democrats using the "I" word when talking about Mr. "Hope and Change." Now while I would agree with their recommendation for impeachment, his authorizing of these air strikes is but one offense on a long list of many offenses that have Barry deserving of impeachment.

Senator Paul points out that Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution very clearly states that, “Congress shall have power to declare war.” “It is alarming how casually the administration talks about initiating acts of war, as though Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution does not exist,” the freshman senator says in a statement on his congressional website. “Frankly, it is not up to the president whether or not we intervene in Libya, or set up ‘no-fly’ zones, or send troops. At least, it is not if we follow the Constitution.” Now I think we can all agree that Barry’s has a very low opinion of our Constitution, he sees it as being much more of an impediment as anything. Actually, Democrats as a whole has always had a rather "loose" interpretation when it comes to our Constitution. They have this rather unique ability to read into things that are not there and ignore the many things that are there, and that our Founding Fathers thought were important.

Barry has no authority to launch military attacks under the War Powers Resolution, Senator Paul argues, because the United States has not been attacked. “This is not our fight,” he adds. “If the administration wants to make it our fight, let them make their case before Congress and put it to a vote. I would strongly oppose such a measure, but that is the proper way to proceed.” Rep. Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland, a senior Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, echoes Paul’s view. “The United States does not have a King's army," he said in a statement Monday. "President Obama's unilateral choice to use U.S. military force in Libya is an affront to our Constitution." I’m sure we all remember the hoops that Bush was forced to jump through in his effort to pacify the Democrats, including Barry, in the run up to the war in Iraq. And how many times was he forced to bend over backwards in his effort to encourage these gutless cowards to do the right thing. Barry now seems to be under the mistaken impression that the same rules do not apply to him. So while Bush was determined in his desire to bring all those responsible for the attacks of 9/11 to justice, he also displayed the requisite leadership in doing so. This whole Libya thing has been grossly mishandled since the get-go and a big reason for that is the sorely lacking leadership abilities of Barry.

As for Senator Lugar, he said in a congressional hearing last week, “If we are going to declare war against Libya, we ought to have a congressional declaration of war.” And Senator John Cornyn of Texas, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, tweeted on Sunday that the president is treating Congress as a “potted plant.” While over on the Democratic side, there were nine liberal House members who “strongly raised objections to the constitutionality of the president’s actions” during a Democratic Caucus conference call Saturday, or so two Democratic congressmen who took part later told Politico. “They consulted the Arab League. They consulted the United Nations. They did not consult the United States Congress,” a Democrat lawmaker said. Ok, and these guys are surprised by this, why exactly. This guy, Barry, has always exhibited a rather perverted willingness to bow at the altar of the United Nations. And to show just how concerned he is with things currently unfolding in Libya, he cutting his vacation short by two whole hours. What a guy! Who says he doesn't care?

One of these nine Democrats, Rep. Kucinich has publicly issued the strongest criticism of Barry “Almighty.” "President Obama moved forward without Congress approving. He didn't have congressional authorization. He has gone against the Constitution, and that's got to be said," Kucinich told Raw Story in an interview on Monday. “I'm raising the question as to whether or not it's an impeachable offense. It would appear on its face to be an impeachable offense.” That doesn’t mean Obama should in fact be impeached and removed from office, Kucinich said. “That's a whole separate question. But we have to clearly understand what this Constitution is about." I’m always amazed when liberals started quoting the Constitution. Kucinich now says he plans to offer up a measure that would defund U.S. efforts in Libya. Another Democrat, Senator Jim Webb of Virginia, a former Marine and Navy secretary, complained on Monday on MSNBC that Congress has “been sort of on autopilot for almost 10 years now, in terms of presidential authority, in conducting these types of military operations absent the meaningful participation of the Congress.” I once met this guy when he was the Navy Secretary. I thought he was a stiff then, and I still do. I am very unimpressed with this clown.

As an Illinois senator and then presidential candidate, Barry himself has strongly stated that the president can’t authorize military action without congressional approval unless it’s necessary to stop an imminent attack on the United States. It was in a December 2007 interview, that a Boston Globe reporter asked Barry under what circumstances the president would have the constitutional authority to bomb Iran without first seeking authorization from Congress. Barry’s response was to say, “The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.” But apparently his view has changed. On Monday, Obama sent Congress a letter stating that as commander-in-chief, he has constitutional authority to authorize the Libya strikes, which were made in concert with our allies. The White House also noted that Obama met with congressional leaders to consult about the Libya situation Friday.

National Security Adviser Tom Donilon, asked about Obama’s 2007 statement, said the administration “welcomes the support of Congress in whatever form that they want to express that support,” according to The New York Times. But he insisted Obama could authorize the action on his own. “This is a limited — in terms of scope, duration and task — operation, which does fall in the president’s authorities,” Donilon said. Most constitutional scholars, which was also something that I though Barry has claimed to be, agree that our founding fathers purposely separated the power to decide to start a war from the power to conduct it. But since the Korean War, presidents of both parties have ordered military action without going to Congress first. But Barry insists upon the notion that the United states is doing nothing more in Libya than the supporting of the United Nations coalition. It is but one member of the team.

On the budget front, the attacks on Libya could erase much of the budget cuts Republicans pushed through Congress recently. GOP leaders say those reductions have totaled $285 million a day since March 1. But defense analysts tell The Hill that the Libya action could be draining the Defense Department of more than $100 million per day. “We are working on cost estimates,” Pentagon spokeswoman Cheryl Irwin said. For now, the Defense Department is “cash flowing the Libyan operations out of funding available under the [2011] continuing resolution.” Sen. Lugar says his colleagues should discuss the cost issue. “Congress has been squabbling for months over a budget to run the federal government for a fiscal year that is almost half over,” he said in a statement Monday. “We argue over where to cut $100 million here and there from programs many people like. So here comes an open-ended military action with no end game envisioned.” Exit strategies are only something to be loudly demanded by guys like Barry, but not something they need to fret over themselves. Their cause is just so much more just than the ones of their political opponents.

The level of cool detachment with which Barry seem to be treating the calamities that seem to be happening all around him would indicate that they are of very little concern to him. And it is all just a bit unnerving. It’s either that or he has absolutely no idea of how he might be able to go about addressing them. I'm not sure which type of behavior I find more distressing. It just seems to that the worse things seem to get the bigger the stupid grim plastered across his face. He is without a doubt the least presidential of any president in at least my lifetime. The man is about as far removed from being any kind of a real leader as you can possibly get. And we are now witnessing why strong American leadership is absolutely vital to the World and what can happen when it is so obviously missing.

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