

Tuesday, March 8, 2011



When I first read about this I thought I would fall out of my chair from laughing so hard. Apparently, the president and CEO of National Public Radio (NPR), some highly overpaid bimbo liberal named Vivian Schiller, has been quoted as saying that NPR gets a “tremendous amount of criticism for being too conservative.” My first question was, by who? Perhaps those morons over at the Daily Kos or the Huffington Post? First of all you need to be calling into question the intelligence of anyone who is really of that opinion. Now I'm sure, since she is a wacko liberal, she sees herself as being so much smarter than we common folk, therefore she's confident in the fact that we're going to believe this kind of nonsense. It's kinda funny though that she should choose this time to be out there spewing this silliness especially with there now being what seems to be some serious discussions going on about suspending taxpayer funding for this organization that does possess such an obviously liberal bias. I think most intelligent people do see NPR for exactly what it is, just another taxpayer funded front group of the Democrat Party. Together, with its partner in crime, PBS, these entities operate in unison as one of the primary weapons of choice favored by "progressives", in their efforts to advance all kinds of idiotic falsehoods and myths ranging from the coming calamities resulting from nonexistent global warming to advantages of the gay lifestyle. TOO Conservative? I think not!!! But then I guess it would all depend on how exactly one goes about defining being conservative.

So it was then at a luncheon at, where else but that bastion of journalistic chicanery, the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., on Monday, that Ms. Schiller was asked by a moderator, “Do you believe there’s an imbalance at NPR in terms of liberals and conservatives in the newsroom – I think I know which side they’d like to have better represented there – if the answer is yes, what do you propose to do about it?” Schiller responded by saying, “You know, every news organization – I’ve worked now with three news organizations, but even every other, people I know from every other news organization I know – gets criticized about being too liberal, about being too conservative, about being too this, that and the other. It comes with the territory." First, the fact that she refers to her organization as a "news organization" is in itself quite comical. And her rather evasive, as well as idiotic response was to say the least, seen as being the very typical response given whenever these "media" people find themselves being asked to comment on whether or not there is any level of liberal bias evident in today's state controlled media. Their unwillingness, or inability, to ever provide anything that remotely resembles a straightforward answer should leave little or no doubt that that bias does exist. I mean really, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that there is a very obvious leftward slant to what passes as today's "mainstream" media. But for whatever reason, these people are physically incapable of being able to fess up to that fact.

Continuing on with her attempt to avoid answering the question, Ms. Schiller said, “So, certainly we do get criticized about all manner of things,” said Schiller. “In terms of the liberal, and I will tell you that it maybe doesn’t get as much attention, but we get a tremendous amount of criticism for being too conservative as well. I wish that those folks could be in our editorial meetings and see what goes on and the care that our reporters and our journalists and other editors take to get it right." Going on to say, “This is an incredibly crucial cornerstone of what we do to present, not journalism that is ‘on the one hand, on the other hand’ – that’s not very interesting story-telling." An finally saying, “But journalism that reflects no particular bias. And it’s not just a matter of how the stories are told, it’s the kind of stories that we tell on NPR.” Look, this women is very obviously living in what can only be described as being some kind of an alternate universe. Anyone who has ever tuned in to NPR for even 5 minutes realized very quickly in which end of the political spectrum it operates. NPR does not practice journalism, what it puts out onto the airways is Liberal Democrat propaganda. Pure and feakin simple. There is never any presenting of both sides of any issue, only the advocating of the liberal point of view is heard. Now I suppose some will argue the point by saying isn't that what Conservative Talk Radio does. While to a certain extend that may be true, no one in Talk Radio receives any taxpayer money to do so.

She summed things up by saying, “For those that do criticize us for being liberal, I ask them, when I get that personally, I ask them to point to specific stories. And when they do, we take those very seriously. Have we erred? Absolutely, we have erred in the past, but we make corrections, and we always strive to do better.” Have you ever thought that you might be living in the "Twilight Zone?" These people just never cease to amaze me. The faux journalists of NPR constantly report stories very often without ever taking the time verify the accuracy of any sources or facts, especially if the story being reported upon supports some leftist cause. In their eagerness to simply run with the story and to get it out to their listeners at all costs, these clowns are guilty of committing a level of journalistic malpractice that can only be described as egregious. They insist on presenting fictional accounts as "news" which then results in Ms. Schiller having very little credibility when she has the nerve to say that the organization which she heads provides a valuable service by being a viable source of information for the general public. I don't think so! They routinely take advantage of the trust placed in them by the public who perceive them as being that reliable source of information. Which they so very obviously are not. This is but one more organization that finds itself on the receiving end of public funds for no other reason than that it assists the Democrats in getting their rather fraudulent message out in an effort to brainwash. It just needs to stop.

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