If there is one thing you can take to the bank, it’s that when someone tells you that today’s news media is not the enemy of the people, you can be sure that it is. Especially if the person doing the telling is none other than one of the many resident boobs there at CNN, Jim Acosta. We are constantly being told by those in the biased media that they, the biased media, are the saintly defenders of truth, justice and the American way! If anything, Acosta is the poster child for the anti-American legacy media that aggressively lies to the people. But I’m not sure what Acosta is upset about. He can still lie all he wants, but his lies are not going to go unchallenged.
Anyway, it was this past Thursday that Acosta, on CNN’s
“Newsroom,” opined that freedom of the press was not just important to
democracy. He said, “It is democracy.” The bloviating anchor also proclaimed
the media not to be “the enemy of the people.” Acosta said, “I want to take a
moment to talk about something President Biden said during his farewell
address. He warned the free press is crumbling in this country. I would add,
that’s only if we the people let that happen. Journalists exist to seek the
truth, to tell people’s stories, to lift up voices that may not be heard
otherwise, to shine a light on injustice and to hold the powerful accountable."
He went on to say, “We are not the enemy of the
people. We are the defenders of the people.” He added, “Walter Cronkite once
said, freedom of the press is not just important to democracy, it is democracy.
I want to take a moment to show you something. A woman sent me this sign eight
years ago. She carried it here at a March in Washington. She wrote on the back
of the sign to me and the press here in DC, ‘you have our support.’ To Nora,
wherever you are, right back at ya.” The problem is, we don’t have a free
press. The press is dominated by Leftists who try to shut down free speech,
conservatives, and anything else their Democrat masters disagree with.
Of course, Acosta is going to deny it. Actually, admitting
to it would prove they are as useless as teats on a bull. They run with lies,
use exaggerated propaganda, and they’ve become political hack tools of the
Democrat Party! How can anyone trust their reporting? It’s obviously one-sided
and blatantly biased! This is like an alcoholic saying they don’t have a
drinking problem. As Americans, we don’t have to agree with a story, but we
should at least be able to trust, and to respect, those ‘journalists’
attempting to be impartial and objective. It’s Acosta that not only lacks these
traits, but he deliberately exhibits a rather arrogant and unprofessional
It was when these people decided that their job was
to decide what ‘truth’ we are allowed to know, and what truth we are not
allowed to know, that they made themselves a fundamental threat to our country
and therefore themselves the enemy of the American people. And regarding
Acosta, he’s a bloviating, editorializing boob who broadcasts nothing more than
his own personal views while trying to make you believe that he has a clue about
what he’s saying though he never tells you anything that hasn’t been altered to
meet his desired agenda. He excludes any facts in order to manipulate his
script as well as access to information that would prove him an idiot.
And Acosta is not a ‘journalist,’ he never really has
been. He’s nothing more than a paid propagandist. The people of this country
are why the fake news media's viewership and ratings have fallen into the
toilet. So, cry hard Jimmy boy, your days may be numbered. And Jimmy, why not
report on your employer’s horrible ratings and defamation lawsuits against the
company? Oh yeah, that would be “honest reporting,” something outside your
skill set. Sadly, it’s the same that can be said of Cronkite who, in his day,
slanted the news to the left each and every night. And he is, of course, the
patron saint of liberal hacks like Acosta and was as biased as they come.
But it was back then that Cronkite had a yuge
advantage in that the country hung on his every word when he did the daily
narrative. That’s no longer the case with today’s ‘news’ media. They have long
since been upended by online digitally available information that can be
immediately examined for truth. Cronkite’s big moment came in 1968 when he falsely
reported to the entire country that the Vietnam war was lost. That report he
made was responsible for the death of thousands of U.S. servicemen and
Vietnamese Nationals when his rhetoric gave aid and comfort to our enemies.
They knew then after Cronkite's announcement that they could win.
These clowns continue to hide behind the First
Amendment as they bombard the American people with propaganda, psy ops,
cover-ups on crimes against our citizens like President Trump and the January 6ers
and used the First Amendment like a bludgeon against us. If the courts and the
Deep State uniparty won’t stop this, it’s cause for another revolution. The
current breed of ‘journalists’ that we have today are nothing more than mouthpieces
for the Democrat Party, and together they are a form of mockingbird media. We
the People now have our eyes open to this, we see their ploy to control the
citizens and we no longer trust the current media.
The right to lie and to be a Democrat propagandist
is now what clowns like Acosta call freedom of the press. For instance, they still
provide liars like Adam ‘Pencil Neck’ Schiff a platform from which he can spew
his drivel even though he was censured for lying by the House. They bring on clowns
like Michael Cohen, who was convicted of perjury and admitted to theft from the
Trump Organization. And it’s anyone who is willing to spout any untruth about
President Trump that is welcomed with open arms and allowed to make any sort of
accusation while never being asked to provide proof to back up said
accusations. They have more clowns at CNN than Ringling Brothers.
It’s only 13 percent of Americans who trust today’s ‘fake
news’ cartel, and those like Acosta are the reason. All of his efforts over the
years have resulted in failure. As a professional, full time, paid, hater of
President Trump it must suck to have to say President Trump again. His story is
an unfortunate one, he could have been quite good. But he chose the path of
least resistance, the one that required very little actual effort. True ‘journalists’
present verifiable facts and allow the consumer to make his/her determination.
Acosta is in the business of shaping political opinion while masquerading as a
journalist, which makes him both a propagandist and a fraud.
Ok, ok, perhaps, just perhaps, the ‘news’ media, as
a whole, may not be the enemy of the people, however those who present
themselves as ‘journalists’ and then go on to lie and deceive the American
people, are truly enemies of the American people. And their intentional lies
and misinformation represents a grave danger to this country. That’s simply a
fact. And it’s most of these people, likely including Acosta himself, who are
out and out Communists and therefore have no qualms about government censorship
by proxy via the ‘news’ media, and for the Democrat Party on their censorship
of true Christians and other conservatives!
Finally, no one is stopping
anyone from saying what they want to say. It’s the Democrats who have engaged
in censorship. Criticism of the press is not censorship, it’s free speech.
Acosta can say anything he wants, and anyone can criticize what he says. It’s
the Democrats who have lied to the American people in order to protect the party.
The Republicans simply pointed it out, but they never demand censorship of the
political left as the political left does of the political right. Some have
called the press the enemy of the American people because of their lies,
because of their collusion with the Democrats. Acosta is spinning the issue and
is once again being dishonest.
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