

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


As it is I have a very difficult time, these days, taking any Democrat seriously.  After all, most are serial liars, most are totally incompetent, most Democrat politicians have never had what you would call a real job, and most would just as soon as shove a knife in your back as look at you. They are, in short, the very last people you should ever trust. And now it seems that we have a new breed of Democrat and a first for Congress. And that would be a guy who dresses up as a girl and wants to be treated as such. And, as such, is there anyone who could possess less credibility on any subject than a guy who appears to be more than just a little mentally unstable.

And leave it to CNN to go out of its way to invite this loon, and now member of the U.S. House, Tim/Sarah McBride, on to offer up his own rather idiotic critique of President Trump. But you really do have to wonder if this guy would have ever been invited on if he wasn’t what he is. I mean, does being a freak somehow provide you with some special insight that somehow makes your opinion on global stability worth listening to? Now I suppose I could be wrong, but somehow, I just don’t think so. On the contrary, this was likely an attempt by CNN to normalize such behavior by choosing to invite this guy on. Clearly, CNN becomes more of a joke every day.

This past Tuesday during an appearance on CNN’s “The Situation Room,” hosted by that dolt Wolf Blitzer, McBride argued that President Trump’s comments about Greenland and Panama are “fostering more instability globally.” Blitzer said, “Trump also says he’s open to using the U.S. military to potentially seize the Panama Canal and Greenland as well, which is part of Denmark. Sources close to Trump say he’s very serious about this. What’s your reaction to that?” McBride said, “This is typical bluster from the president elect, this obsession with Greenland and Panama really came out of nowhere and has been filled with mistruths and misunderstandings."

McBride went on to say, “I don‘t understand why this president is so committed at a time of global instability, of fostering more instability globally, of undermining our allies. And at the same time diverting the attention of our federal government toward issues like invading Greenland or Panama. While we should be focused on bringing down costs facing workers, retirees and families here in this country, that‘s what our focus should be on.” McBride added, “If this president is serious about an America first agenda, he should be focused on domestic economic issues, not some weird obsession with invading Greenland or Panama."

So, this tranny House freshman thinks he knows best? Tells you all you need to know about this attention seeking wacko. It’s comical if nothing else. Ignorance is bliss, they say. He’s as dumb as 99 percent of the rest of the Democrats. We all know, or should, that Delaware has a long history of choosing some of the dumbest people in the country to elect to Congress. It’s long been sort of a pattern with them. I mean, here’s yet another Democrat who’s managed to himself elected and who, in reality, would probably not even make a good Barista at Starbucks, let alone serving in Congress. But he had all the right boxes checked, none of which was for experience.

This guy McBride is a total clown! Is he not aware that Communist China and Russia both have military bases in the Artic? President Trump is trying to persuade Greenland to become part of the United States so that this country could better counter the threats posed by China and Russia in the Artic with our own military bases there! This moron talks about “instability.” Seriously? This is a tacit endorsement of President Trump’s policies. The louder they wail and scream, the more “on target” he obviously is. Why would anyone believe a dude who doesn’t even know what he is? These Democrats seem to love to put on display their low intellect for all to see!

McBride is Joey’s little DEI champion. I believe Joey wrote a foreword in McBride’s 2018 memoir and has supposedly been influenced by McBride on transgender issues. He must be so proud that this mentally unstable person is representing Delaware. I’d expect CNN to have McBride make daily appearances on their failing propaganda network. Global instability was brought about by the weakness shown by *president Joey B. on the world stage. More bullshit from yet another irrelevant liberal who nobody’s ever heard of, and because of his mental disorder has been given a platform.  Meanwhile, world leaders are already showing President Trump respect.

And so the world is in complete disarray after the past four years of Joey’s failures but now it’s time to somehow pin that all on President Trump, got it. Destabilizing the stability left behind by a mentally impaired Joey is just what the country ordered, and President Trump will deliver. I remember when they said, “The adults are now back in charge”, when Joey was ‘selected.’ How’d that work out? President Trump, not being a Democrat, is putting our enemies on notice. They are not the only game in town. If China moves on Taiwan, America takes Panama. If Russia keeps playing games in Ukraine, America moves into Greenland. Diplomacy of, and by the sword.

For the past four years we’ve not heard one word from any Democrat regarding how it was that our demented cadaver of a *president has had us on the brink of WW3 for a couple of years now. It was Joey’s open-border policies and his idiotic foreign policy that has been fostering the instability that has McBride’s panties in a bunch. Another handwringing, spineless and worthless Democrat who has virtually no problem watching Americans getting ripped off, but McBride turns himself inside-out to avoid offending anyone else. Here’s some advice, especially to this gender confused self-loather: Step aside, sit down or just shut up if you have nothing constructive to offer.

These people had four years to get it right and failed miserably. The world is in chaos right now and it’s all because American power and influence has been absent for the last four years. President Trump has made it very clear to our enemies, and friends alike, that he is back on the world stage and ready to take the lead to world peace. To placate President Trump the world leaders will have to make the necessary changes or risk retribution from the most powerful nation on earth. And while he may not get everything that he wants, President Trump will bring about peace in the world, of that I have no doubt. Democrats have no concept of “peace through strength!!!"

Finally, it’s hard to imagine anyone making the world LESS stable than the people who have been in charge for the past four years. After four years of ignoring, and of being openly hostile toward, our domestic economic issues, the Democrats now want to focus, superficially, on those issues. He speaks of President Trump fostering global instability, but it was ‘BO’ and Joey who fostered global instability on what can only be described as a grand scale. President Trump is trolling the world! I would expect nothing less. He is intentionally controversial to put the world on notice, and to make it clear to all that nothing is off the table. Welcome back Mr. President.

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