

Friday, January 17, 2025


It takes a special kind of individual, one who is uniquely dishonest and blatantly corrupt to their core, to be able to look at Joey Biden, while being fully aware of all that he has done to this country over the course of the last four years, the suffering he is responsible for, both through those who work for him and personally, and say he will go down as the greatest presidents this country has ever had. And what purpose, do you suppose, would one have to make such an incredibly ridiculous, and easily disprovable claim? But by doing so they have provided us with a look inside the party and to the very clear and present danger it represents to the country.

And it was exactly that that happened just this past Friday. You see, it was then during an appearance on MSDNC’s ‘Chris Jansing Reports,’ that James Clyburn made the rather idiotic claim that *president Joey will go down in history as being “one of the greatest presidents we ever had.” Frankly, I’m thinking that it might be time for old Jimmy to at least consider seeking out some professional psychiatric treatment because he has clearly gone round the bend. Let’s face it, Clyburn has been wrong about everything his entire life!!! I mean he’s never been very smart. Clyburn has always been an idiot, is currently an idiot, and will always be an idiot.

Host Jansing said, “Given everything that was in place when he took office, Covid the economic challenges, do you think that this was in some ways inevitable? And how do you think history will judge this presidency?” Clyburn said, “I think that he will go down as one of the greatest presidents we ever had. I think the same thing about Jimmy Carter, who we just funeralized. Jimmy Carter left the presidency with very, very low ratings. People who do big things, people who break with the status quo. These people do not get judged well in the currency. But when history gets a chance to look back to read the things he said and did, rather than to respond to the way he said them."

Clyburn added, “I heard people this morning or last night talking about him not being a great communicator. Well, some people are good speakers, other people are great doers, and some people just know how to write. And that is what it is all about. We are judging people on substance when we look back on them, not on style. If you’re looking for style, Joe Biden is not your guy on substance. He’s everybody’s person.” Clyburn is simply doing what he has always done, lie. He’s a disgrace. Another Democrat talking who spews nothing but nonsense. Have you ever noticed that 90 percent of the stupidest people in all of Congress are Democrats? Coincidence?

Many may recall how it was Clyburn’s fault that America was made to endure four years of an incompetent fuck. And he’s to blame for the fact that we barely survived. Clyburn was the guy who made it possible for Joey to become *president. Prior to the South Carolina Primary in 2020, Joey was going nowhere fast. At the debate just before the primary, Clyburn promised to endorse Joey for president if he would, during the debate, promise that to appoint a woman of color to the Supreme Court, because was what the country really needed. Joey did it, Clyburn made good on his endorsement, Joey won South Carolina, and the ‘fake news’ media got behind Joey.

With his runaway inflation, skyrocketing crime, open border disaster, an anemic economy, boys in girl's locker rooms competing against girls in sports, the exit from Afghanistan that was a total disaster, to name just a few, Joy will definitely go down in history, but for all the wrong reasons. Oh, and I almost forgot, Joey was the first *president to have cocaine found in the White House, the first *president that pardoned his son for the many felonies that he plead guilty to and for any he might be convicted of in the future and maybe most importantly, he was the first *president to be kicked out of running for a second term within 100 days of an election.

With a 34 percent approval rating, Joey has tied Jimmy Carter. And where Carter was simply an incompetent failure, Joey was an incompetent failure, blatantly corrupt ‘and’ senile. During the Carter era, the inflation was worse, jobs were hard to find, and Carter gave the world Iran as we know it today. Carter was an incompetent boob in league with the worst leftists of the day. He never met a communist dictator he didn’t love, made excuses for their human rights abuses and was the friend of terrorists, he was antisemitic and supported every enemy of Israel. And it’s Joey who has demonstrated many of those very same traits with massive corruption thrown in.

Clyburn is a Democrat. And Democrats will never admit the braindead incompetence of Joey, because he was doing what they wanted. They think the last four years were wonderful, just ask them. Any of them! And why is it that Democrats like Clyburn feel the need to lie so much and so obviously. At this point there’s no downside to just keeping quiet about what a trainwreck Joey has always been. Is Clyburn afraid that if he starts telling the truth about anything it might become a habit? Clearly Clyburn is on drugs, Joey is clearly one of the worst presidents by every metric. So just when you thought there was no one dumber than Joey, Bam, along comes Clyburn.

But all of that said, Clyburn is nothing if not reliable. He’s another of those who can always be counted on to spew the standard Democrat Party line no matter how absurd it might be. This man should be nowhere near the levers of power, he should be in a padded cell where he can do harm to neither himself nor the country. Joey will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in the history of the nation, and whose questionable mental health decline led to some of the most historically damaging mistakes in American history. Yet he still just keeps rattling them off! There is not one person in the Democrat Party who has ever heard of the truth, what a disgrace.

It’s a very weird universe in which these Leftists reside, with their imagined ideal for a society where there is great suffering and injustice of their own making and a dystopian future bereft of all reason. Everything these Leftists touch makes life far more difficult for the rest of us. President Trump has a very hard road ahead because of those like both Joey and Clyburn. It’s on nearly every front that the country has been put on the path toward catastrophe and oblivion. We have literally become a failed state. We’re now not that far from becoming another Venezuela. And it’s Joey and the Leftist Democrats who seem quite pleased with direction they are promoting.

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