

Thursday, June 24, 2021


And so, it’s Nancy Pelosi, and frankly every other Democrat, now coming across as rather desperate in their effort to convince us that Democrats really don’t hate America and they are not actually consumed by a need for political power and therefore have no ulterior motive for wanting to wreak all manner of havoc on how it is that we conduct our elections by attempting to put the federal government in charge of our elections. Something that our Constitution makes very clear is the responsibility of the states. But Democrats care little about our Constitution.  

It would now seem that we have all now somehow been transported to ‘The Twilight Zone’ of some other form of alternative universe courtesy of the Democrats. For instance, the Democrats continue to claim that they are seeking nothing more than to make our election system more ‘fair’, and to remove any and all obstacles that they claim only make it more ‘difficult’ to vote, especially for those to tend to vote for them. But in truth what they are actually trying to do is to write into law those very same things that allowed them to ‘win’ the 2020 presidential election. 

And add to that the fact that we now have Ms. Pelosi making yet another idiotic argument in her effort to justify what it is that the Democrats are really trying to pull off here.  It was during a recent interview, released this past Wednesday, with something called ‘theGrio’, that Pelosi actually made the claim that Republicans are blocking federal election legislation, “Because they can’t win any other way. They can’t win any other way. So, they have to suppress the vote.” And she even went so far as to compare the situation to the Battle of Trenton during the Revolutionary War. 

TheGrio D.C Bureau Chief, some bimbo airhead by the name of April Ryan. said, “The reality, you just brought up the Republicans, Mitch McConnell is leading the effort saying, no, no, no to voting rights.” And Pelosi responded by saying, “Yeah. Because they can’t win any other way. They can’t win any other way. So, they have to suppress the vote. This is a fight for our democracy. Our democracy is at stake now.” Pelosi also stated, “We are at Trenton. We are crossing the Delaware. This is about fighting for America’s democracy. Nothing less is at stake than that.”

Of course, mean old Republicans want to suppress the vote. They are racist white supremacists who want to destroy democracy, give tax breaks for only the rich and hate LQBTQ, blah, blah, blah. Democrats have been using that same tired narrative for the last 50 years, and all it does is create division. Their strategy is to divide us into groups and then to create a winning coalition from those groups. After the midterms, if Republicans take over the house, they should use the same Democrat political strategies employed by Democrats to go after their political opponents.

And yes, Republicans do seek to suppress the vote, but the ONLY votes Republicans are seeking to suppress are those cast by dead people, illegal aliens, convicted felons, minors under the age of 18, unregistered voters, unverifiable mail-in votes, unverifiable absentee votes, people without proper ID or proof of citizenship and people who vote multiple times. That, my friends, isn’t suppression, that’s called election integrity, something the Democrats want no part of! Does anyone know any American who was legally able to vote who was prevented from voting?

We just want the people voting to have a pulse, to live in the voting district, not be a convicted felon, be a U.S. citizen and only vote once. The Democrats can’t win with just those voters. Democrat voters that are being suppressed: the graveyard vote, convicted criminals, the citizens of Mexico and other foreign countries, union members that take buses from polling place to polling place and vote a dozen times. Also, the people that print out thousands of ballots and deposit them off in drop off ballot boxes. These are the votes that the Democrats are fighting for.

Every time the Democrats get in power they almost always immediately overreach. And then the backlash that comes about, each a little stronger than the last. Democrat may have overreached by so much this time that, with luck, the backlash may actually destroy them. They know what’s coming, they will do all they can to prevent Donald Trump from running in 2024. What they don’t realize is that it is not Trump himself who will destroy them, it’s his policies that will be their destruction. They think that if they can defeat Donald Trump, conservatives will all just go away.

Pelosi knows, as does every other Democrat, that they cannot win unless they cheat. Eliminate the ability for them to cheat and you won’t see another one in office. Her claim that Republicans are suppressing the vote can be easily disproven. Yet she continues to make her ludicrous claim to the American people because no one in the equally corrupt ‘fake news’ media will call her, or any other Democrat, out for all of the obvious lies. And it’s many of those who listen to the Liberal media, and the Democrat Party, who believe whatever these two are dishing out without question.

And it’s out of her mouth that comes nothing more than the projection that she and her party have been doing since Reconstruction. Just look at what they DO, not what they say. They have been rebuilding and rebranding the institution of slavery on a renovated plantation for decades. The Democrat standard operating procedure is to accuse the opposition of being guilty of what they themselves are guilty of. To translate what Pelosi is really saying here into the truth, would go something like, “We can't win elections unless we stuff ballot boxes with fraudulent votes.”

I am endlessly fascinated with the Left’s two-pronged point of view regarding the need to show an ID. They demand the one show and ID when buying a firearm, getting on an airplane or driving an automobile or a motorcycle. And they demand one show an ID when applying for Social Security or welfare benefits. But when it comes to voting, asking someone to verify their identity is somehow racist or discriminatory and serves to do nothing than to ‘disenfranchise voters.’ Really? You mean the average Democrat voter is incapable of figuring out how to get a government-issued ID?

Let’s face it, Democrats are far more guilty of rigging our election system than are the Republicans. Look back over just the last 60 years and the evidence is absolutely overwhelming! It’s clear that what the Democrats want is the unrestricted ability to cheat and to steal elections. A recent poll showed that 80% of the voting public is in favor of showing an ID to vote, but the Democrats will oppose that to their political death. If we did have fair and honest elections that prevented Democrats from cheating, we would never again see a Democrat elected to public office.

‘BO’ once promised that he was going to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.” Once Democrats flood America with illegals, who will eventually become voters, they will have changed the face of America and it will be a one-party system. History will write of this period, how in one generation, the American form of governance was altered, and not in a good way. Because it will have been made to move from a Democratic Republic to a Marxist Totalitarian State. Unfortunately, we are now in the throes of this Revolution and we may have already passed the tipping point.

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