

Tuesday, June 1, 2021


Imagine my surprise upon hearing that one of the more blatantly racist, incredibly dishonest, and patently corrupt members of Congress, and of the Democrat Party, had recently taken it upon himself to accuse the Republican Party of seeking nothing more than to “make it harder to vote and easier to steal an election.” And the first thing that came to mind was how it is that the Democrats must consider the vast majority of the American people as being what can only be a very special kind of stupid. After all, if that were not the case, why would this guy even say such a thing?

Which brings me to this past Sunday’s broadcast of CNN’s “State of the Union,” hosted by ‘Mr. Fake News’ himself, Jake Tapper. You see, it was then that Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, the Democrat to whom I make reference to above, took the opportunity to make his idiotic claim that the Republicans are, in fact, seeking to “make it harder to vote and easier to steal an election.” Tapper started things off by saying, “The Texas Senate just passed this morning sweeping new voting restrictions, a bill to ban drive-thru voting, new rules how judges can overturn elections.”

And Tapper went on to say, “Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer says he will bring up Democrats sweeping voting rights legislation for a vote next month, but there are not 60 votes to pass it. So what are you going to do, and what’s your reaction to the Texas law?” Jeffries responded with what was clearly a lie when he said, “Well, the Texas law is shameful, and Republicans clearly in Texas and throughout the country want to make it harder to vote and easier to steal an election.” And Tapper simply sat there, unwilling to challenge Jeffries on what both knew was clearly a blatant lie.

Jeffries went on to say, “That is the only way to I could interpret the voter suppression epidemic that we see working its way from one state Georgia to Arizona to Texas and all across the country in so many different ways.” He continued, “Fundamental to our Democracy is the right to vote, self-government, that the American people get to decide and work for a democracy that reflects the voices of all Americans, not just a certain segment, not just conservatives, not just Republicans, not just people in certain parts of the country, all Americans.”

And he said, “So I support the effort to move HR-1, the ‘For the People Act.’” And, Jeffries added, “We’ll have to see what occurs in the Senate in terms of whether they could get to the 60 vote threshold. The Senate has some decisions to make in terms of reviewing their archaic procedures that have been used to uphold institutions like slavery and Jim Crow.” “Archaic procedures that have been used to uphold institutions like slavery and Jim Crow?” What the Hell is he even talking about? The ‘For the People Act,’ should perhaps be called it the ‘For the Democrat Party Act.’

Of course, this racist boob voted for HR.1! It’s nothing more than the Democrat blueprint for nationwide election theft as it includes such things as: Same day voter registration, no ID required to vote and no purging of voter rolls by the states to remove deceased persons and those who have moved out of their district. Also included is the allowing of ballot harvesting to take place, no checking of signatures on mail-in ballots and all mail-in ballots for elections. Jeffries supports all of this and yet still manages to blame Republicans for wanting to make it easier to cheat?

Not someone who gets paid to analyze political gibberish, let me see if I understand this racist buffoon correctly. The Democrats just executed the greatest exercise in election theft in our history. And they have spent all manner of resources, in both manpower and money, trying to prevent any and all audits and/or recounts that would prove their fingerprints are all over the events of 2020. And yet he wants us to believe that it’s the Republicans who seek to “make it harder to vote and easier to steal an election?” Is he listening to the words that are coming out of his own mouth?

So the party that may still get away with committing what was the most horrific violation of public trust in our history, is now accusing the other side of what they have done, and on a massive scale. We’ve always known Democrats steal elections that are close, yet they had never succeeded on the scale we saw in November 2020. And now they are desperate to make legal every method they employed to achieve that steal, from allowing the dead to vote, to allowing illegals to vote, to busing people to different polling stations to vote over and over, and so very much more.

Jeffries is a liar, and other than the Democrats no one is denying anyone the opportunity to vote. What Republicans are doing is to attempt to prevent the Democrats from turning our electoral system into that which would make voting nothing more than a mere formality. If Jeffries has a problem, it’s with local election authorities. They control and administer the elections. If he wants to address those problems in his district, then I certainly invite him to do so. But he should not blame the Republicans for the corruption that he and his party are busy promoting.

Jeffries is another exceptionally arrogant, and very racist, member of that leftwing brain trust referred to as the Congressional Black Caucus. Those individuals sent to Congress by their respective black constituents, in gerrymandered slum districts, in order to keep themselves on the Democrat Party welfare driven slave plantation. Fifty years of destroying the black family and creating a 10 million strong black underclass that is violent, cannot be educated, is drug addicted, prone to criminality, and being kept alive with billions of dollars of welfare spending each and every year.

Nobody with any level of common sense believes a single word that comes out of the mouth of these people! All Republicans are asking for is an honest and fair system! A 10 yearold child could understand this!! But then it’s your average Democrat voter that is nowhere near as intelligent as is your average 10 yearold. Democrats believe Republicans can steal future elections, yet somehow don’t believe that the last election could have been stolen. Everybody knows the Democrats have been stealing elections for decades, going all the way back to John Kennedy, if not further.

And the only ‘stealing’ going on, by requiring those voting to be in possession of an ID, involves the ‘stealing’ from the Democrats their primary methods of cheating and therefore eliminating those things that Democrats have come to rely on when it comes they’re being able to cheat their way to electoral ‘victory.’ So it’s those like Jeffries who attempt to portray those who seek to accomplish nothing more than the ability to ensure the validity of our elections, as being the ones trying to do just the opposite or, exactly what it is that Democrats like Jeffries are trying to do.

Any according to those like Jeffries, it’s any law that attempts, in any way, to make it more difficult for Democrats to cheat that can then be described as being racist or, in some other way, discriminatory, and disenfranchises certain groups of voters. In the minds of most Democrats ‘cheating’ is now defined as preventing noncitizens from being allowed to vote, ensuring that the dead are forced to remain in their graves and forcing voters to prove they are who they say they are by providing an ID. And unless you happen to be a Democrat it’s such things that sound pretty reasonable.

Finally, when it comes to elections, Democrats do not want any hint of accountability, absolutely none. Democrats don’t want anyone forced to identify themselves at the polls because that might prevent them from voting multiple times. Democrats want ballot harvesting so that they can pick up Democrat ballots, pick up blank ballots and fill them in, and pick up Republican ballots so that they can throw Republican votes into the trash. And Democrats believe that they, and they alone, should be able to determine the validity of ballots and to verify that the vote count is accurate.

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