

Wednesday, August 1, 2018


As those who make up the Democrat Party, from ‘main street’ to the upper echelon of party leadership, become all the more unhinged, seemingly with each passing day, I find myself wanting to ask any one of them how it is that they feel such obviously bizarre behavior will convince any rational individual of the sanity of their cause or the soundness of their priorities.  Especially when their position, on most issues, makes it so very clear that they, as a party, are far more interested in the complete destruction of our country, than they are in making our country better.

That there is today anyone who’s willing to say they’re a ‘Democrat’ is really quite amazing.  Because by so doing one only serves to expose himself, or herself, as being little more than a crackpot and as someone who is somewhat psychotic.  How is it, exactly, that anyone can proudly declare membership in a political party that has as its number one priority the bringing down of a duly elected president instead of improving the general welfare of every American citizen?  How twisted is that?  And yet there seems to be no shortage of those willing to join in this lunacy.

Now I’m not sure about anybody else, but personally I really don’t think that I could be a member of a party which, once my membership became known, would have people assuming me to be some sort of America-hating kook.  You would think that a party that has as its major players people like Hitlery, Chuckie Schumer and ‘Mad Maxine’ Waters, to name just a few, would find it pretty difficult finding those who would actually want to be joining up, but apparently such is not the case.  Which is more than a little scary in itself.  But not much surprises me anymore.

And how is it that there are actually people anywhere in this country who are willing to identify with a political party which many Americans view as being nothing more than an odd assortment of screeching malcontents.  I mean isn’t that pretty much the same as wearing a sign around your neck that says, “Hey, I’m A Moron!”  And what is a little unnerving is the fact that these people are convinced of the righteousness of their beliefs.  And on this Russia nonsense, they’re like a dog with a bone, and there is absolutely nothing you can say to convince them otherwise.
nd yet the ‘Trump Train’ continues to roll on down the tracks and as it does the country continues to improve in spite of the Democrat Party, the state-controlled media and the ‘Establishment RINOs’ acting in concert to force the train from the tracks.  America IS being made great again, which only serves to make the Democrats all the more unhinged and all the focused in their efforts to remove President Trump from office.  This coming election is so very important, and we who love this country must turn out, and work to make sure the ‘Trump Train’ stays firmly on the tracks!

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