

Friday, August 24, 2018


When it comes to trying to determine who it is that’s the more ignorant liberal among those who routinely appear on Fox News, it usually always turns out to be sort of a tie between Juan Williams and other boob, Jerry Rivers, aka Geraldo Rivera.  Whenever watching either of these two you can always count on them doing their best to bend themselves into pretzels as they try so hard to justify their nonsensical positions or to downplay how it is that those within the Democrat Party hate America.

The focus here, however, is going to be on Williams, who is usually the more ignorant sounding of the two, who on this past Wednesday’s edition of "The Five," a show that I very seldom ever watch simply because I can’t stomach Williams for more than 5 minute, seemed to take issue with President Trump’s highlighting of the horrific murder of a young college student, Mollie Tibbetts, by an illegal alien in Iowa, which also just so happens to have been the lead story of Wednesday’s episode.

Williams provoked a pretty vocal reaction from the show’s other co-panelists with his highly politicized comments about the tragic story that has been making national headlines ever since Tibbetts disappeared in mid-July.  Williams argued that the reason the president drew attention to the death of the college student, whom police now strongly suspect was killed by an illegal immigrant, was to “distract” people from the legal cases involving Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen.

Williams said, “What you see is that people use this for their own purpose.”  He said, “In Trump’s case, he’s using this to distract and to deceive people … in terms of the big news of the day, which is about the Michael Cohen plea deal, about Paul Manafort being convicted.”  He continued, “At this point you have the president’s personal lawyer, his campaign chairman, his national security adviser [Michael Flynn], all convicted felons — but instead we want to talk about a murder.”

Williams went to add, “There’s lots of murders in America.”  And from there he went on in a bizarre attempt to perpetuate a claim that has been repeatedly proved to be false saying, “There is a lower rate of violent crime among illegal immigrants and immigrants than there is among native-born Americans.”  Williams is obviously nothing more than a common liar, but being a liberal that should be seen as being pretty much par for the course.  With them the ends always justify the means.

And it was co-host Jesse Watters who responded to Williams’ blatantly idiotic remark, and rightfully so, by saying, “We’re going to be talking about the Cohen and Manafort cases in the B-block,” Watters said, referring to the rest of the program. “Now, we’re leading the show with this story. So it seems like you’re the one that’s trying to distract from this story.”  To which Williams responded by saying, “No, we’re leading with a story about one woman’s death—“

Watters interrupted saying “You just sounded like the professor,” referring to Dr. Christina Greer, a Fordham University professor who has since apologized for her remark on MSNBC when she called Tibbetts a “girl in Iowa” that “Fox News is talking about.”  Watters continued, saying, “Just some woman in Iowa,” virtually repeating the professor’s words but interrupted by crosstalk.  And it was another fellow co-host, Greg Gutfeld who also chimed in saying, “Just a girl in Iowa.”

Watters added, “No one died on a tax evasion case, Juan.”  To which Williams shot back saying, “But the presidency of the United States, Jesse, is imperiled by these decisions.” And Watters simply responded, “According to you!”    The argument then turned into a debate about illegal immigration and its connection to tragic stories like the Mollie Tibbetts murder case.  Williams is another of those brain-members of the left absolutely salivating over the taking down of a duly elected president.  

Williams was not the only liberal ‘journalist’ to provoke heated reaction for objecting to the president’s honoring of the life of Mollie Tibbetts. AP reporter Zeke Miller drew backlash on Twitter for an insensitive remark that Mollie Tibbetts’ death was “likely coming soon to a Trump rally near you.”  Some ‘journalists’ seem to want to use every major news story to embark on relentless attacks on Trump. Everything else, even the senseless murder of a young girl, is just a “distraction.”

Personally, I would love to have the opportunity to ask Williams if he truly does believe even half of the shit that comes out of his mouth.  But you do have to admit that, like most of those on the left, he is a rather superb professional liar, very well practiced and very polished.  But he is still nothing more than a common liar and will usually prefer politically correct misrepresentations to facts, except when he needs to tell a truth in order to maintain at least some semblance of credibility.

While the show is almost always tilted in favor of the NeverTrumpers, Williams, and to lesser degree Jerry whenever he makes an appearance, remains the token liberal out of the entire bunch.  And both he and Rivera can always be counted on to deliver pure political bullshit by the ton.  Here, you see how he was again engaged in what has become his typical Alinsky-style tactics in an attempt to portray his leftist position as somehow being completely reasonable.  Tactics like:

1. Misrepresent the facts but insert something that is actually real. When challenged on the lies, incessantly point out to the one little nugget of fact that was inserted to give the whole load credibility.

2. If people aren't buying your BS and you have no facts to back it up, double, and even triple, down and keep shouting to drown out any opposing view.

3. When you have nothing else, start putting words in your opponent's mouth. That forces him (her) to defend themselves rather than call out the load of crap that you’re trying to sell as fact.

4. Overgeneralize whenever possible. "We all know", "Everybody says", "It's been widely reported" are some of Juan's favorite lies that cannot be easily disproven.

5. Always build up a hypothetical straw man to make your point when reality is not kind to your view. Then you can savage that hypothetical and avoid having to face the facts.

The only reason that Williams even still has a job is to give the loony leftwing point of view to any discussion so that it can be said to be ‘fair and balanced.’  I never agree with Williams, but I suppose Fox needs a few lefties like him, Smith, and Rivera so as not to appear as one-sided in their discussions as the other networks who never provide a truly balanced view.  Williams is so hopelessly anti-Trump that one of these days his hair might just catch fire as he spews his vitriol against the president.

Williams is one of the most ignorant and patently dishonest people that you’re likely to see on any news program on any channel.  He provides absolutely nothing of any substance to any discussion, on any topic, and he habitually spews what is nothing more than the Democrat Party talking points that he’s been provided with by his friends in the party.  I guess the only question is, is he truly as stupid and obnoxious as he appears to be or is it simply all an act?  I’m thinking it’s very real!

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