

Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Try to have a civilized discussion on the subject of leftwing bias in the media, or ‘fake news’, with just about anyone on the left and what you will most certainly be met by is nothing more than a rolling of the eyes.  And maybe, if I were they, my response would be much the same, since ALL of the ‘fake news’ would be slanted in favor of those whom I support.  But that said, it’s whenever seeking to demonstrate the degree to which our supposed “objective” news media is filled with little more than Democrat partisans, the best place to start is scandals, as in “Have you heard all about the latest Republican scandal?” versus “What Democrat scandal?” 

For instance, back on August 8 it was Republican congressman Chris Collins who was indicted for insider trading and lying to the FBI.  ABC, CBS and NBC all played up this story to the hilt, with 18 minutes and 24 seconds of coverage in just the first 24 hours.  CBS devoted the most coverage, pounding away for 7 minutes and 6 seconds. ABC came in second, offering 5 minutes and 41 seconds, and NBC was right behind, with 5 minutes and 37 seconds.  Not exactly what you could call fair and balanced, but then these folks long ago stopped being interested in providing to their viewers that which continues to be anything other than pure leftwing propaganda.

And then it was on August 21 that prosecutors indicted California Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter on charges of wire fraud and campaign finance violations.  The morning and evening ‘newscasts’ on ABC and CBS spent a total of 4 minutes and 44 seconds covering the story within the first 36 hours.  And it was those doing the ‘reporting’ on these two scandalous politicians who were absolutely beside themselves that these two men, Collins and Hunter, were the first congressional endorsers of Donald Trump for president.  So it should come as no surprise that that somehow multiplied the “newsworthiness” of their situation. 

And why is it that that’s such a loaded, unsubstantiated conclusion?  Well, it actually isn’t!  Because what is it that happens whenever a Democrat, any Democrat, is indicted, tried, convicted, and then sentenced.  Nothing!  Consider that these same three networks, these champions of public integrity, were bored to tears by the indictment and trial of former Democrat Congressman Chaka Fattah.  During the year and a half between his 2015 indictment and 2016 conviction and sentencing for misappropriating hundreds of thousands of dollars of federal, charitable and campaign funds, ABC, CBS and NBC offered up a measly 68 seconds of ‘news.’

In other words, Collins received 16 times as much coverage as Fattah in just one day. But wait. It gets worse.  Because there's former Rep. Corrine Brown of Florida, who was sentenced to five years in prison in 2016 for using an alleged children's charity called One Door for Education as a personal slush fund for herself and several aides. She used it for more than $300,000 in personal expenses, including tickets for NFL games and a luxury box for a Beyonce concert. “Brazen barely describes it,” the judge, Timothy Corrigan, said of Brown's sham charity. Never heard of her? There's a reason. And yet network coverage was Zero, Zip, Zilch, Nada!

Both Fattah and Brown were members of that blatantly racist little group commonly referred to as the Congressional Black Caucus and both were defeated in 2016 primaries by other black Democrats after the national whisper of their indictments.  Both had been in Congress for two decades and faced no serious general-election opposition for most of that time.  There are other House Republican scandals the networks have taken notice of since Fattah and Brown. On Dec. 13, 2016, NBC’s ‘Today’ featured a nearly two-minute-long ‘report’ on former Republican congressman Aaron Schock's arraignment on corruption charges in federal court.

And finally we have that resident moron at NBC, Chuck Todd, who proclaimed on this past Sunday’s episode of ‘Meet the Press’ that charges of a liberal bias in our ‘news’ media are nothing more than an old Roger Ailes tactic “not based in much fact.”  But he is far from being the only member of the so-called ‘mainstream’ media to downplay that which has now become so obvious to anyone with a brain.  Folks like him actually see themselves as being bona fide ‘journalists’ when in fact that are little more than stooges of the Democrat Party and very happy to be so.  The truth to these people is like sunlight to vampires.  It is to be avoided at all costs.

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