

Thursday, May 3, 2018


I must admit that it’s rare for me to spend any amount of time pondering over who it was that might have been the classic, or dare I say perfect, example of what a First Lady is.  But if there is one thing that requires very little pondering it’s on who it is that personified everything that a First Lady is NOT.  And of course the person who immediately comes to mind is Moochelle Obummer, who recently declared herself to be America’s “forever first lady” during a college event this past Wednesday.

Moochelle told a crowd of over 8,000 high school seniors at Temple University in Philadelphia that she, as the “forever first lady,” and the nation is counting on them to succeed.  She said, “We need you all to be successful… We have such high hopes for you. See, I am not one of those doubters. I know that you have everything it takes to succeed.”  She went on to say, “I know you are me, and if I can be standing here as your forever first lady, then you can do anything you put your mind to.”

And of course the audience applauded Moochelle, who also once said that the first time she was proud of her country was during the 2008 election of her husband, Barack Hussein Obama.  And while it was very little that we actually knew about either of these two, thanks to those in the media who worked to keep things well hidden, the one thing that we knew then, and still know today, is that they both possess a rather intense hatred of America.  That’s one thing that can’t be hidden.     

And I think we can all agree that Moochelle, much like her husband, is little more than a fraud.  After all, her thesis, while at Princeton, was all about how blacks are supposed to be lording it over whites.  She hates white people with a passion.  And her seething racial hatred of America could not be more apparent if she were to have a tattoo depicting such across her forehead.  She is forever ungrateful to a nation that has handed her EVERYTHING.  She is a classless, tasteless piece of human excrement.

Look, Moochelle was making over a quarter of a million dollars as the “diversity coordinator” at a non-profit hospital in Chicago during the time her husband was a member of the Illinois senate.  And she thought this was something that anyone could do?  She, as well as her husband, are the biggest beneficiaries of Affirmative Action this nation has ever witnessed.  And both continue to be a national embarrassment, and a stain on our great republic which we will likely never be able to get rid of.

At the same time I find it difficult to believe that anyone in their right mind thinks that Moochelle got to where she is today based on her own merit.  Does anyone really think that she got into Princeton and Harvard based on her credentials?  Or was it far more likely that she admitted because of affirmative action, with a goal to balance the diversity of the student body. I am sure her College records are just as sealed as her husband's so we’ll never know the answer to the credentials question.

And who is it that genuinely believes that if not for the fact that he is half black, Barry would have ever been elected president based on what was his slimmest of resumes?  Being a community agitator turned state senator, for seven years, before serving less than four years of a six year term as a U.S. Senator somehow qualifies one to be president? And yet, while he had a great opportunity to be a truly transformational president, he chose, instead, to sow hate, discontent and division.  

The delusions of grandeur demonstrated by Barry ‘O’ and wife Moochelle ‘O’ were then, and remain still today, obvious to the point of being embarrassing.  Moochelle, herself, had what was a huge staff and spent literally millions of taxpayer dollars.  She saw herself as being more of a Queen than merely as a first lady, and we the American people were simply the unwashed masses to be ruled over.  Odd sentiment coming from someone who has essentially never done anything on her own.

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