

Friday, July 28, 2017


After years of promising us that they would bring an end to one of most horrendous pieces of legislation ever to be forced upon the American people, and one that was ‘passed’ in the dark of night and by using some of most devious political tactics imaginable, we’re now finding out that many of those promises were made with there being no intention of them being kept.  Now I suppose we should have known all along that they were never serious about repealing Obamacare, and maybe we bear some of the responsibility for this current debacle because we believed them.  But that does little to alter the fact that Obamacare has cause far more damage than any benefit that it may have provided.  And I realize that there are many who are ready to throw in the towel when it comes to voting for Republicans ever again.  I would only ask that they resist from throwing the baby out with the bathwater. 

So we know that Mitch McConnell failed to garner the support needed to pass the motion to proceed on the watered-down version of the Obamacare repeal bill just after 1:30 a.m. Friday morning.  The attempt failed because three RINOs, John McCain, Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins, opted to identify as Democrats, joining with the other 48 Democrats in voting against the measure.  While the failure to get the necessary votes comes as yet another blow to McConnell, it once again demonstrates very clearly that he lacks any real leadership ability.  We’re told that he struggled for months to get members of his party to come to a consensus on replacement language.  But is that the action of a true leader?  And after months of negotiations, Republican lawmakers were unable to come to a consensus on key provisions, including how to handle cuts to Medicaid in expansion states and whether they should defund Planned Parenthood.

And what does it say about these three RINOs when you have someone like Chuckie Schumer heaping praise on them for their votes against the ‘skinny’ Obamacare repeal.  Chuckie said that he and McCain “have been friends for a very long time, ever since the Gang of Eight, which we put together. And I have not seen a senator who speaks truth to power as strongly, as well, and as frequently as John McCain. The very same courage he showed as a Naval Aviator in Vietnam, he showed last night, and has shown time and time again.”  He added, “And certainly not to be forgotten, of equal praise, are Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski. They were amazing. And, women are, in so many instances, stronger than men. They brag less about it, but they are. And last night sort of proved that. And as somebody who is in a family of strong women, I very much appreciate their strength, their courage, and their dedication to principle, despite the entreaties.”  Gag me with a spoon!

The so-called “skinny repeal”, which was aimed at repealing the aspects of Obamacare that all factions of the conference agreed upon while leaving large portions intact — was a last-ditch effort by leadership hoping to use the bill as a vehicle to conference with the lower chamber.  Despite McConnell having long been lauded as being some sort of a legislative wizard, his powers of persuasion fell far short with this trio of his fellow RINOs, all of whom have been quite vocal about their issues with the process and bill text.  And sadly we’re saddled with both Collins and Murkowski until 2020 upon which time we will hopefully be able to get rid of both of them, McCain we will likely be losing before the end of the year, which still provides him with more than enough time to wreak much more havoc in his effort to cause trouble for President Trump.  McCain is another one of those who would rather side with Democrats than see Trump achieve any level of success.   

It became evident around midnight, as the vote continued to be delayed, that leadership was struggling to convince hesitant members to get onboard.  While an increasingly-frustrated looking McConnell and Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, another RINO, huddled on the floor, Vice President Mike Pence partook in a lengthy discussion with McCain on the chamber floor in an attempt to coax the Arizona RINO to vote for the measure.  And while this may sound cold to some, hopefully at some point in the not too distant future the governor of Arizona will have the opportunity to appointment a replacement for McCain, one who will be more of a conservative and less of a RINO than McCain has been for some time now.  It’s too bad that such an opportunity had not yet presented itself.  McCain and his trusty sidekick from South Carolina, Lindsey Graham, have long been more of a roadblock to President Trump than they ever were for now ex-president Obummer.

Anyway, following its failure, McConnell expressed his disappointment on their failure to deliver on one of their top campaign promises.  Disappointment?  How does this vote in any way impact his ability to get quality and affordable health coverage?  In no way at all.  McConnell said, “From skyrocketing costs to plummeting choices and collapsing markets, our constituents have suffered through an awful lot under Obamacare. We thought they deserved better.”  And he went on to say, “It’s why I, and many of my colleagues, did as we promised and voted to repeal this failed law. We told our constituents we would vote that way. When the moment came, most of us did. We kept our commitments.”  ‘RINO’ McCain, who flew in from Arizona after being diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer earlier this week — told reporters, “I thought it was the right vote,” while exiting the Capitol.

And while I agree, to a certain extent, that electing Republicans to a majority in the House, then a majority in the Senate, and then the White House has not produced the outcome we had hoped for, I place a majority of the blame for this fiasco on RINOs like McCain who effectively stabbed every former supporter in the back as he again proved why he's the Democrat's favorite Republican.  This is just another example of the treachery committed by RINOs in ‘The Swamp’.  This should not be about Trump, which is what the RINOs and their Democrat friends are desperate to make it about.  What it needs to be about is the working middle class which can no longer afford healthcare and who are essentially being held hostage by the insurance companies and states that have only one insurance provider.  Obamacare has relied on government subsidies to make up for losses incurred by insurance companies, $669 Billion in 2016 alone. It's not self-supporting.

All of these pathetic RINOs are nothing more than #NeverTrumpsters who clandestinely opposed the candidate of their party in favor of Hitlery.  And make no mistake, there are more than a few #NeverTrumpsters in Congress and oddly enough they have come to believe that their sole purpose is to bring to a screeching halt anything that President Trump wants to accomplish, including the Republican promised "repeal and replace", which, as it turns out, was for seven long years nothing more than a scam to get votes.  And frankly, I find it rather sad that they seem to hate President Trump more than they love America and that they seem to care very little about their constituents.  Letting Obamacare implode on its own is nothing short of criminal, as  it punishes the working and middle classes the most.  Two groups that the RINOs hate for no other reason than because they chose to support Trump over Hitlery, the candidate they favored.

Sadly, the current crop of Republican leaders seem totally incapable of governing.  They are ‘SUPPOSED’ to be the party of smaller government.  And as such they are supposed to view the government as being the problem and never part of the solution.  They would NEVER even attempt to pass a healthcare bill because their ideology tells them that the government should not have any role in healthcare, it should be something handled entirely by the private sector.  However, this has not been the approach of our current governing party.  What this country needs in order to get headed back in to right direction is strong conservative leadership from those who are not afraid to be called ‘conservative’.  Democrats/Liberals/Progressives or whatever they may wish to call themselves must be relegated to permanent minority status and never again be allowed to achieve numbers that would allow them to gain any significant amount of political power.

Both McConnell in the Senate and Ryan in the House publicly act as if they are supporting President Trump, but behind the scenes they have both been working to undermine him practically since the day he threw his hat into the ring.  They both have spent far too many years up to their necks in ‘The Swamp’ and long ago ceased being part of any solution that would get this country back on the right track.  And I can’t be the only one who has ever wondered why it is that there is never a Democrat who dares to break ranks with his, or her, party on crucial votes, but we can always count on there being more than a few of these RINOs who are willing to stick a knife into the back of their president.  RINOs like McCain, Murkowski, and Collins deserve the Arlen Specter award for treachery.  Perhaps they could follow his example by switching parties and then dying.  But then, I suppose that’s just too much to wish for. 

President Trump is a street fighter, and that was exactly what was needed in order to beat the corrupt Democrat machine, and it's STILL what's needed to clean house in our corrupt government.  You can't hire a Boy Scout to deal with a John Gotti.  You gotta get someone that CAN deal with a John Gotti.  And Trump is no less honorable than the people calling him dishonorable, and those who insist upon trying to use prior administrations as a gage for his, are wasting their time.  President Trump is honest enough to let people know what he's thinking, compared to those professional politicians who stick to messages scripted by focus-group analytics and advisors.  Trump supporters get it, those that have decided to hate Trump whatever he does either don't get it or don't want to get it.  I could do some complaining about Trump, but I wouldn't do it while others are senselessly attacking him from every direction, and for the most inane reasons imaginable.

So far, I haven't seen President Trump do anything that's particularly worthy of negative criticism.  The economy's doing reasonably well, the U.S. hasn't experienced the refugee/terrorist nonsense that's plaguing Europe, illegal immigration is WAY down, and there are other things which are genuine accomplishments, such as exposing those in the state-controlled media as frauds, exposing Democrats as frauds and criminals, and now exposing Republicans as being nothing but Democrat enablers, allowing themselves to be willingly pushed around by a party that has control of absolutely NOTHING.  The FACT is that the sort of "honorable," polite person you're thinking of would have accomplished NONE of that, and we'd still be totally ignorant about the criminal conduct of the "intelligence community" and the FBI which is now only slowly coming to light.

And on a final note, I just want to say that no matter how pissed off I know we all are right now, at many of our Republican members of Congress, the last thing we should be contemplating, and I mean the VERY last thing, is doing anything that will result in allowing the Democrats to win even one seat in the 2018 midterm elections.  What we actually need, come 2018, is a conservative revolution.  We must never allow the Democrats, or their RINO colleagues, to convince us to surrender.  We must vote for those under the Republican banner, and if those we elect to Congress refuse to fight for us then we must also replace them with someone who will.  Democrats must NEVER again be allowed to achieve any level of political power.  That, no doubt, would bring about the end of this great nation, and that is simply not acceptable.  So put aside the anger and frustration and focus.  Focus on electing only those who will make the people, and the country the priority.  Not themselves. 

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