

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Isn’t it odd that Democrats, perhaps the most prolific bunch of cheaters, electorally speaking, on the entire planet, are ALWAYS the first ones out of the gate when it comes to accusing others of ‘cheating’.  And isn’t is just as odd how those in the state-controlled media are just as quick in their attempt to make the case that all Democrats should be seen as pure as the wind driven snow.  Now make no mistake here, I am in no way trying to say that I think Donald Trump Jr. did anything that can be, or should be, seen as being the least bit shady or underhanded.  I seriously doubt that there was any malice intended here, whereas every time it’s a Democrat looking to pull a fast one it is nearly always for some sinister purpose.  If Donald Jr. can be accused of being anything, it’s that he is a bit naïve when it comes to the wild and rather wacky world of politics.  But of course the first conclusion that our ‘above reproach’ Democrats have jumped to, is that he was trying to cheat.   

And it was all in the name of ‘fake news’ that many ‘journalists’ reacted breathlessly to a New York Times report on Sunday revealing that President Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., met with a Russian lawyer who indicated she had damaging information about Hitlery.  Donald Jr. has admitted to the June 2016 meeting — to which he brought campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Trump adviser Jared Kushner — but downplayed its significance.  It was this past Monday that he wrote on Twitter, “Obviously I’m the first person on a campaign to ever take a meeting to hear info about an opponent,” adding that the meeting “went nowhere” but that he “had to listen.”  Many Trump critics, of which there are many, claimed that the New York Times report supported the ‘theory’ that members of the Trump campaign were somehow involved in the Russian government’s hacking of Hitlery’s campaign chair John Podesta and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

But Trump Jr., Kushner and Manafort’s lone meeting with the Russian lawyer pales when compared to the coordination that took place between Hitlery allies and Ukrainian government officials who hoped to see Hitlery win the 2016 election.  Politico revealed in January some of the Ukrainian government’s anti-Trump activities during the election.  A veteran DNC ‘operative’ who previously worked in the ‘Slick Willy’ White House, Alexandra Chalupa, worked with Ukrainian government officials and journalists from both Ukraine and America to dig up Russia-related opposition research on Trump and Manafort.  She also shared her anti-Trump research with both the DNC and Hitlery’s campaign.  Chalupa met with Ukrainian Ambassador Valeriy Chaly and one of his aides, Oksara Shulyar, at the Ukrainian Embassy in March 2016 to talk about unearthing Paul Manafort’s Russian connections, Chalupa admitted to Politico.  Four days later, Trump officially fired Manafort.

And it was also according to Politico: “The day after Manafort’s hiring was revealed, she briefed the DNC’s communications staff on Manafort, Trump and their ties to Russia, according to an operative familiar with the situation.”  The Politico report also notes that the DNC encouraged Chalupa to try to arrange an interview with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko to talk about Manafort’s ties to the former pro-Russia president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, whom Manafort previously advised.  The embassy declined to arrange the meeting but was nevertheless “helpful.”  And she went on to say, “If I asked a question, they would provide guidance, or if there was someone I needed to follow up with.”  And she added that, “There were no documents given, nothing like that.”  Chalupa also told Politico that the Ukrainian embassy worked directly with reporters in uncovering dirt on Manafort and Trump.

Like other DNC staffers, some of Chalupa’s emails were obtained by hackers and published by WikiLeaks.  In one email released by WikiLeaks, Chalupa told Luis Miranda, then the DNC’s communications director, that she was working with Yahoo News reporter Michael Isikoff and “connected him to the Ukrainians.”  Chalupa said, “A lot more coming down the pipe. I spoke to a delegation of 68 investigative journalists from Ukraine last Wednesday at the Library of Congress – the Open World Society’s forum – they put me on the program to speak specifically about Paul Manafort and I invited [Yahoo News reporter] Michael Isikoff whom I’ve been working with for the past few weeks and connected him to the Ukrainians.”  And added, “More offline tomorrow since there is a big Trump component you and Lauren need to be aware of that will hit in next few weeks and something I’m working on you should be aware of.”

The Open World Leadership Center, which funded Chalupa’s briefing of ‘journalists’ about Manafort, is a taxpayer-funded congressional agency.  A spokeswoman for the center emphasized to Politico that the center is ‘non-partisan’ and that “our delegations hear from both sides of the aisle, receiving bipartisan information.”  After Trump’s shocking victory, the Ukrainian government told Politico, “We have never worked to research and disseminate damaging information about Donald Trump and Paul Manafort.”  But Andrii Telizhenko, a former Ukrainian embassy officer, told Politico that he was assigned to work with Chalupa.  He said, “Oksana said that if I had any information, or knew other people who did, then I should contact Chalupa.”  And then went onto say, “They were coordinating an investigation with the Hillary team on Paul Manafort with Alexandra Chalupa.”  Telizhenko said, “Oksana was keeping it all quiet,” but added that “the embassy worked very closely with” Chalupa.

And then we have our industrious little ‘journalists’ busying themselves trying to create proof where none exists of Trump-Russia collusion, while the public record shows that Democrats have willfully used Moscow disinformation to influence the presidential election against Donald Trump and attack his administration.  The disinformation came in the form of a Russian-fed dossier written by former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele. It contains a series of unverified criminal charges against Mr. Trump’s campaign aides, such as coordinating Moscow’s hacking of Democratic Party computers.  Some Democrats have widely circulated the discredited information. Mr. Steele was paid by the Democrat-funded opposition research firm Fusion GPS with money from a Hillary Clinton backer. Fusion GPS distributed the dossier among Democrats and journalists.  The information fell into the hands of the FBI, which used it in part to investigate Mr. Trump’s campaign aides.

Mr. Steele makes clear that his unproven charges came almost exclusively from sources linked to the Kremlin and Russian President Vladimir Putin.  He identified his sources as “a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure,” a former “top level Russian intelligence officer active inside the Kremlin,” a “senior Kremlin official” and a “senior Russian government official.”  And oddly enough it has been the very same Democrats who have condemned Russia’s election interference via plying fake news and hacking email servers that have quoted freely from the Steele anti-Trump memos derived from creatures of the Kremlin.  In other words, there is public evidence of significant, indirect collusion between Democrats and Russian disinformation.  A former Trump campaign adviser who asked not to be identified because of the pending investigations made an excellent point saying, “If anyone colluded with the Russians, it was the Democrats,”

And it was this same advisor who then went on to say, “After all, they’ve routinely shopped around false claims from the debunked Steele dossier, which listed sources including senior Kremlin officials. If anyone should be investigated in Washington, it ought to be Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell, Mark Warner and their staffers.”  That would be a reference to Rep. Adam B. Schiff of California, the top Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; Sen. Mark R. Warner, Virginia Democrat and vice chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; and Rep. Eric Swalwell, a California, Democrat on the House intelligence panel.  So as we can see the Democrats seem to be of the opinion that they get to play by their own rules and then justify such behavior by claiming that because they perceive their candidate in the last election to have been wronged, that can then do whatever they feel like in trying to undermine the winner. 

So we have Hitlery who can't find her emails, Loretta Lynch who can't remember, Nancy Pelsoi who isn't sure about anything, even about who it is that’s president and Obummer who hid Rice's records about unmasking of wiretaps of GOP politicians.  We have no idea what ‘Slick Willy’ and Lynch talked about on a private jet on a runway, and none of Hitlery's staff is talking now that they have immunity deals, no one knows why the Russian Ambassador visited Obummer's White House 22 times, or why Obummer promised the Russian ambassador "more flexibility after the elections", and Benghzi was caused by a video no one has seen.  Right, the Democrats have no information.  And these idiots ran our country for eight years, and ran it right into the ground.  And we’re all supposed to be able to trust whatever it is that the Democrats, and their friends in the media, say about President Trump or anyone in his family or on his staff.  That’s nothing but pure unadulterated insanity.

Say what you will but there is not a doubt in my mind that Donald Jr. is in any way a traitor to this country, he has done nothing that can even remotely be described as being traitorous.  If meeting with a Russian lawyer is being a traitor, then what about Teddy ‘The Drunk’ Kennedy making a trip to Moscow for a meeting with the Communist government of the USSR to figure out how to keep Reagan from winning a second term?  How about Hitlery and Podesta and their dealings with Russia?  How about their getting intel, (that turned out to be fake), on Trump from foreign nationals?  Hitlery committed treason when she “wheeled and dealed” her way to being a multi-millionaire.  She also did nothing to help or save our people in Benghazi.  But personally, I do think it’s traitorous for a public servant to maintain her own private server with classified information on it and that can be so easily hacked.  Hitlery hates America, we dodged a rather sizable bullet when President Trump won! 

And yet despite all ‘The Swamp’s’ best efforts, the president has done pretty damn good so far.  No Paris climate agreement, no more DAPA, Second Amendment rights protected and restored to the elderly and disabled that Obummer took away, the DOW at records highs, credit scores at the highest they have ever been, China is finally on our side against North Korea, ceasefire with Russia in Syria, stopped payment of millions of dollars to Syria that Obummer was sending to ISIS, rebuilding our military, exposing the fake media every day, making people suffer for their hate and anti-Americanism, Kate’s law, sanctuary city crackdowns, travel ban in place even though Democrats tried desperately to stop it, Supreme Court majority for the next generation, ISIS is beaten in Mosul, head of ISIS is dead.  And let’s not forget the increase in jobs and the decreasing price of gas.  Or the fact that the VA fired over 500 of those letting our veterans die.  So still progress has been made. 

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