

Friday, July 7, 2017


There’s an old saying that goes something like this - “Once a Commie bastard, ALWAYS a Commie bastard” - and there is no one who proves the truth in that better than Bill ‘The Commie Bastard’ de Blasio, Mayor of New York City.  As some of you may have heard it was one of New York City’s finest who was recently assassinated while sitting her patrol car.  But apparently such a tragedy had very little impact on the good mayor since it was the very next day that he announced his plan to fly off to Germany to protest the meeting of President Donald Trump with other world leaders at Friday’s G20 summit.  His decision to do so also meant that he would also miss a swearing in ceremony for 524 new NYPD recruits in order to catch his flight.  But hey, it’s all about priorities, right? 

A statement from City Hall confirmed de Blasio “will attend several events surrounding the G20 Summit, including Saturday’s Hamburg Zeigt Haltung rally,” where he will be a keynote speaker  The rally, which translates into “Hamburg Shows Attitude,” is in protest against a range of world leaders descending on the city, which includes President Trump, Russian President Vlad Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.  Images from the first rally show around 12,000 people, many of whom are far-left militants, turning violent with police being forced to use water cannons and tear gas to control the crowd.  One banner held up read: “G20 WELCOME TO HELL.”  Nearly 100 polices officers there in Hamburg have already been injured, some seriously, but cops don’t matter to Billy D.

So as New York City remains in mourning over the assassination of an NYPD officer, the city’s mayor decided to skip town in order to join up with some radical leftwing friends in Germany where he will be rubbing elbows with the very same protesters who made it too dangerous to be on the streets and trapped First Lady Melania Trump in her hotel room in Hamburg on Friday.  But hey, these are Bill’s people!  As is the case with most Leftists, the no good communist, De Blasio, is driven, first and foremost, by "The Revolution".  Everything else must be seen as being secondary. So what if a cop was assassinated, de Blasio seems to have not been bothered in the least.  Evidently he’s confident that his progressive ‘Big Apple’ voters will understand.  However, many across the city are not happy with the mayor’s last-minute trip.

New York State Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis, who will run as the Republican candidate against de Blasio in November’s mayoral election, slammed the mayor for prioritizing his need to oppose the Trump administration over more pressing issues back home.  She said, “Unbelievable. Instead of jet-setting around the world, he should be here doing his job.”  And she went on to say, “A police officer was murdered, street homelessness has skyrocketed and people continue to get delayed on the trains.”  Referring to the NYPD swearing-in ceremony, Malliotakis said: “Of course I would have been there. The mayor should be embarrassed by the way he has treated the men and women of our police department.”  It’s takes a great deal to embarrass those on the left.

We’re told that the cost of de Blasio’s little ‘European Vacation’ is being covered by the organizers of the rally, at least according to mayoral spokesman Eric Phillips, who is also accompanying his boss on the trip.  Now whether his decision to fly to Hamburg will increase pressure on de Blasio to perhaps spend more time addressing the issues of his city instead of travel half way around the world to take part in some leftist get together is really anyone’s guess.  After all, it was according to a report out just this week by the Department of Homeless Services that found the homeless population in New York City increased by nearly 40 percent in 2017, rising from 2,794 in February 2016 to 3,892 in February 2017.  But hey, rioting in Hamburg has got to be far more important than issues at home.

Look, de Blasio is no different from Obummer, Hitlery, Chuckie Schumer, Nancy Pelosi or a slew of other leftwing crackpots.  They don't love America, they never have!  Nor do they have any sense of loyalty or respect for those who protect her, overseas or here at home.  They have cemented the Democrat Party as being the party of the far-left.  And it says a great deal about the current state of their party when someone like de Blasio is, and essentially by default, one of the party’s top leaders.  There are lots of things that he could do, as the chief administrator of his city, to improve the situations for the people living in his city, using normal administrative processes.  However, flying off to a foreign country to take part in what is nothing more than a riot is not one of them.

And he will, no doubt, protest from a balcony high above any real danger, you know, like leftist cowards always do.  Liberals are toddlers in adult bodies.  They think and act like toddlers. They tell lies like toddlers.  It is all about them and what they want.  Their reality testing and moral development (I'm being generous) is toddler level.  In other words, sans intervention - I mean divine intervention, they will remain toddlers.  So, it is not surprising when they allow toddlers to determine what "gender" they will be.  They are both on the same level.  Maybe we should let toddlers vote, smoke, drink, and have sex.  Absurd but that is evil.  It’s absurd because evil is not based in reality. "Surely you will not die. You will be like God knowing good and evil", said the snake to Eve.

Now I’m sure that there are thousands of liberal cops all across America who are anti-Military and anti-Constitution.  Many are lifelong Democrats, they love unions as well as every other kind of socialist pipedream as long as they can maintain their unique standing.  So I’m sure that there may be many who are not at all offended by the mayor’s decision to ignore the death of one cop and the swearing in of over 500 new cops.  And maybe it’s those of us who are being critical of the mayor’s decision to fly off to Germany, for the sole purpose of joining in a protest, are the ones who are out of line here.  I mean, after all, he’s only going off to support those things that he truly believes in.  The chief among them, of course, is the end of a America as a free and prosperous nation.     

De Blasio and Barry Obummer were both openly supported by the Communist Party.  Trump is a bump in the road to their presence on the national stage in our country.  The sate-controlled fake news media is a left wing propaganda machine with a mission to destroy Trump before he sets back all of the ‘progress’ that Obummer thought he had made in his eight year war against our nation.  Obummer never loved our country and to this day is trying to bring it down on the international stage.  Obummer will never stop trying to destroy our country, but I feel pretty confident in saying that neither will Trump ever quit working to stop him.  And while Lincoln presided over the War Between the States, it’s Trump that will like presiding over a leftwing inspired ‘civil war’.

Hey Bill, don't concern yourself with attending the funeral of some Black female police officer summarily executed.  Don't concern yourself with the crumbling subway system which on an average weekday accounts for some 5.5 million+ trips.  Don't worry about the rise in homelessness, with streets and doorways being used for toilets.  Don't even consider the rise in aggressive panhandlers in Times Square since so many are dressed as cartoon characters.  Whatever you do don't let the problems encountered by commuters going in and out of Penn Station interfere with your plans to endear yourself with anarchists and radical leftists.  After all, protesting President Trump is far more important.  I read somewhere that he has a 50 percent approval rating and will likely get re-elected as mayor, go figure.

Citizens of New York, let's spend a few minutes and work through the logic of it all, shall we.  Businesses are fleeing out of the city because taxes are through the roof.  Vagrancy is at a 25 year high. Violent crime is up considerably.  It is now illegal if you do not use the "proper" pronoun which corresponds to a person's "gender identity."  One of your city's finest just got murdered in cold blood.  You are a sanctuary city where illegal aliens have more legal protection than you do.  Yet your mayor has time to fly off to Germany to help raise Hell against our President.  He doesn't even have the common courtesy to do it here in the United States.  I’m sorry, but am I missing something here?  Because how is it that such a clown could ever be re-elected.  Are New Yorkers really that far gone?

And make no mistake, Obummer is without a doubt playing some a role in at least coordinating these events now that he has the time, the demeanor and most definitely the inclination.  And with there being no shortage of money coming in from George Soros, and any number of other shady sources, these riots (not protests) are both well-funded and well-orchestrated.  And de Blasio seems only too willing, even eager, to lend his name to yet another leftwing cause.  So is this really the caliber of individual that most New Yorkers want to see leading their city?  I mean if that’s the case, then maybe the time has come for us to consider placing some sort of a wall around the city in an effort to prevent further spreading of what has to be a rather aggressive form of liberal dementia.

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