

Thursday, November 17, 2016


At the risk of sounding like a broken record here, I can’t help but to take yet another opportunity rub it in just a bit about how we heard from the left how it was Barry’s election in 2008 would be the event which would be the beginning of 40 years of solid Democrat rule.  And yet here we are just a mere eight years later and it’s something quite the opposite that has come about and, I would argue, as a direct result of that very same election.  Because I am far from being convinced that had Barry not been elected that the Republican Party would not now be in the position that it currently finds itself.  Also, their new found political clout has had less to do with anything Republicans have done and more with the fact that there is a limit to just how far left America can be made to move. 

That being said, Republicans actually added to their historic 2014 gains in the nation’s state legislatures with the addition of five more state House chambers and two more state Senate chambers in last week’s election, while Democrat control was reduced to levels that the party has not seen since the Civil War.  Republicans are now in control of a record 67, or 68 percent, of the 98 partisan state legislative chambers in the nation, more than twice the number (31) in which Democrats have a majority, according to the bipartisan National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL).  Also according to NCSL, “That’s more than at any other time in the history of the Republican Party. They also hold more total seats, well over 4,100 of the 7,383, than they have since 1920.”

Next year, the GOP will control both legislative chambers in 32 states, which is an all-time high, according to NCSL, while Democrats will have total control of just 13 state legislatures.  In 24 of the 32 states with Republican-controlled legislatures, voters have also elected Republican governors.  In rather stark contrast, Democrats have a “political trifecta” in just six states.  Since 2009, when Barry “Almighty” first took office, his party has lost a total of 919 seats in state legislatures nationwide.  In 2009, Democrats had total control of 27 state legislatures, and held a majority in at least one chamber in eight more states where power was divided.  In contrast, Republicans controlled just 14 state legislatures.  And there is one, only one, common denominator here, Barry and his attempt to “fundamentally transform” America.

During Barry’s first year in office, Democrats held 1,024 of the 1,971 total state Senate seats in the nation, compared to just 889 in Republican hands. They also held 3,058 of the total 5,411 state House seats, compared to 2,334 for Republicans.  In addition, there were 28 Democrat governors, compared to 22 Republican governors. However, just a short seven years later as Barry’s time in office finally comes to an end, the partisan balance in the nation's state legislatures has now been completely reversed.  As of Nov. 7, 2016, there are just 823 Democratic state senators out of a total of 1,972 seats nationwide, that according to NCSL data.  Meanwhile, Republicans have succeed in increasing their ranks to 1,089.

Likewise, of the 5,411 state House seats, there are now 3,029 Republicans compared to 2,340 Democrats – a mirror image of both parties’ status in 2009.  The Democrats’ prior advantage in the nation’s governors’ mansions when Barry took office has also been lost.  There are currently 31 Republican governors, 18 Democrat governors and one Independent.  And as reported by the Washington Post’s Amber Phillips, “Republicans grabbed more of America’s statehouses and governors' mansions during Barry’ than at any time in the modern era.”  And last week’s historic flip of the Kentucky House, the last Democrat-controlled legislative chamber in the South, to Republican hands for the first time in nearly 100 years underscores the point.  And it was also Ms. Phillips who said, “Democrats are now basically extinct in the South.”

Lisa Nelson, CEO of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), said, ”Anyone who said that Donald Trump was going to be a drag on down-ticket races is certainly eating their words right now.”  She said, “When I talk to the states, most of them say they picked up state Senate or House seats because of Donald Trump. And I think that’s because of the forgotten man or woman people are talking about, who hadn’t shown up to vote in the past.”  She said, “People in the states saw this race tightening easily a week before the election. In particular, I was talking to somebody in Wisconsin who said they were going to pick up seats because of Donald Trump on the ticket, and sure enough they did.”  And added, “A lot of those voters ‘came home’ in the last week or two. They were talking, but a lot of the media wasn’t listening.”

The Democrat Party has come to be representative of those who reside on the East and West coast with very little in between. No one else aligns with them or buys into what they’re selling.  So by all means, Democrats, keep on doing what it is that you're doing.  And please place a Muslim extremist, Keith Ellison, as the head of your party leader.  I think it has become more about ideology with them than anything else.  Today it would seem that one is permitted to identify as a Democrat if, and ONLY if, one is in total agreement with their left, and somewhat twisted, ideology, with there being no flexibility being permitted.  It’s all or nothing.  And despite the fact that the party has been on the downhill slide as far as winning elections, it rather stubbornly clings to a warped ideology that only the most hardcore leftists actually agree with.

But when it comes to this overwhelming majority that the Republicans have now acquired, the real question is this, what might we now expect to see take place?  With this type of majority now in place, should, and will, the Republican Party attempt to make amendments to the constitution?   Now would certainly be a good time, as they should strike while the iron is hot.  Ideally I would like to see term limits on all elected positions, legal reforms that give judge and jury the right to throw costs back at the accuser for those cases determined to be frivolous, a new court system or set of laws that protect healthcare providers from lawsuits when only doing their job, or how about moving forward with the establishment of English as being our ‘official’ language.

But is there any real reason to stop there?  Maybe we should also work to make all elected officials subject to the same laws as we the unelected, only with greater penalties applied if laws are determined to have been broken.  And maybe we should also work to find some way to limit the national government from acting upon social issues until a majority of states have done so already.  And we should not allow the courts to make decisions that would financially impact any other branch of government, as that goes beyond the scope of their stated constitutional limits.  And I’m quite sure there are a number of others things that could be, and should be, addressed and it would seem that this would be the ideal time.  Because with the electorate being more than a little fickle, how long do we think this opportunity might last?

For a while, the second Bush had the House and the Senate, and I think a majority of Governors.  And yet he grew the federal government at rate that would make any Democrat proud.  They didn't start drilling in the Alaskan North Slope, they didn't end abortions, they didn't change the tax system, they made more government agencies and even later created what will become the most intrusive Department in our government, Homeland Security.  So I suppose we shouldn’t come to expect too much. The Republican Party remains infested with big government, jackbooted socialists, many of which are already making it clear that they intend to thwart President Trump wherever and whenever they can.  Trump needs to be prepared to take his agenda directly to the people should that happen.

Perhaps we should add to the list of Barry's "accomplishments", after a very less than impressive 8 years in office, the fact that he has decimated the Democrat Party.  A list that already includes: The lowest labor force participation rate since the 1970s, the fact that we now have nearly 95 million Americans out of the labor force and the worst economic recovery since the 1940s.  We now have the lowest home ownership rate in 50 years and there are now nearly 13 million more Americans on food stamps than there was when Barry took office, as well as over 43 million Americans now living in poverty.  Because of Barry the median household income now lower now than it was in the 1970s, 1 in 5 families without someone in the workforce and more accumulated debt than all other president combined.

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