

Friday, September 20, 2024


What’s truly frightening, at least to me, as we head into this next election is that the Democrats have two things going for them in being able to achieve victory, a ‘news’ media that refuses to do its job and an American electorate that often appears to be too stupid to get out of its own way. And really, regarding our so-called ‘news’ media, it’s far worse than merely refusing to do their job of government watchdog, it’s that they’ve reduced themselves to being the very worst kind of propagandists. Because instead of providing the American public with vital information regarding what their leaders are actually up, they work to keep the public very much in the dark.

And in so doing they rob from the American people their ability to obtain the necessary information needed to make an intelligent, and informed, decision when it comes to for whom they should cast their vote. And it’s this behavior on the part of so-called ‘journalists’ that can be said to go well beyond being simply anti-American, these people have become nothing less than un-American as they work hand in hand, and very aggressively so, with the Democrat Party for the downfall of this country. Far from being bona fide ‘journalists’ the vast majority of those now relied upon to provide reliable ‘news and information’ are, in fact, nothing but political activists.

And so it’s become impossible to determine who in our ‘news’ media is telling us the truth. So now the safest thing to do is to simply assume that everyone is lying to us because most everyone we see on our television likely is lying to us, right down to the local ‘news’ clowns. And the sooner one realizes that it’s all nothing more than propaganda, the sooner one becomes willing to search out the truth and committed to do whatever is necessary to find it. Those in the business of providing us with our ‘news’ and information prey on the weak minded among us because they’re a soft target, so to speak, willing to take at face value what they’re told and to run with it.

And those in our ‘news’ media seem not to be bothered in the least that they do us all a great disservice. Because instead of working to root out government corruption, to lay bare the more unseemly, even sinister, side of our government, these supposed intrepid watchdogs have, for whatever the reason or motivation, been convinced to aid and abet corrupt politicians. Now whether it’s been done merely for money or because they too have been brainwashed, I don’t suppose it really matters, in the big scheme of things. What matters is their apparent willingness, even an eagerness, to look the American people squarely in the eye and repeatedly lie to them.

And try to imagine just how different, how much better off, this country would be if we had a ‘news’ media that was genuinely interested in getting to the truth and to then make the American people aware of that truth. If that were actually the case the most obvious difference from today’s world would be that there would likely be no Democrat Party, and for the very simple reason that they would have long ago been driven into hiding because of having their lies exposed. Imagine this country with no Democrat Party. There would likely be fewer wars, and more prosperity. But as we all know, here in the real world Democrats are permitted to lie pretty much at will.

And sadly, it’s Democrat lies that are so often peddled as being the truth by those who should really know better and who actually possess the power to expose them. I have no doubt that some of our supposed ‘journalists’ do believe that they are somehow the ‘good guys,’ but I believe it’s far more who simply believe in doing what they perceive to be in their own financial or professional best interests. And that’s really pretty pathetic. To appear day after day, or night after night, portraying oneself to something that one clearly is not, is simply dishonest. But unfortunately, that’s what we’re left with when tuning into any program whose purpose is to inform us.

And finally, I’ve never paid much attention to CNN or MSDNC, there’s always been a bias there, although not to the degree we see today. And while I was once an avid viewer of Fox News, after they willing took part in the most blatant act of election theft in our history back in 2020, I don’t watch them either. And it wasn’t long after that I came to the realization that I really don’t need some talking head telling me who to vote for. That if I just kept my eyes and ears open who I need to vote for would be a no brainer. I mean, I know what my wallet looks like at the end of every month, and I certainly don’t need some jerkoff ‘journalist’ telling me it’s all a figment of my imagination.

Thursday, September 19, 2024


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again because, quite frankly, I just like saying it, DEMOCRATS SUCK!!! They always have and they always will. There is not a life form on this planet that is lower than one who proudly calls himself, or herself, a Democrat. Can you possibly imagine how much better off this country would be if the Democrat Party had never come into existence? There would be no need to “Make America Great Again,” because there would never have been a time when America was not great. Democrats will lie, they will steal, and they will cheat. In short, they are the most vile and disgusting creatures found anywhere in the entire universe.

And then, when you consider the fact that over half of those who call themselves Democrats think the country would be better off if President Trump were killed, you come to realize, or at least you should, that the Democrat Party is nothing more than a weird collection of some of the sickest fucks found anywhere. And you have to wonder just how much of a sick fuck one must be to proudly identify oneself as a Democrat. Never in my life have I ever met, seen or heard a Democrat that was worth a fuck. And I’m sure that if you look around yourself it’s most likely that the most worthless individuals you come into contact with on a daily basis are Democrats.

Which, of course, brings me to one of the sickest of these sick fucks, Susan Rice, accomplished liar, former Obama hack and all-around lying sack of shit. So why do I bother to even bring her up? Well, that would be because Rice is yet another of those worthless fucks now working so hard at sounding the alarm regarding the many horrors that will supposedly become a reality should President Trump be re-elected. And her most recent claim came just this past Wednesday during an appearance on MSDNC’s ‘Morning Schmo,’ during which she claimed that if President Trump is re-elected he will implement “mass deportation of American citizens."

Co-host, and resident bimbo, Mika Brzezinski got things rolling in the right direction by saying, “I’d love to hear your comments on what Trump plans to do in Springfield and across the board when it comes to denaturalization processes and mass deportations.” Rice took her que and said, “This is really quite terrifying. We’ve heard for many, many months about his plans for mass deportations of undocumented persons here in the United States. That would be hugely violent and disruptive, separating families, causing millions to be expelled through the use of force, but what he’s saying now is something quite different and even more scary."

Rice then went on to say, “What he is saying is, you recall last week Donald Trump went out and said that he was going to expel the Haitians in this country starting in Springfield who are here in this country legally, legally, working with authorization and send them to Venezuela of all places. He has said very clearly that he is going to deport immigrants who are here legally, but he said something that’s even more outrageous, and that is what is reflected in Stephen Miller’s social media post, and that is that he will expel and denaturalize American citizens, American citizens who were not born here.” And she said all of this nonsense with a straight face.

She continued, “There are over 25 million American citizens who are naturalized, who are law-abiding, who are taxpayers, who have families in this country. They are fathers, they are mothers, they are children, they are our neighbors, they are American citizens. Back in the Trump administration they set up an office in the Justice Department to denaturalize American citizens.” She added, “We’re talking about a massive increase in the number of people that they try to ship out of the country on false pretenses because perhaps they don’t like the countries from which they came.” Deportation of illegal immigrants is not deporting American Citizens.

She said, “Can you imagine what that means for this country when American citizens living here lawfully, living their lives with their family, can one day wake up and find themselves denaturalized and deported? Now that the Supreme Court has said that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, if God forbid it were to be him again, can do whatever he wants in the office of the presidency with immunity, this is a recipe for mass expulsions of American citizens.” ‘BO’s little ‘agent provocateur’ still playing her word games of deception. Again, we see how the truth is simply unimportant to the Democrat leadership and to those in the ‘fake news’ media.

Rice concluded her idiotic screed saying, “With the Supreme Court saying that a president has literally no constraints on what he does in that office, then there is nothing preventing the federal government from literally without due process walking into people’s homes and separating families if they don’t like, you know, the color of the skin, or the country of origin, or the religion, or you name it, of whomever it is who is here in this country legally as an American citizen.” More lies thrown out with total impunity. The whole Democrat platform is based on lies about President Trump, and no one seems to care how blatantly untrue anything they say might be.

Oh, the horror of it all! Getting rid of terror cells, aka, parasitic border invaders. Who will clean the hotels and ‘picks da cotton?’ What about all those just sitting on their collective butts collecting welfare and food stamps? All typical leftwing bullshit coming from yet another professional leftwing bullshitter. Rice is a lying sack of shit who knows no president can expel U.S. citizens and that most Democrats are ignorant enough to believe that he can. Blatant fear mongering, you cannot denaturalize law-abiding American citizens, and yet there are Democrats stupid enough to believe such garbage. Which is the whole point of spewing such bullshit in the first place.

And, of course, she received no push back from neither of the two boobs, Mika and Joe, who host one of the biggest wastes of time in all of television viewing. All three of these clowns are corrupt and shameful. They have absolutely zero credibility and are desperate because they know open borders is a disastrous policy that the majority of Americans do NOT support. I believe they’ve overplayed their hand this time around. Every single one of them lies without a compunction of guilt. Every one of them. Every Democrat. It is no different than breathing for them. In terms of their corruption and evil, they are beyond the pale and beyond redemption.

And only someone like Rice would say something so obviously false while claiming it to be true, and only a propaganda outlet like MSDNC would allow something so stupid and ridiculous to pass as the truth. Now perhaps if she had said mass deportation of illegal immigrants, she would have been much closer to the truth, but mass deportation of American citizens was a blatantly untrue and rather ludicrous thing to say. You would have to be complete moron to believe the president, any president, would actually have that kind of power. But I guess there are those Democrats who are now so desperate, like Rice herself, they will now say absolutely anything.

Rice lies, just as everybody else in her little sewer lies, because they fear no consequence. Those in the ‘fake news’ media whose job is supposed to be to call on those like Rice to justify their lies, long ago abandoned that responsibility. So, they simply go unchallenged and are even allowed to be repeated ad nauseam. A lie that might normally qualify as legal slander or libel is free to be ignored if it’s aimed at the proper political target. Democrats spew lies because they know the idiots who vote for Democrats will believe the lies. Rice and the many others like her wish to cause panic so that people behave irrationally. They have a self-serving agenda.

And you know, the part of the story that this lying sack of shit doesn’t want to talk about is how none of these deportations, and potential separating of families, that she continues to fret about would have to happen if Joey had simply chosen to keep the border secure. So, this isn’t President Trump’s fault, his only desire is to protect the American people, and to remove as many of those millions that Joey and Cumala have allowed in. And how dare Rice claim to think it’s so horrific for President Trump deport those who do not belong in this country, those brought in by Joey and Cumala, when there are so American citizens suffering because of this ludicrous policy.

None of the calamities predicted by these loons happened during President Trump’s first administration. Why would they happen now? Unless President Trump takes a page out of the Democrats playbook and starts acting like them. President Trump will do mass deportation of NON-citizens who are here in the U.S. illegally, as in breaking the law. There are laws, and procedures not being enforced by the current administration, worse they’re simply being ignored. President Trump will enforce our laws. That’s the truth of it. Rice is peddling a false narrative. It’s complete bullshit. She’s either an idiot or is deliberately lying to the American people. Or both.

Not only is EVERY single thing she said a lie, but the majority of it is nothing more than product of her own warped imagination, while what remains is all the stuff the Democrats have done, or are doing currently. This is nothing more than blatant fear mongering. And in using her same logic, it’s Cumala who is going to kill babies, abduct and imprison citizens, decertify the Constitution and replace it with an as of yet unannounced manifesto based on fascism and tyranny. She will eliminate ownership of personal property, displace millions of citizens with her own population of loyal global immigrants and reward them with the fruits of the labor of generations of Americans.

And finally, I must say that I have a very difficult time trying to grasp how it is that any reasonably intelligent person, regardless of political persuasion, could actually want someone like Cumala as their president. What am I missing? What skill and/or expertise has demonstrated that would make someone say about her, “That is someone I could call president.” I mean it’s absolutely laughable that this woman is apparently considered by so many American to be a viable candidate for leader of the free world. Do they hate President Trump that much? Do they hate having money left over after buying gas and groceries? I can only say…apparently so.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Now I realize that Democrat politicians, along with most of those in the ‘fake news’ media, naturally assume that those outside their ranks are not all that bright. And, as is always the case, they also naturally assume that we’re stupid enough to believe whatever it is that they tell us. For example, they continually harp on how President Trump is a threat to the country and how his language only serves to incite violence. They also want us to believe that it’s his choice of words that has been responsible for two assassination attempts. But wouldn’t you think that if his language is as toxic as they claim it is wouldn’t it be Democrats who would now be made to dodge bullets.

And as expected, Democrats and their many minions in the ‘fake news’ media see themselves as being totally blameless regarding these two assassination attempts, thus far, that have been carried out against President Trump. And, or so they claim, blaming them is really nothing more than an attempt to distract attention away from what they claim is the role that President Trump himself has played in these horrific events. And it was recently that Joy Reid, host of MSDNC’s ‘ReidOut’ claimed that it is quintessential “gaslighting” for President Trump to use rhetoric claiming Democrats have in any way played a role in the two assassination attempts.

Yup, so says the queen of gaslighting! You just can’t make this shit up! Without all of the lies, the projection and the hypocrisy, the Democrats would all simply disappear in a puff of smoke. The Democrats blaming President Trump for the assassination attempts is the ultimate example of both gaslighting and insanity. Anyway, Reid started out her most recent sleighride to Hell this past Tuesday saying, “We begin tonight with a visit to the upside down because it is only there that Donald Trump may be able to get away with attempting to lay the blame for the violent state of our politics at the feet of Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democrats."

She added, “If Merriam-Webster was looking for a new example to define the term gaslighting, they should look no further than Trump’s claim that the latest apparent assassination attempt against him is a direct result of the, quote, ‘highly inflammatory language from the other side.’ And following that claim in his next breath, he goes on to use that same inflammatory language against them, saying, quote, ‘These are people that want to destroy our country. It is called the enemy from within. They are the real threat.’ It’s as if Trump believes we all have a collective case of amnesia from his entire lifetime of using that rhetoric against anyone who looks at him the wrong way."

Blaming the victim is gas-lighting of the highest order. It should be obvious that the ‘fake news’ media today is a prime example of hive mentality; they all use the same words or scripts ad nauseam. They’re too lazy to even be original in their criticism. And it’s Reid who is easily one of the very worst. Too lazy to investigate anything, so she simply making shit up from whole cloth or repeats what she’s heard from some other corporate script reader. If you think you depend on any of the ‘fake news’ media for reliable information, you are sucking wind. All you’re gonna get is lied to, that is if you’re actually stupid enough to listen to any of these clowns.

Clearly attempts on President Trump’s life have always the intended goal of the lying, corrupt, despicable, enemy of the people media. And their only regret seems to be that the two clowns they suckered into taking their bait were unsuccessful in their attempts. It’s undeniable which ‘side’ has purposely chosen to endorse violence. Leftists are the originators of political violence. There is never any debate. The ‘fake news’ media and the Democrats are very much culpable for all that has transpired against President Trump. If these toads talked about Joey the same manner they talk about President Trump, the Secret Service would likely be all over them.

And may I suggest that someone take the time to explain to this moron how this actually works. If President Trump used rhetoric that then resulted in attacks, or assassination attempts, against the people he is talking about, then she might have a point. But when the other side is constantly lying and defaming President Trump, constantly referring to him as Hitler, a wannabe dictator, or claiming that if he should win this election, democracy will end, and then there are attacks made on Trump supporters and assassination attempts against Trump, clearly it isn’t President Trump's rhetoric, it’s the incendiary rhetoric of the left that clearly to blame.

These crazies hear prominent Democrat leaders, from Joey and Cumala on down, saying that President Trump will end democracy. Democrats claim that democracy is on the ballot, and they cannot lose. They claim that President Trump will destroy the Constitution and make himself dictator for life. They argue that President Trump must be “taken out.” The Democrats must put President Trump in the crosshairs in order to save the country. They claim that President Trump winning would result in the last election ever and that President Trump will execute his political opponents and on and on. And these crazies choose to act thinking they would be hailed as heroes.

Cumala has repeatedly said such things as, “Trump is a threat to our democracy and our fundamental freedoms,” or “It's on us to recognize the threat Trump poses.” Joey has said, “It's time to put Trump in a bullseye,” “Trump is a genuine threat to this nation. He’s literally a threat to everything America stands for,” and has claimed President Trump and MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that must be stopped. The list of these obscenities goes on forever with other Democrats calling for action against President Trump. And the last I looked it was the Democrats who want to ban free speech and who are going after their political opponents.

So the ‘mainstream’ media believes that these two assassination attempts on President Trump are somehow his own fault. Doesn’t sound very “mainstream” to me, instead it sounds a bit fanatical and even a little crazy. But then, that’s what we’ve come to expect from these paid propagandists. There has been nothing but demonization and lies about Donald Trump ever since he declared himself a candidate for president. I’m hoping the American people can see through the charade, but I’m not holding my breath because anybody who votes Democrat right now isn’t too bright because look at the shape of the country is in. It’s insanity if you vote Democrat.

And finally, it’s yet another loudmouth on the left, Hitlery, who has been only too happy to join with those in the leftwing media to continue to accuse President Trump of doing what in fact, the Democrats are doing and have been doing all along. Then, they dog whistle their brainwashed followers into thinking it would be good if an assassin succeeded. They hope one of their demented followers will pull the trigger, then the Democrats get a twofer: removed candidate and false arguments for more gun control. Come on, the Democrats only want gun control because that’s all that they think has stopped their communist revolution from moving forward.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


You know, I’ve been listening to those on the left rail against Republicans for as long as I can remember and rarely, if ever, have Republicans ever fought back. They simply took the abuse, essentially acknowledging the fact that they saw themselves as being little more than the Democrats’ punching bag. And then, along came a guy by the name of Donald Trump, and not only does the railing intensify, but the Democrats proceed to take things to a whole new level and actually blame President Trump for having done so. And all because President Trump chose not to take their shit that has been hurled at him since he first declared himself a candidate for president.

And it should come as a surprise to virtually no one that one of those who has long been railing against Republicans in her own rather unique and inimitable fashion, also just so happens to be she who is apparently not yet over the fact that the American people dared to choose Donald Trump when they could have very easily chosen her as their president in 2016. And so it was that Hitlery was recently once again out and about doing what she does best. It was this past Monday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show” that Hitlery argued that President Trump’s politics of “hate and division” has now put the United States’ security in danger.

Hitlery said, “I’m very hopeful, and even optimistic that Americans who do not want to see a continuation of this politics of hate and division will reject Trump.” She continued, “The object in this case is Donald Trump, his demagoguery, his danger to our country and the world. You know, they were merciless about what they saw as President Biden’s problems in the debate and calling for him to withdraw. I believe Donald Trump has disqualified himself over and over and over again to be a presidential candidate, let alone a president.” She added, “I do think more and more Americans are rejecting the kind of chaos that he represents."

And she said, “We can’t go back. That’s what the Harris campaign says all the time. We’re not going back. We’re not going back to, you know, what he failed to do to protect American lives during COVID. We’re not going back to the, you know, romance with dictators that puts innocent lives at risk and puts America’s security in danger. We can’t go back and give this very dangerous man another chance to do harm to our country and the world.” This was classic Hitlery, blame the other side for what she long ago started with her vast right wing conspiracy bullshit!!! Hitlery is the epitome of using the tactic of accusing someone else of doing what she is in fact doing.

They repeatedly call President Trump “Hitler” and a “threat to democracy” and their indoctrinated supporters flip out and commit violence. Democrats and their ‘fake news’ media arm are who’s responsible for the violence that we all see taking place. They need to be held accountable for inciting violence as well as facilitating the ongoing illegal invasion. The full force of the leftist propaganda machine is now underway. These lunatics prefer to reduce this nation to a hotbed of anarchy, rebellion and chaos. There they hope to be able to gain the upper hand and use the upheaval as an excuse to remove most of the institutions of this republic.

Democrats are all very much aware of this latest strategy, hence the reason for Hitlery to rush to the nearest microphone to call for the next assassin to step up. All presidential assassinations, and assassination attempts, have come from the left. They know what they’re doing. The end justifies the means, and by any means necessary. We have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. Hidden in plain sight they have told us for decades that they hate our unwashed, deplorable, bible-reading guts. The vitriol and the hatred of all these leftists, socialists and communists, spews out like a demonic volcano. They are hell-bent on destroying everything in their path.

Clearly, the goal is absolute rule. Not shared power, but to own it completely. Power for power’s sake. It’s the most addictive drug on the planet, and no one person, or group, should have too much of it. The more power Leftists have, the more tyrannical they become. So, while there are many important issues on the 2024 ballot, there is nothing more important than stopping the tyranny we see coming from the Democrats and their allies in the blatantly corrupt ‘fake news’ media establishment. Four more years with the ‘Deep State’ at the helm and we’ll be living in a country somewhere between Venezuela and 1984. The choice is clear: President Trump or tyranny.

Once upon a time, we didn’t use the power of government to suppress political opponents and/or persecute those we dislike. Stalin did. Hitler did. Castro did. Chavez did. Mao did. Kim did. But we didn’t. Now we do. Every time Hitlery opens her mouth, it’s a thankful reminder that this nation was spared a terrible calamity when Donald Trump defeated this foul woman in 2016. Thank the good Lord that she has been reduced to only occasionally appearing on lunatic networks like MSDNC, where all she can do is bloviate, and not actually DO anything. Getting old is bad enough, but getting to be as old, ugly and bitter as she is, must be just horrible.

Hitlery sold her soul for the power she never achieved. She remained in a cold, loveless marriage. She destroyed many careers and lives all so she could be president someday. And now she has to look in the mirror every day and accept the fact that her life has been empty and meaningless. And she knows exactly what she’s doing. She’s appealing to brainwashed female voters. That’s who’s watching garbage like MSDNC. That’s why she will use words like “hate” and “extreme.” And of course she uses their favorite propaganda word, “dangerous.” It’s like a joke to people who have a mind and can see through it, but the angry brainwashed females take it seriously.

Hitlery, the career politician whose arrogance, ineptitude, mendacity and borderline psychopathy have left path strewn with countless rape victims, mysterious deaths and the wrecked lives of those she perceived as being obstacles to her ambition? The Clinton who doesn’t understand that she lost her bid to become president because she’s a loathsome, clueless and disgusting egotist who represents all that is evil, ignorant and debased in American politics. The politics of hate and division is exemplified by Hitlery. The aging queen of Democrat power politics is still trying to remain relevant, when in fact she will always be nothing more than a footnote.

Monday, September 16, 2024


So riddle me this, why is it, exactly, that it’s only Democrats who are ever permitted the luxury of using our supposed ever changing world as being the rationale for having changed their long held positions on any given issue or set of issues? And yet, oddly enough, it’s whenever a Republican like, oh let’s say, like President Trump changes his position on some issue, it’s always because there is some sort of an ulterior motive involved. Republicans are never permitted to alter a position held without being on the receiving end of all manner of politically motivated attacks coming from both the Democrats and their many minions in the ‘fake news’ media.

I bring this up because it was during an appearance, this past Sunday, on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press,’ that Pete Buttigieg attempted to make the argument, silly as it may have been, that Cumala has changed her positions and a various number of issues simply because she saw what was happening in the world around her. Imagine that. And it was host Kristen Welker that said, “Vice President Harris has shifted her position on several policy issues when she first ran for president in 2019. She initially wanted to ban fracking, now she doesn’t and she wanted penalties for illegal border crossings and now she doesn’t. She supported Medicare for all and now she doesn’t."

Welker then asked, “To the voters who have concerns about this, if she’s elected, why won’t she change her mind again?” Buttigieg proceeded to spew nothing but political pablum in a blatant attempt to justify Cumala’s 180 degree changes in her position on a number of issues. He said, “Well, look, you develop your policies based on what you see happening in the world around you and what you are able to accomplish in Washington. You take the example of immigration and we just talk through what’s changed over the last five years and lots of ideas were being kicked around five years ago when there was basically zero climate policy during the Trump years."

And he went on to say, “Now we have a climate policy it’s called the Inflation Reduction Act and it does not include a ban on fracking. What it has done is caused a lot of factories to be built right now in places like where I grew up and places like where JD Vance grew up creating jobs in a new energy economy and good old-fashioned jobs that would be destroyed if Donald Trump follows through on his promise to get rid of the Inflation Reduction Act.” And he added, “Those are the policies we are working with and every election is about the future and not the past and that future looks very different depending on who is about to win."

So during the last three and a half years in the White House, Cumala doesn’t see any change going on around her as the country is going down the toilet and yet, one and a half months campaigning for president all of a sudden she has some sort of an epiphany? Seriously? I can’t be the only one who sees that as being just a little too convenient can I? Look, it’s all nothing more than typical Democrat bullshit. We all know she doesn’t mean a word of what she’s saying, she’s just saying it because she’s struggling to get people to vote for her. What’s changing in the world around her are those things changing, and not for the better, because of her and Joey.

President Trump once said, “All they had to do was, nothing!” And again, he was right, regardless of whether we’re talking about the southern border, our energy supply or even the Middle East. But nope, instead they were compelled to fuck up everything. So, what has changed? Well, that would be the slow motion train wreck we are all witnessing in the U.S. with unfettered illegal immigration, the out of control inflation, the illegal immigrant fueled increase in violent crime, the rising cost of essential household items, gasoline, utilities, taxes, food and so much more. Those are all the consequences of policies put in place by the Biden/Harris administration.

And it is the anti-American policies that have been put into place by Joey and Cumala that have resulted in a level of chaos here at home and across the globe not seen in some time. Our illustrious ‘Border Czar’ did absolutely nothing to stop the massive influx of illegal immigrants flooding into our country. And it was their policies that prompted Putin to attack Ukraine. They also provided to Iran the financial means to cause all manner of problems in the region by giving them billions of taxpayer money and lets not forget the Afghanistan debacle that resulted in dead American soldiers with billions of military equipment and thousands of Americans left behind.

So the pitch is now our position has changed because our prior position was faulty but we have it fixed now and you need to trust us to correct our prior errors? Buttigieg is doing nothing more than to spew idiotic Democrat talking points. Nothing Cumala has planned for America has changed and she has neither flipped nor flopped. She is, just as Buttigieg is doing, just lying to cover up her Marxist agenda. As soon as she is elected she will most certainly ban fracking, flood the country with 100 million more illegal immigrants, crash the stock market bury the middle class under the weight of higher taxes and try to end both the Electoral College and the Second Amendment.

Democrat Politics 101: Change your policy to get elected then, once safely in office, do whatever the fuck it was that you wanted to do in the first place. In this case the destruction of America. As soon as Cumala is installed, God forbid, she will go full scale undiluted hammer-and-sickle! You know it, I know it, and Buttigieg knows it. She is accustomed to verbalizing the way prostitutes do. You know, say whatever you need to get your money and then as soon as dumb John is out the door it’s on to the next. All Democrats falsely presume that this nation has no one left willing to fight back against their evil agenda. I’m here to tell you that they are wrong.

Buttigieg is proving, yet again, what a fool he is by simply making excuses for Cumala, and actually expecting us to believe them. These are two of the most inept politicians to ever come down the pike. Buttigieg took a three-month maternity leave while ships backed up in harbors unable to offload their cargo and grocery store shelves went bare. Oh, and then he finally visited East Palestine, Ohio, after President Trump already had and bringing truckloads of water, and whom he falsely blamed for the crash, showing up empty-handed and with a press secretary who refused to speak on camera. This entire administration is a clusterfuck on what is a massive scale.

Cumala is changing her policies because of reality. Life ain’t all fun and games. The electorate does not want a commie in an empty pantsuit. Realistically speaking, Cumala is not changing, she’s merely doubling down on EVERY Joey/Cumala abysmal failure. She is a low IQ clown; it’s embarrassing how low intellect she really is. Cumala just keeps spewing the same old rehearsed lines no matter how worn out they become. But what most people want to hear, is her explaining her changes. Where she stood before, what she thought, what made her change her mind and why. But all we’re getting is “her position was once this but now it’s the exact opposite."

Buttigieg trying to convince me that her almost daily policy changes have absolutely nothing to do with her political fight to win, especially when she has said, “My values haven’t changed,” after holding office for four years, just ain’t working. And I gotta say is that claiming she now realizes the world around her has changed is not exactly a ringing endorsement for why people should vote for her. And when you desperately want to be President, and you lack a moral compass, changing policies is just the thing to do. But if you are principled, have a conscience, core values and beliefs, and live by them, the world around you may change, but you do not.

Saturday, September 14, 2024


It would seem that it’s with each passing day, as we creep ever closer to the next election, that amongst those folks in the ‘fake news’ media there seems to be a little less interest in whether, or not, the American people recognize what they’re up to. And so, they remain determined to do all that they can in their effort to have an impact on public opinion that is in their favor and, as such, they seem to be willing to say whatever it is that they may feel is necessary to achieve their objective which is, of course, President Cumala. And it is a hatred for this country that has become so pervasive in our ‘news’ media that it’s none of these people who can be trusted.

Take for instance MSDNC host Jonathan Capehart. It was on Friday of this week, during an appearance on “Chris Jansing Reports” that this guy declared that it was “frightening” that roughly half the country supports President Trump. How sad it is that these little liberal fucks have no understanding of the American people. The economy and immigration are the two top issues voters are either angry and/or concerned about. Those two issues are what President Trump is proposing fixes for. So, yeah, we support him. Apparently to Democrats it would be frightening having secure borders, affordable gas and groceries, no new wars, and a good economy.

Anyway, Capehart said, “I’ve been watching Donald Trump’s press conference since before we were doing the segment before you jumped to it as the Q&A portion. I have to tell you, listening to him and particularly that answer, one word that comes to mind is reprehensible. A former president of the United States is that basically poo-pooing the concerns of the elected officials in the affected city, in Springfield, Ohio. The Republican governor of the state debunked this and yet he’s still talking about it and throws it back to the border. Then what he says in addition to that is that this is why I will lead the largest mass deportation in the history of the country."

He continued, “This language he uses. It’s the first time I’ve heard him use the word nest when talking about immigrants. They’re coming from nests and they’re coming to this country? He is dehumanizing and devaluing migrants as part of the prelude for this mass deportation. It is unconscionable that he is saying these things and that the Republican Party is not pushing back.” Capehart added, “What is most frightening of all is that just about a half of the country is buying what he’s selling.” Capehart needs to leave his little bubble and interact with people who live in small cities or rural towns with little or no interest in foolishness those in the media are so obsessed with.

Actually, what’s truly frightening is that we’re supposed to believe that it’s half the country that is somehow able to support Cumala. And it’s frightening that anyone is buying the lies the Democrats are selling. They have fabricated a narrative to make Cumala into something she is not and to expect everyone to believe she just changes her lifetime of positions in an instant while she openly brags that her values haven’t changed. Cumala is an evil, nasty, untrustworthy person. And it’s frightening that anyone would believe otherwise. And It’s terrifying is how the press makes it seem that 50% of the country think Cumala is appealing when at best it’s maybe 30%.

Fake news is nothing more than pure Democrat propaganda. Most, if not all, of President Trump’s predictions have come to pass, and very accurately. Only a fool wouldn’t listen to what he has to say. Crime is soaring, DOJ just released crime data from victims showing that under Joey rape has soared by 42%, robbery by 63%, and aggravated assaults by 55%. ABC fact checked President Trump stating that FBI statistics show crime is down, knowing full well many cities were not reporting crime after Joey/Cumala forced the FBI to change reporting structure in 2021 right after they opened the borders. Facts don’t lie but Democrats and the ‘news’ media do!

OK so let’s have a lesson in reality: Number One, it’s more than half the country that supports President Trump and, Number Two, it’s because all of us have had the displeasure of living in the country since 2020 when Joey and Cumala assumed office under very questionable circumstances to say the least. How can one look at what these people have done to our country and still want them to be allowed to remain in power unless, of course, one is a Democrat. Stick with the party, screw the American people, that’s the Democrat motto. What is reprehensible is that the Democrats are responsible for this mess that President Trump will once again have to clean up.

And the truly frightening thing here, is that it’s roughly half the country that seems quite willing to turn America, into a communist banana republic shithole of a country. These communists think our Constitution is frightening. What is frightening is a nation with no borders, no deterrent for crime, that kills its unborn and calls evil good and good evil. It is frightening to think that half the country does not realize that the administration Cumala is a part of could make her promises a reality tomorrow. President Trump is the only thing standing in the way of the global elites and the left absorbing the country. The drama hasn’t begun to unfold yet, so buckle up.

Quite franky, President Trump is selling nothing. He, and us, believe in our country. We’re Patriotic. We’re appreciative of the opportunities that we all have because we live in this country. Being proud Americans seems to irritate leftists like this shitbag Capehart. The only ones selling anything are the Democrats, and those in the ‘fake news’ media, again like this moron, Capehart. It’s they who are working tirelessly to sell their silly bullshit about taking the country in a different direction to anyone who will listen. Those who, for whatever bizarre reason, actually want four more years like the last four and can therefore be convinced into voting for Camula.

And too, what’s frightening is that half isn’t buying what President Trump is selling. That is terrifying. We will lose our republic if people make the wrong choice in voting. Think about it, returning to a time of no wars, low inflation, lower prices, lower taxes, deporting criminal illegals, secure borders and two genders? Yup, I am buying it. What else is frightening the number of American women and children being raped and murdered by illegal aliens. The risk of illegal aliens voting in our elections. The cost associated with allowing them into our country. People’s precious pets becoming a food source for savages. President Trump and his rhetoric? Not frightening at all.

What I find to be both shameful and disgusting is the fact that those in the ‘fake news’ media are working so hard to cover up Cumala’s blatant lies and many shortcomings. Where do they shop, live or purchase the necessities of life that are not impacted by the economic crisis brought on by the current installed administration? Screw the ‘fake news’ media, I believe what I see and have experienced in my over seventy years and this is a disgrace and well worth fighting against. These people seem to be very easily frightened by many things. Things like democracy, acid rain, the ozone layer, another ice age, hot weather, and making America great again.

Over half of those who will vote, will vote for President Trump because he was a successful President. We had a secure border, low inflation, a strong military, and bright future. With Cumala we will have the opposite of all those things. Only bad, and lots of it. But as bad as it is, just wait if she were able to cheat out a ‘win.’ It’ll be “Katie, bar the door!” I was living much better during the Trump years, so I’m not sure why anyone is surprised that people would want to try and bring them back. A frightening part for me is that there are those who claim to be frightened by his plan to deport people here illegally. But was it frightening when ‘BO’ deported illegals?

And it’s frightening that half of the nation continue to support the Democrats. And what is truly sad is the fact that the majority of blacks still support the party of the KKK and slavery and seem not smart enough to understand that it’s the Republican Party that wants to see all Americans succeed and to have their shot at the American dream. This buffoon Capehart gets paid big bucks to be a loudmouth moron, he seems quite content in the knowledge that far too many blacks live in squalor in the ghetto, he’s just doing what he’s paid to do, convince blacks to continue voting for the party that keeps them in squalor and that makes it more difficult for them to escape it.

Yes, those of us here outside the beltway and here in the heartland are buying what President Trump is selling, because what he’s selling is the salvation of this great country, not its certain destruction courtesy of Cumala and the Democrats. Cumala is a Marxist and as such is not capable of being President of the United States. I can’t imagine what four more years under her control will do to our country. You can look at any large Democrat controlled city and see what she has in store of us. God help us if she gets elected. But President Trump, if he wins the election, will do his best to get this country back on the right path. America WILL be Great Again!!! At least I hope so.

Friday, September 13, 2024


I must say, if MSDNC is good at anything it’s the fact that it has the uncanny knack of being able to attract some of the biggest kooks on the entire planet. And one of the kookier kooks that frequently shows up to spew his incessant, as well as idiotic, drivel is some frizzy-haired fuck by the name of Eli Mystal. This guy is nothing more than a straight up moron, which likely accounts for the fact that he tends to be one of the more frequent ‘contributors’ appearing on MSDNC. Although, I must admit, he rarely, if ever, has anything constructive to contribute to any conversation. He’s of those clownish leftists who is clearly thrilled with the sound of his own voice,

Apparently, this guy Mystal is the ‘Justice’ correspondent for that leftist rag, ‘The Nation.’ But what it might exactly be that a ‘Justice’ correspondent corresponds on I have no idea. Anyway, it was this past Wednesday during yet another appearance on MSDNC’s ‘The ReidOut’ that Mystal accused supporters of President Trump of being just as “despicable” as he is. And while I will agree that this useless fuck certainly does know a thing or two about being “despicable,” he knows absolutely nothing about the supporters of President Trump. But then, when one appears on MSDNC, one doesn’t necessarily need to know what one is talking about, it’s immaterial.

Anyway, it was the host of this biggest waste in primetime television, Joy Reid, who said, “The way he desecrated Arlington National Cemetery would be career-ending for a normal politician. Even this piece about saying my building was the tallest until they brought down the World Trade Center, and now it is the second tallest. Everything he does is despicable.” And it was in typical fashion that this boob Mystal said, “The reason it does not end his career is his supporters are just as despicable. Trump is a narcissist, so his whole thing is a complete lack of compassion and empathy for everybody else. It is all about him. That is why he lies about 9/11."

He added, “He is probably the least compassionate president we’ve had in 200 years since Andrew Jackson, and it works for him because his supporters are just as un-generous and have just as little compassion and empathy for others. So when he is seen essentially, as you guys have put it, desecrating our national symbols, and when he is seen putting himself above all else, his supporters also want that to be the case. They want to do that in their own lives. That is how they think of themselves. That why it is that it never hurts Trump when he takes these crass and classless actions. It’s because his supporters think that being crass and classless is actually kind of cool."

So, what we have here is clearly nothing but more of the same. More drivel from a guy who is bigoted against anyone who doesn’t believe as he does and insults them in the most vile, heinous and repugnant ways. And you know, as much as I hear President Trump go after his opponents, I’m pretty sure that I’ve never heard him disparage Democrat voters the same way that these radically leftwing Democrats insist upon going after Republican voters. You know, how we’re a bunch of deplorables, the dregs of society, I’m sure everyone is quite familiar with all the names we’ve been called. But then, that’s really all those on the left, like Mystal, have to talk about.

Yup, it’s those “despicable” old Trump supporters who actually support the U.S. Constitution, as written, and who are patriotic Americans. Meanwhile, it’s the Marxists, like this guy Mystal, who very enthusiastically support such things as CRT, DEI, multicultural diversity, pluralism, race-baiting, confiscatory monetary policy, government overreach and who most definitely do not believe in the U.S. Constitution, as written. Marxists support authoritarianism, totalitarianism. Marxism has failed in every nation where it has been implemented, it is a failed ideology. It has also resulted in the murder of over 100 million people. But I digress.

And aren’t we always told how liberals are the ones who “embrace diversity,” and “inclusion,” and oh, “equity?” Aren’t they supposed to be the joyful ones, ready to reach across the aisle, with a crocodile smile? But I get it, that this is the essential difference between the liberal and conservative mindsets: conservatives want to keep nurturing what works, even though imperfect; liberals want to cancel what’s working because it’s not perfect. To a man like Mystal, any threat to their utopian vision (utopia means no place) of perfection is reason enough to destroy that threat, to demonize it, to kill it. But it’s a fantasy they can neither define nor describe.

Both this guy Mystal, and Reid, exude the most virulent brand of hate for anyone who is not a participating leftist. They are overtly racist, and yet they have the nerve to label us as despicable. These leftist Democrats are all miserable beings filled with envy, jealousy and, most definitely, hate. They spew their criticisms and lies about those of us who love America and work our asses off every day to fund their many social experiments. These two are the epitome of despicable. It’s individuals like these two who are the main reason racism continues to thrive in this country; and they will never stop ‘poking at the lion’ which may not end well for them.

I will agree that President Trump is a flawed man, just as we all are, including this leftist buffoon Mystal. Although it’s most on the left who seem to view themselves as being perfect in every way. However, if President Trump was really as bad as all of these leftists’ claim, why do they have to continually make up the many lies and false claims about him? It’s hard to imagine that America has fallen so far that race-baiting is not only a profession, but that these hate filled buffoons have their own television shows and get paid obscene amounts of money. Telling overt, and obvious lies doesn’t absolve bad policy, and America is living all the bad policies of Cumala.

Democrats do not love our country and just the thought of wanting good things for all citizens and making our country better for all is so alien and foreign to them that they simply can’t grasp the concept. President Trump is not perfect, not even close, but he will put America and its citizens first! He truly loves our country which Democrats just don’t understand. When you put illegal immigrants before veterans and taxpaying citizens, when you put men in women’s locker rooms or have perverts grooming our children and now Cumala is talking about government-controlled food pricing, it becomes very clearly, very quickly the level of hatred the last has for this country.

Mystal is another clown who thinks of himself as a patron saint of compassion and empathy and tolerance because he’s just so full of love as he spews another hateful tirade against millions of people who don’t think like he does. Just another pompous quack who loves nothing but himself and the money he makes selling lies. He does not know me or my family and yet he can hate. These dividers have hurt this country, its children, its culture, and for what? Mindless, thoughtless power? And to what end? They are incompetent, never satisfied because of their fear of the real world and so they gaslight everyone around them because lying is all they know how to do.

Another loon calling Trump supporters names. How unoriginal! Mystal is another of those stooges who could only find a home at MSDNC. Mystal can take his ridiculous opinions, and ridiculous clown self, and go sob in a corner. He’s nothing more than an agitator, someone who wants to be an outcast because he has neither the brains nor the talent to co-exist and be successful out here in the real world. Maybe if he could educate himself, get rid of that absurd afro, comport himself as an adult, there might be some hope for him. But he’s likely quite content being a kook, obviously he’s very good at it. And like my dear old mom used to say, everyone is good at something.

Thursday, September 12, 2024


When it comes to finding examples for those old adages about certain people being thick as thieves or about how birds of a feather tend to flock together, one really has to look no further than our ‘fake news’ media to find glaring examples of both. This same group of unscrupulous fucks who have willingly chosen to commit themselves to the one political party that continues to have as its primary objective the completely destruction of this country. And, oddly enough, they seem to feel totally justified in having done so. To the point where they will blatantly lie about, distort and/or provide cover for what it is that their Democrat masters are truly up to.

And yet, these same clowns actually have the nerve to sound offended that fewer and fewer Americans actually believe anything they say or to choose to take them, and their rather skewed opinions, seriously. A near perfect example of that involves our most recent presidential debate and the sudden rush by those in the ‘fake news’ media to rush to defend the supposed moderators from accusations of what was the obvious political bias they demonstrated during the debate. And it was one of those defenders, Abby D. Phillip, a member of the stable of bimbos there at CNN, who recently sought to justify the very unprofessional behavior of the two moderators.

You see it was past Wednesday that Ms. Phillip, apparently believing that her ‘fake news’ colleagues were somehow being maligned, took to ‘X’ seeking to somehow justify the presidential debate moderators’ tactic of unevenly fact-checking President Trump and not Cumala, despite her numerous lies. And it was on ‘X’ that Ms. Phillip posted, “Just fyi: when there is asymmetrical lying, there will be asymmetrical fact checking.” Now “asymmetrical,” as in “asymmetrical standards” is apparently something which the left applies to others, but never to themselves. And while there was indeed asymmetrical lying, it was Cumala who was the one doing all of it.

Apparently, her post came in response to all of the criticism coming from the right over ABC News moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis’s constantly fact-checking President Trump while allowing Cumala to skirt by with the more than 20 lies she told during the debate. Moderators tried to fact-check President Trump at least seven times, and Cumala not once. Here we had two supposed professional journalists (and I use the term loosely) who just sat there allowed let lie after lie to slide by without a single comment or challenge. Yes, my friends, ‘journalism’ in America is truly dead. Cumala knew going in that she was free to tell whatever lie she thought necessary.

Based on her comment, I can only assume that Ms. Phillip herself must be a DEI hire. And have you ever noticed how Democrats always accuse President Trump if lying, but never point out any specific lie, nor are they rarely ever asked to? And the few times that they do it, they’re either wrong or merely nit-picking President Trump’s hyperbole or exaggerations, whereas Joey’s and Cumala’s outright lies simply go unquestioned. And it was yet another genius there at CNN, some boob by the name of Daniel Dale, who claimed afterwards that President Trump had told at least 33 lies, while Cumala only told “at least one.” And he was totally serious!!!

Those at ABC, as well as the rest of the ‘fake news’ media, know who and what they are. Any they also know, or should by now, that we also know who and what they are. That goes for NeverTrumper RINOs as well. Frankly I’m not sure what purpose these debates have anymore, they’ve been reduced to be being little more than political theater. Most folks know who and what Cumala is and knew what to expect from her going into this thing. And we all know President Trump and remember how good we had it when he was last in the White House. And we see him as the only man able to get us out of the mess created by Joey, Cumala and the Democrat Party scum.

Yes, of course, it made me angry when they just kept fact checking President Trump and simply tolerating Cumala's lies. It was moderated very poorly. President Trump came across as very presidential and Cumala simply stood out as an idiot. That debate was clearly choreographed between Cumala and ABC, and I don’t care what anybody says, I have no doubt that Cumala was provided with the questions well beforehand. The knockout blow the Democrat was hoping for, just didn’t land. It was too obvious that the appearance of fairness was staged. The coordinated efforts of the mainstream media to attack President Trump has not fooled the American people.

When a candidate doesn't attempt to answer the questions and spends their time caught up in spewing falsehoods it’s an obvious sign they have nothing of value to say about their record or their policies. Cumala would have everyone believe the most pressing issues we face as a nation are abortion on demand, reparations, massive amounts of welfare to illegals and those who are either unwilling to work, free Medicare for all, eliminating fossil fuels and expanding the green new deal, banning guns, gas powered autos, free speech and voter ID. She'll pay for it all by simply printing money. She’s really an economic genius pretending to be a complete fool.

I think we’re experiencing the last gasp of the so-called legacy media, and I they have no one to blame but themselves. Even the dumbest among us will eventually tire of being lied to. And so, as they sell off properties and layoff poorly educated malcontents, they will continue to wonder why they have a no legacy. Cumala is as prepared to be president as an illegal immigrant who just snuck across the border. Everyone is upset with the direction of the country and blames it on Joey. But it’s likely that Cumala and ‘BO’s minions behind the curtain who are the ones who have been calling the shots on this slow-motion train wreck we’ve all been witness to.

And ABC confirmed what most Americans already knew. They are as corrupt as the Democrats and in the tank for Cumala. ABC folks did everything but their job, when the only thing they needed to do was their job. Cumala wasn’t content with just regurgitating the same old debunked lies, she rolled out some new whoppers for consumption. And call a conspiracy nut if you must, but you will never convince that Cumala wasn’t provided with the question with enough time for her to have the appropriate answers scripted and memorized. After all, Democrats have a track record of such behavior. This debate was an exercise in political trickery.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


No, I didn’t watch the debate last night between President Trump and Cumala for the very simple reason that, with it being on ABC, I was certain that it would be nothing more than the joke which, by most accounts, it appears to have been. Personally, I made up my mind some time ago regarding who I would be voting for, which was another reason I saw no value to be gained from watching. To be honest, there is absolutely nothing that Cumala could say that would make me choose to vote for her. And frankly I just don’t understand why any reasonably intelligent individual could ever convince themselves that Cumala is sufficiently qualified to be president.

But apparently there are those who seem to have gotten something out of it, so much so that they just couldn’t stop talking about it. And one such character is none other than Chris Wallace. Ok, I know, Chris who? Not that it’s likely to matter all that much, but it was Wallace who appeared to have been nearly orgasmic over Cumala’s performance in the debate last night. And being a Trump hater from way back I don’t suppose we should be surprised. And it was during his network’s coverage of Tuesday’s presidential debate that Wallace said President Trump’s performance was “just as devastating” as the June debate was for Joey, which was clearly an exaggeration.

And it was in addressing his co-host Jake ‘The Joke’ Tapper, that Wallace said, “Jake, I didn’t think I was ever going to witness a debate as devastating as the one that you and Dana moderated back in June, where Joe Biden basically tanked his reelection campaign. I think tonight was just as devastating. I think that Kamala Harris pitched a shutout on almost every subject I can think of.” It comes as no surprise that Wallace was nearly beside himself when providing his description of the evening’s events. But then I think it fair to say that when one is an employee of CNN and doesn’t say that Cumala had a blowout win, you could find yourself unemployed in the morning.

Wallace went on to say, “She shut Trump down on abortion, she shut Trump down on January 6th and democracy, she shut him down on national security and turned to the former president and said, ‘The military leaders who served with you think that you’re a disgrace,’ and then, as Dana mentioned, very powerfully at the end made the point that she is the candidate of change and we need to turn the page from a decade of division and polarization. On substance, I think she pitched a shutout, and I think she did on style as well.” He added, “Donald Trump looked old tonight. And you know somebody said on my show on Saturday, she wins just by showing up."

Wallace wrapped up his idiotic commentary by saying, “I didn’t know that was going to be true. I think it was she was the candidate of change from the moment the two of them were on the stage.” Wallace clearly overstates the bad night for our guy. Joey’s performance was so bad, his donor dollars dried up overnight and he resigned. No chance of President Trump resigning after this debate performance. And I don’t necessarily agree with those who seem in such a hurry to say that President Trump didn’t perform up to expectations. Because while most of the talking heads were quick to say that he lost, a great many ‘regular’ folks seemed to disagree.

Most, if not all, of the surveys taken after seem to indicate that this debate really had little, or now, effect in terms of who anyone is going to be voting for. That means President Trump won because his poll numbers are slowly improving, while Cumala’s are either flat, or slowly decreasing. That means the gap will only widen over the next two months going into the election. This debate was supposed to reverse all that and send Cumala’s numbers skyrocketing and that just didn’t happen. This was an orchestrated media attempt to pump up Cumala. There was NO debate, clearly Cumala had all of the questions in advance and her answers were all scripted.

Wallace has continually proven that he is neither fair nor objective when it comes to all things related to President Trump, so he should simply be ignored. Not a single comment was heard from Wallace about the very obvious partisanship and deceit on the part of ABC’s “moderators” which tells you all you need to know about Wallace’s obvious partisanship as well. Wallace is a ‘dead man walking’ as a journalist of any credibility. ABC too threw it all away last night. Anyone who watched the debate saw three people ganging up on one, yet President Trump still managed to land a few good punches. It was also painfully obvious she knew the questions before they were asked.

Her answers came across as being memorized. And from much of what I’ve read President Trump clearly won on substance. She said a lot, but none of it meant anything. The American people still have no idea what her positions are. And the moderators never pressed her on that. That said, the problem is that people seem more than willing to gamble on this vacuous radical empty suit. She only presented vague platitudes void of substance or any real plan or position. She is what she’s always been, a horrible politician and an even worse leader. Just look at today’s stock market as an indicator of what the market thinks of Cumala presidency.

Wallace is a joke. He heralds Cumala as a “change” candidate? Seriously? She is essentially the incumbent, as much as those in the ‘fake news’ media try to distract from that fact. Now President Trump may not have had his best night, and I’m not saying he had a bad night, but it’s pretty hard to stay calm when you aren’t on a level playing field. Our country is going to hell in handbasket faster than the ‘fake news’ media will tell you and we are going to elect the person who’s caused the damage based on a debate? Please pull your head out of your butt. Just when you think Wallace couldn’t get any dumber, he goes and beclowns himself yet again.

And “change” from what, exactly? The policies that have been put into place by the administration that she’s been part of for the last four years? She can’t say things have been great, and then turn around and say I’m going to change things for the better all in the same sentence. I mean, why would she want to be the candidate of change if things are going so well? And if things aren’t going well, how could she be the candidate of change? I just makes no sense. Anyone who believes Cumala will do anything other than stay the disastrous course that Democrats have subjected the nation to, are either willfully ignorant or irreparably stupid, perhaps both.

Hey Chris, once again your analysis is the epitome of stupidity. The leftist ‘moderators’ went well out of their way to put President Trump on the defensive all night for the express purpose of making it so Cumala wouldn’t have to actually answer anything. She never answered the first question about are we better off now than we were four years ago. And of course, she was not pressed for an answer. We all saw the biased ambush that was coming, and President Trump still discussed actual policies that most Americans are concerned about. A clear majority of the questions were focused on what was important to democrats and steered to put Trump on defense.

Finally, in my opinion President Trump couldn’t take this silly woman seriously. If it had been a business meeting, he would have got up and walked out seeing it as a waste of his time. The moderators were terrible, fact checking and/or correcting President Trump at every turn to help the imbecilic Cumala. I don’t think this debate changed anyone’s mind and frankly those few who are still on the fence will just have to toss a coin. All told President Trump stood his ground against all the lies by simply stating his proven beneficial track record. Kamala has had four years to affect her change. She didn’t because she never intends to keep any of her many promises.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


So, what is it that might motivate those in the Democrat Party who, as we approach the next election, seem to be spending far more time and energy trying to dissuade voters from voting for their opponent than on trying to persuade those same voters to vote for their candidate. And what’s so odd is how they’re going about it. You see, what they’re doing is to claim that if elected, President Trump with do to them everything that they’ve spent the last eight years doing to him. It really is a most remarkable thing. It’s as if they think no one is actually going to notice. So, are they really that arrogant, or do they actually think voters are really that stupid?

And it was just this past Monday that we had yet another Democrat, Senator Mark Kelly from Arizona, who said during an appearance on CNN’s “OutFront” that President Trump is willing to prosecute and jail Americans for disagreeing with him. But, again, isn’t that exactly what the Democrat have done, and will continue to do, if we are stupid enough to allow them to continue in power. But what else is it that we can expect from politicians such as this guy, Kelly? What else are they to do when their candidate in this particular contest has absolutely nothing on which she can run except more of the same? They have to talk about something.

Host Erin Burnett said, “He is though laying senator the groundwork to claim election fraud if he loses in November, I just want to make sure people know that because if you weren’t listening all weekend, you might have missed that. What he said. He said that the only thing that stands between him and victory in this election is widespread fraud and cheating. Here’s what he said.” She then proceeded to play a video of President Trump campaign rally on Saturday where President Trump had said, “We got to stop the cheating. If we stopped that cheating, if we don’t let them cheat, I don’t even have to campaign anymore. We’re going to win by so much."

Burnett said, “Do you think that this is just an empty threat or not?” Kelly said, “No. I mean, his threats were not empty in 2020. I was there in the Senate chamber when he sent a mob up to Capitol Hill to change the outcome of a free and fair election, something unprecedented in our country’s history. So no, I take his threats very seriously.” He added, “If you don’t agree with him on what’s happened here in the 2024 election then he says he’s willing to send you to jail or prosecute you for just disagreeing with the former president.” I wonder what skeletons that old Mark might have in his closet or bank accounts built on Chinese Communist Party funding?

All that we really have here is yet another example of how Democrats love to make shit up to fit their agenda, and those in the ‘fake news’ media refuse to their job in pointing that out. They like to falsely misattribute truths. President Trump is vowing to restore justice and order, and if that means criminals disagreeing with the actual laws will be held accountable, and perhaps jailed, so be it. Being on CNN Kelly is able to get away with his outlandish statements. Burnett should have pointed out that Kelly was describing Joey’s administration, but then she’s not a real journalist, only a Democrat Party water carrier. But to be fair, she is far from being the only one.

But just who is it that is actually trying to put who in jail? The sheer lack of awareness on the part of Kelly is absolutely mindboggling. Kelly appeared to suggest that it’s only the Democrat Party that now has the right to send people to prison if they dare to disagree with the party’s anti-America agenda. Ya know, this bonehead would be funny if he wasn’t so disgusting. The other side again accusing MAGA of exactly what they are doing right now with January 6 participants. Coming from someone who actually cheered all of those who took part in the “mostly peaceful” riots of 2020, this leftwing puke has a lot of nerve accusing anyone of anything!

Democrats have been doing this to Donald Trump since day one. The sad and scary part of it is that I think these people actually believe their own lies. The Democrats, with their enforcers the communist BLM and useful idiots of Antifa, did billions of dollars of destruction and kill numerous innocents in the summer of 2020. But the Democrats called it the summer of love. And idiots with no knowledge of the Constitution called January 6 an insurrection when it was nothing of the sort. The Democrats accuse President Trump and his supporters of what they themselves do and have done. Speak against the Democrats and risk harassment by the rabid left.

Franky, I don’t know if the U.S. of old is even salvageable anymore. I’m just not sure it can be done. Too many Americans have been convinced to come over to the dark side. The side where everything is free, and you never need to take responsibility for anything. Those who vote for Democrats are merely feeding off the carcass of the nation that was. They fail to realize that there is simply no way to keep creating magic money, and when the crash comes, the freebies will stop but the tyranny will explode and spread against anyone unable to defend themselves. Too many Americans are busy living for today without a care about what tomorrow may bring.

The only ones I see going after their critics and political opposition are the Democrats. President Trump never did any of that in his first term, and he wants to end such nonsense in his second term. I’m so SICK of the lies about President Trump and how those in ‘fake news’ are nothing but laps dogs for the left.  This lost in space clown believes that illegal immigrants voting is not a problem. Kelly is projecting his Marxist ideals onto President Trump. He, and his Marxist Democrats are the ones trying to put President Trump in jail on bogus accusations that would never stand up in a real court of law accept for the involvement of a politically motivated judge.

All the Democrats do is mirror their own agenda onto other people. Which really, if you think about it, speaks volumes because they know the majority of sane people would never support their twisted agenda. And the irony here is that Kelly would use President Trump as an example, considering the incredible abuse of power and laws that they have used to convict him of things for purely political purposes. Kelly should be ashamed but of course, he isn't. It’s called a lack of integrity. They lie while those in the ‘fake news’ media just nod in agreement. As a retired Navy Chief Petty Officer, I find him to be nothing more than an opportunistic dirtbag who discredits the Navy.

This is one of the more blatant examples of projection from the Democrats. They are the ones jailing people and prosecuting people for disagreeing with them. They are the ones demanding that everything be censored. So Kelly, of course, has it all ass-backwards, it’s the Democrat Party that believes that they can imprison people for crimes that were not committed. It’s the Democrats who behave as if this is a dictatorship, because they continue to prosecute, persecute and imprison people for events that they deem to be crimes, which in actuality are not. Always on the politically motivated Democrat agenda. Donald Trump would never do this.

Kelly is claiming President Trump will do what it is that has been done to him, but President Trump never once weaponized the DOJ, IRS, Department of State, FBI, CIA or and attacked U.S. citizens. Kelly’s comments reveal just how much of a clown and a liar he truly is. When you take a closer look at the massive train wreck the Democrats have created her in the U.S., and around the globe, which touches everything from illegal immigration, wars in Europe and the Middle East, the energy markets, interest rates, inflation, the housing sector, utility rates, food costs and supply chain, they can’t campaign on their policies or principles.

The only option they have is fear mongering that President Trump will do all manner of bad stuff. People need to ask one question, and the answer is as clear as the nose on their face. Were they better off during the Trump years or during the last three and a half years. Most Americans, as well as people around the world, will likely respond they were far better off when Trump was president and have suffered immensely under Joey. But Kelly isn’t concerned about what’s best for America, he’s just another member of the Democrat cabal who wants to maintain the status quo and push their terrible agenda, which is destroying the country a day at a time.

Kelly can say those obvious lies with a straight face with no push back from the Democrat doing the interview. It’s only the Democrats who have prosecuted and jailed the Republican opposition to their dictatorial rule. Do Democrats ever think? They’ve been disagreeing with Donald Trump since he first came down the escalator. He was President for four years, and not one Democrat was imprisoned for disagreeing with him. On the other hand, how many of President Trump’s allies have been raided by the FBI and imprisoned on spurious charges? And they are chomping at the bit to imprison President Trump himself for being too effective a political opponent.

The (Democrat) Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. These people are not the least bit interested in the good of others; they are interested solely in power. Power is not a means; it is an end, and not power over things, but power over men. In our world there will be no emotions except fear, rage, triumph, and self-abasement. There will be no loyalty, except loyalty toward the Party. There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever. 1984 meets 2024…

Monday, September 9, 2024


As many others have already said before regarding the rise of Donald Trump, were it not for the fact that he decided to run for president and then to, courtesy of God’s good grace, to actually get elected, we never would have found out the degree to which the Republican Party has been infiltrated by those who have long portrayed themselves as something they most definitely are not. These ‘Republicans In Name Only,’ aka RINOs, and again because of President Trump decision to run for reelection, have since proceeded to further out themselves by actually endorsing his Democrat opponent and actually claiming that she poses less of a threat to the country.

And it was one of these RINOs, Liz Cheney, who appeared this past Sunday, on this week’s broadcast of ABC’s ‘This Week,’ to again do what she takes great pleasure in doing, to malign President Trump. And it was then that Cheney actually claimed that Cumala’s speech given at the Democrat’s National Convention could very well have been given by President Reagan. She said, “If you look at Vice President Harris’ Speech for example, at the Democratic Convention, it is a speech that Ronald Reagan could have given.” Now while I have not heard the speech in its entirety, the portions of it I have heard didn’t sound like anything I could ever imagine Reagan saying.

Cheney went on to say, “It is a speech that George Bush could have given. It’s very much an embrace and an understanding of the exceptional nature of this great nation, a love of America, a recognition that America is a special place, a recognition that we all have to work together to ensure that, and you contrast to ensure that we maintain it. You contrast that with what we hear from Donald Trump, again, on a daily basis, that America is a failing nation, that America is a laughingstock.” And she said, “The trash talking of the United States of America very much is part of the message that Donald Trump is pushing.” President Trump does not trash talk America!!!

Cheney added, “So at the end of the day, I think it’s important for people to recognize he’s not a conservative. The policies that we’re seeing him put forward including, you know, again, on an almost daily basis, this notion of embracing global tariffs, that he’s going to impose 100%, 200% tariffs. that is fundamentally an anti-conservative policy. It’s also a policy that I point out to friends of mine who say, well, we’re going to vote for him because of his economic conservatism it will choke off global trade, will likely lead us down a path that we’ve seen before, for example, in the 1930s, lead to, at that point, it was a depression."

It’s kind of a pity, really, watching Cheney trying so desperately to hold on to some semblance of relevance. And if it weren't for those in the ‘fake news’ media, she would have long ago disappeared. But was long as she is willing to attack President Trump there will always be a microphone waiting for her! Since being thrown out of office by her constituents she’s been relegated to making such appearances! The ‘fake news’ media complex has nothing to offer but a RINO who lost! Cheney has absolutely no shame nor loyalty. She’s still pretending to be a thinking, thoughtful Republican, but instead comes off as a lying, thoughtless Democrat full of hate.

Yes, I suppose Ronald Reagan could have given Cumala’s speech. But to have done so he would have had to have been a worthless, America hating, Marxist POS. But, of course, he wasn’t, so therefore, he couldn’t have given such a speech. I’ve always found it to be rather amazing how these pathetic RINOs suddenly start sounding like pro-America Republicans when they’re desperately trying to win elections because, they know Americans will reject their true selves. The ghoulish Cheney family, and the corrupt Bush crime family have much blood on their hands. And they’ve reaped much in the way of treasure from the foreign policy debacles of the past few decades.

Cheney now seems to have gone full retard with this latest claim of hers, and as we know, you should never of full retard. To actually compare Cumala to Reagan is quite a stretch. Another war mongering, self-serving politician who would gladly sacrifice young soldiers to line her pockets and gain some level of influence. Only the most ignorant and uninformed persons would believe anything that she says. Cumala is a Communist. She was raised as a Communist. All of the policies that she’s supported for years, are right out of the Communist manifesto. Whatever Cumala said does not echo Reagan; but Joseph Stalin most certainly would have praised it.

Sorry Ms. Cheney, you do not get to invoke the great Ronald Reagan, ever. Democrats hated Reagan and called him Hitler. And he too had to deal with the RINOs of his day. And it would seem that she now thinks she can step in and vilify President Trump assuming that she has a legitimate argument? The sons and daughters of middle-class Americans are not going to be sent off to die in wars that RINOS want to participate in in order to pad their bank accounts. Cheney must be made to understand that her kind no longer represents the Republican Party period!!!! She’s just a disingenuous POS, who can’t seem to grasp the reality that normal people live in.

Cheney is a nothing burger. I’m so sick and tired of seeing her face and hearing her irritating voice. Few on our side really care what she has to say, and I find it strange how bitter losers, such as herself, can so easily abandon their principles and resort to spite work to satisfy their own craving for revenge The Democrats claim that President Trump, if reelected, will somehow be a threat to democracy. This despite the fact that he was nothing of the sort during his first term as president. There was a time when I thought she was sharp, even though I didn’t always agree with her. That was before her erratic, hormonal power play, agenda-driven January 6 production.

It's pathetic how it is that she seems to be on call 24/7 for anyone in search of a ‘Republican’ needed to bash President Trump. She has been mindbogglingly complicit in all that has taken place in this country over the course of the last nearly four years. Cumala is the candidate of the ruling class. Her biggest supporters are uniParty politicians and bureaucrats, billionaires, Wall Street financiers and CEOs, and the over credentialed urban elites. They’re blanketing the country with the biggest propaganda campaign and snow job in U.S. history in an attempt to hide that fact. They want to only to “fundamentally transform” this country, we must not let them.

And so, ABC once again shows its bias as a Democrat propaganda platform, and Cheney was only too eager to spring from the inner recesses of her own dark kingdom to spout nonsense. We’re a failing nation now and it’s because of those like Cheney that the Democrats have been so successful in their effort to destroy the country. What on Earth makes her believe that anyone still cares about what she has to say? How far removed from reality must you be as a conservative when can you compare Cumala to Reagan. It’s ironic she claims President Trump isn’t a “conservative” but in her next breath says she will vote for a card carrying Communist, go figure.

If this does not prove Cheney is insane, what will? Choosing to vote for a dangerously radical Marxist. And a blatantly incompetent woman who can barely communicate. For her to say that Cumala’s speech was even remotely like anything Ronald Reagan would have given, is proof that she’s completely mad. President Reagan is turning over in his grave. What a horrible insult to him. Communists do not give speeches that are about America first, patriotism, or anything of the kind. Or about freedom. And that she would actually go on any ‘news’ show and rant such drivel is astonishing. Cheney has very clearly lost it, finally, and forever. Stick a fork in her. PLEASE.

It’s not surprising to see self-promoting Cheney reemerging into the news so close to the election! She just so predictable! What a self-serving vile creature she is! She is no longer in power, she is irrelevant and a relic of the past who is clinging to any grasp of relevance to continue to line her pockets. Now she tries to cling onto Reagan? You can’t make this shit up. She is an opportunist, nothing more. Like her daddy, she’s made millions off the industrial military complex and is always searching for her next payday and next region of conflict to light a match. Democrats have what can only be described as a dumpster fire. And Cheney seems to be all in favor it.

Granted, President Trump may not be your typical conservative, but he does love this country and does believe in putting ‘America First,’ which is likely why Cheney is really not a fan. President Trump has turned the Republican Party into the party of the people, and if your average Democrats could be made to understand this, the Democrat Party would come to unceremonious end. The ‘fake news’ media is hiding it from them and making them believe that President Trump is evil because if they really knew the truth, what he stands for and what he’ll do for the country, there’d be no one left on their side, except for the elites and the terrorist supporting liberals.