

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


I’m not sure whether he actually thought he was telling us all something that we didn’t already know, or what, but it seems that Joe Scarborough has finally come to what can only be described as being, a rather startling realization. I guess he’s finally come to the conclusion that our ‘mainstream’ media in this country is more than a little biased when it comes to reporting stories about Republicans. Really Joe, you’re just figuring this out now? Somebody really needs to tell this guy that it has been going on for some time now. And it’s his buddies over there at MSNBC who are some of the absolute worst perpetrators.

Apparently what was finally the straw that broke the camel’s back for old Jo is the continuing investigation of the Internal Revenue Service. As we all know, or should, Congress is currently investigating, or trying to, IRS targeting of conservative groups seeking nonprofit status. John Koskinen, the agency's new commissioner, testified, if you wish to call it that, on Capitol Hill just yesterday. Joe accused The New York Times of not wanting to make headlines regarding the IRS story, choosing instead to make its front page story, questions about Chris Christie and the Pulaski Skyway bridge, while the IRS story was published deep inside the paper.

Joe said, "This is unbelievable. We could talk about The New York Post, as well. It is impossible that The Washington Post and The New York Times are not putting on the front page of their newspapers the fact that an internal investigation has been launched by the IRS on the most shady behavior." Joe went on to say, "And yet, they put Pulaski Sky bridge, whatever, on A-1? Whatever. This is garbage." But I’m rather curious about this supposed outrage of Joe’s. This bias thing has been going for years, why is only now that he finds it so offensive. And I would argue that Joe, himself, has been a purveyor of this bias.

It was during a very contentious hearing Monday on Capitol Hill, that Koskinen did his best to provide non-answers to the questions he was asked regarding ‘lost’ emails of former agency official Lois Lerner. Joe claimed, and rightly so, that those in the media would demand answers if it was a Republican administration that was under scrutiny here. He said Koskinen exhibited "arrogance" when explaining to Congress why the agency lost the emails. Joe said, "For the IRS to have a commissioner go on Capitol Hill and show that kind of arrogance, like, 'How dare you audit us,' is basically what he is saying."

Joe asked, "What if Republicans said that? What if we said that? Come on, guys. Who in the world would do that in the [former President George W.] Bush administration?" He went on to say, "That's not the way it operates. When Republicans do this, we get those answers. You know why we get those answers? Because The New York Times goes after it every day. USA Today goes after it every day. The Washington Post goes after it every day. The Boston Globe. NBC News goes after it every day. CBS News goes after it every day." But I think we all know it’s a different story when the culprits are members of the left.

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