

Thursday, June 26, 2014


So now we’re once again hearing more about how it is that Barry simply naïve about the ways of the world and in the proper way of conducting what would be responsible foreign policy. This time it was from Mike Huckabee who recently said that Barry is "quite naive" about foreign policy and doesn't understand the "world view" of people in the East versus the West. While that may be an accurate statement, what we’ve been witnessing in the execution of this nation’s foreign policy goes way beyond, and is much more serious, than simply naiveté on the part of Barry "Almighty".

In order to make such an assessment as this one must be willing to ignore completely what it is that Barry sees as being his primary objective here. That being, of course, the complete and utter destruction of this nation economically, socially, financially and internationally. That is the entire basis for his presidency. It was why he ran for president in the first place, to "fundamentally transform" our nation. And from whatever aspect you wish to view what is now going on, and has been since day one of his presidency, there is no other conclusion that one can come to.

The glaring problems regarding Barry's concept of how foreign policy is to be conducted became all the more evident when seeing how it was that he chose to respond to the kidnapping in Israel of three youths, one of whom is thought to have dual Israeli and American citizenship. The teenagers were kidnapped while hitchhiking June 12. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu claimed Palestinian Islamist organization Hamas was responsible. And as far as I know neither Barry nor John Kerry-Heinz has yet chosen to publicly address the kidnapping.

Huckabee also said that there has been a "disconnect between this administration and realistic, reasonable policy, not just for Israel, but throughout all the Middle East." He said, "The president is quite naive when he does not understand the world view that is so very different from the West to the East. That's been evident [with] what we see in Iraq, what we've seen with Iran, what we've seen in Syria, Libya, Egypt. We've guessed wrong in every case." I would argue that Barry hasn’t so much "guessed wrong" but has instead surmised what action, or inaction, might do the most harm to our country and then acted accordingly.

While Obama may be "knowledgeable," Huckabee said he was not "a man of great wisdom." He said that led to problems when it came to decision-making. Personally. I’m not quite sure that I would go so far as to describe Barry as being "knowledgeable’ at least in how that might apply to the conducting of a reasonable foreign policy. But what I’m quite sure of is that he is very knowledgeable about the consequences likely to result from a poorly conducted foreign policy. And if the result will cause any amount of damage to this country then that’s the direction in which he chooses to move.

I agree with Huckabee when he says, "What you ought to ask is, 'Does this person have good judgment? Does this person have a clear understanding of America's role as a superpower? And, does this president want America to be a superpower, or just a run of the mill, one of the countries, nothing special, nothing exceptional?'" Because the answer to all of those questions should be obvious. Barry does NOT want America to be a superpower nor to be seen as being, in any way, exceptional. America is to be seen as being nothing more than just one more nation amongst many others.

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