

Monday, June 9, 2014


Not being a woman myself, I can only assume that women, today, must have as difficult time as many men when it comes to finding someone worthy of their admiration. I only say this because it would seem that the best women can come up with, in form of someone that they can admire, comes in the person of one of the most corrupt politicians and genuinely dishonest people that one would be able find anywhere on good old planet Earth.

And you know, what does it say about someone, man or woman, who can actually allow themselves to admire a person who has absolutely no shame? Those who I choose to admire are usually those for whom I have great respect and are those I wish could be more like. Far from admiration, it’s disgust that I typically feel toward those who have managed to acquire money or power only because of their willingness to stab others in the back.

And what is it about this particular woman that seems to make her so special, so admirable and by, what appears to be, so very many? After all, what we have here is a women who is quite proud to be identified as being an advocate for women, and practically of any age, to have the right to an abortion at any time between conception and birth. And she is of the opinion that those women underage can do so without their parents knowlwdge. Admirable?

And it’s curious that this woman, seen as being so admirable, while claiming to be an advocate for women’s rights, has had very little to say when it came to speaking out against those nations where, here in the 21st century, it is seen as being perfectly acceptable for men to beat their wives, for women to be stoned for adultery, barred from being able to drive a car or prevented from being able to a seek higher education. Admirable?

And again it’s this very same woman who is a very firm believer in, and a skillful practitioner of, all manner of character assassination. And she has demonstrated, on any number of occasions, her willingness to use that tactic against the many women upon whom her philanderer/rapist of a husband has chosen to force himself upon over the many years. Although very obviously a pervert of the highest order, she sees him as being an innocent victim.

Remember now, it was according to this very woman that it was the fault of every woman who her sleazy husband chose to take advantage of, and all in order that he might enjoy his own brand of perversion. And in adding insult to injury this woman would make sure that each of these women would be run through the gutter, called every name in the book, and blamed for her husband’s rather bizarre, brand of kinkiness. Them and the "vast right wing conspiracy."

And it’s also this same woman who has a rather bizarre concept of child rearing, thinking that it should take a village, when we all know that what it really takes is simply a loving mom and dad. She seems to be believe that it’s the government that is better suited to raise a child than is the woman who brought that child into this world. Is that trait really all that admirable? I wonder. It seems that women could much better than to admire Hitlery Clinton.

And yet, many women are able see Hitlery as being worthy of being our next president. But it would seem that she is, without a doubt, the least deserving of any person I have yet heard being mentioned, on either side of the political aisle, as being a candidate in 2016. She must not be rewarded for her decades of disservice to this country. She should not be permitted to attain a position from which she would then be able to do maximum harm to our country.

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