

Monday, June 2, 2014


Well it would seem that this little swap of Barry’s involving a supposed prisoner of war/deserter and five cold-blooded Muslim terrorists accomplished just what it was that Barry wanted it to do. Because not only has Barry been able to engineer a way of finally getting the VA scandal off the front pages, but he was also able to get five of his Muslim brothers out of Gitmo and back to their respective homelands. Just as Barry had hoped, the Taliban’s release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl pretty much dominated the Sunday talk shows, and pushed Friday’s resignation of VA Secretary Eric Shinseki from the headlines.

The Sunday shows were dominated with all manner of both administration officials who were out there determined to do their best to defend what was so very obviously nothing more than a blatant political decision and Republicans who were just as determined to point out how this was nothing more than yet another example of how Barry seems to think that he is above the law by arbitrarily deciding to transfer five of the most dangerous Taliban members from Guantánamo Bay to Qatar in exchange for the release of this guy Bergdahl, a guy who many are now saying is really nothing but a deserter.

And as was to be expected members of this corrupt gang of political misfits hit back hard against the implication that Barry "Almighty" had negotiated with terrorists and broke the law requiring him to notify Congress 30 days before the release or transfer of Guantánamo Bay prisoners. Old douchebag Chuck Hagel and national security adviser, the well-known Beghazi liar, Susan Rice appeared in separate Sunday shows and claimed that Barry acted well within his constitutional authority as commander in chief, forced to act claiming that Bergdahl's health was supposedly deteriorating. Sorry, but I’m just not buying any of it,

"We didn’t negotiate with terrorists," Hagel claimed on NBC’s "Meet the Press." "Sgt. Bergdahl is a prisoner of war, that’s a normal process in getting your prisoners back. ... We don’t let anyone out of Guantánamo, and I will not sign off on any detainee coming out of Guantánamo unless I am assured … that we can efficiently mitigate any risk to American security." Ok, so how many of you believe that? These guys would let all of these murderers go if they thought they could get away with it. Come on folks, you don’t need to be a genius to see that this was well beyond being a simple prisoner exchange.

And then we had that waste-of-skin-Rice go on CNN's "State of the Union" and make the claim that Defense Department officials had consulted with Department of Justice officials prior to the transfers. The Justice Department? She said, "Given the acute urgency of the health condition of Sgt. Bergdahl and given the president's constitutional responsibilities, it was determined that it was necessary and appropriate not to adhere to the 30-day notification requirements because it would have potentially meant that the opportunity to get Sgt. Bergdahl would have been lost." What a bunch of BULLSHIT!

And then we have those like Democrat Claire McCaskill who dismissed the GOP attacks as nothing more than politics. "We save an American life on foreign soil, the president gets criticized. We lose American lives on foreign soil, the president gets criticized," she said on Fox's "Fox News Sunday." "Are you seeing a theme here? It’s politics." But this moron’s logic is a bit flawed. Because while we’re happy to exchange 5 of the worst we had at Gitmo for some deserter to get a scandal off the front pages, we saw no problem with leaving four Americans to be butchered because it was too close to an election.

Barry & CO., of course, dodged any and all questions pertaining to whether or not this guy, Bergdahl, deserted the military as well as how it was that came to be ‘captured more than five years ago. There now seems to be more than a few critics who allege that he simply walked off his base in Eastern Afghanistan in 2007 and in the company of three Afghans. Despite that claim, this idiot Rice made the statement that he performed on the battlefield with both distinction and honor. ABC News "This Week" host George Stephanopoulos asked Rice whether allegations desertion would be "investigated."

In answering the question Rice said, "Certainly, anybody who has been held in those conditions in captivity for five years has paid an extraordinary price, but that is really not the point," I’d say the price this guy paid has yet to be determined. And whatever price it is, I think, can be said to pale in comparison to the price paid by four Americans in Benghazi, as well as the six soldiers who were killed in the effort to find this guy who may very well not have wanted to be found. But, let’s face, the objective, as defined by Barry & Co., was accomplished, in that it has been several days without nary a mention of the VA.

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