

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Most of the so-called political experts I hear these days seem pretty confident in predicting that come this November ‘Dingy Harry’ Reid will no longer be the Senate majority leader. And we’re told the basis for their predictions is…history. They say that the midterm elections nearly ‘always’ go against the president’s party and together with such things as Obamacare and the continuing scandals, Republicans are sure to take control of the Senate. But from layman’s point of view there are more than a few reasons that I just don’t see that happening. Frankly I don’t even see them coming close.

Now the basis for my own prediction is the fact that I just don’t think you can any longer rely on the history of elections past. I say that because, the events of just the last five or six years, this is no longer the country that it once was, which, I think, eliminates the ability to use past elections to predict future elections. For example, we recently went over having 11 Million people now on disability. And we also now have 50 Million people on food stamps and a100 Million people now on some form of government assistance. And another thing is that Barry’s ‘Blame Bush’ strategy continues to work.

Despite the fact that Barry has put their children and grand children into debt up to their eyeballs, many Americans still blame Bush for the sad state of our economy. And for whatever bizarre reason they have chosen to ignore what is going on right before their eyes in favor of believing Barry when he tells them that it’s all Bush’s fault. Everyone likes to point to the housing crash that occurred back in 2008, which I think you can say ushered in the Barry presidency, as also being Bush’s fault. But the truth of the matter is that it was actually engineered by Democrats going all the way back to Jimmy Carter.

What’s likely to be the determining factor come this November is the number of Barry’s newly minted government dependents will turnout to make sure that they do all that they can to make sure the gravy train that they are now on, remains fully on the tracks. And they will see their best chance of ensuring that happens by making sure to vote for whatever Democrat is in the race. What’s good for the country will never even enter their little pea brains, because it’s what best for them that will be the determining factor when deciding for whom to vote. That’s what Barry & Co. has now reduced us to.

And just one note on immigration. I fail to understand why the Republicans seem to be so determined in their efforts to create millions more Democrat voters by passing amnesty. And if they do choose to do so before this November’s election I feel that I can safely guarantee that they will come nowhere near to winning the Senate and may even lose some seats in the House. Because by passing amnesty they will once again make it obvious that there is simply little difference between them and the Democrats. And if there is no difference, where’s the incentive for me, or anyone else, to vote Republican?

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