

Saturday, June 7, 2014


The Democrat ‘War on Women’, with Barry "Almighty" out front leading the charge, continued into May. The number of women 16 and older who were unemployed in the United States climbed by 60,000 in May. In May, there were 4,519,000 unemployed women, 60,000 more than the 4,459,000 American women who were unemployed in April. So it’s at the same time that the unemployment rate for women rose to 6.2 percent in May from 6.1 percent in April. But that number is nothing more than the direct result of Barry & Co.’s rather heavy manipulation of the numbers. Because the ‘real’ unemployment figure are well into the double-digits.

In order for someone to be counted as being among the unemployed, a person must have actively sought a job in the last four weeks and be part of what Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) calls the civilian non-institutional population (meaning a person is 16 or older and not on active duty in the military or in an institution such as a prison, mental hospital or nursing home). The number of American women who had jobs increased 128,000 from April to May, increasing from 68,376,000 to 68,504,000. From April to May, the number of women in the civilian non-institutional population increased by 89,000, climbing from 127,951,000 to 128,040,000.

Of those 128,040,000 women in the civilian non-institutional population, 73,023,000 participated in the civilian labor force, meaning, of course, they either had a job or actively sought one in the past four weeks. That put the labor force participation rate for women at 57.0 percent in May—up from the 56.9 percent it was in April. There were also 55,017,000 women who did not participate in the civilian labor force in May, meaning they neither held a job nor actively sought one. But I can’t help but wonder how big of a deal that this really is for many women, at least many single women. How important to them is it that they are unable to find a job?

Most women, for some bizarre reason, seem to think that the Democrat Party, the party that has done the most to destroy our economy, is more capable of ‘handling’ economy issues than is the Republican Party. Apparently what is the most important issue to many, but obviously not to all, women is their ability to have sex as often as possible, and with as many different partners as they may want. And they want to able to so without the fear of what might happen should they ever become faced with an ‘unwanted’ pregnancy. So they think it important that they have access to all manner of birth control and also feel that it should be paid for by the taxpayers.

I’m not naïve enough to think that young women today, or young men for that matter, would have the initiative or the forethought to consider how things done today will come to impact things tomorrow. After all, I was young once myself. But having said, I would expect them to be smart enough to figure out what it is that’s going on right before their eyes and who it is that’s primarily responsible. The fact is that more young people are unemployed today than ever before and many are back home living with mommy and daddy. And if this is as high as their aspirations go, as long as they can still screw their brains out, then they should vote Democrat.

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