

Thursday, June 19, 2014


It seems that the more desperate those on the left become on their efforts to convince the many skeptics that ‘climate change’ poses a very real threat, the more outrageous, and increasingly dire, the predictions become. To the point where those making the claims become almost cartoonish, aka ‘Chicken Little.’ I’m quite sure many of us remember this past winter and how it was referred to by many as being the coldest winter on record. And apparently it’s not over yet, having just provided the country with one final, perhaps, glancing blow in these days before summer.

It would appear that a spring deluge that has dumped nearly 5 inches of rain and more than a foot of snow in parts of Glacier National Park has had tourists seeking cover and rivers spilling over their banks from the mountain runoff. A winter storm warning was also issued earlier for higher elevations, and more than 14 inches of snow had already fallen at the Sperry Chalet in the park east of Lake McDonald, Glacier spokeswoman Denise Germann said. So, what do we make of this? I’m sorry, but I have a difficult time understanding how a warming climate makes for a colder winter.

If you spend any amount of time listening to our boob of a secretary of state, which I most assuredly do not, he, like Barry, constantly makes the claim that ‘climate change’ is now settled science. That yes, the Earth is getting warmer and it’s man’s fault, end of discussion. And we’ve been told by this genius, and others like him, that 97 percent of scientists endorse this cockamamie theory of man-made global warming. Now John Kerry-Heinz, in a speech Wednesday, declared that that figure is now up to "at least 98, 99 percent." Well, I guess that settles it. NOT!

On several occasions Kerry-Heinz has touted the fact that "97 percent of scientists" back the notion that climate change is happening, and that human activity is to blame. Most likely an attempt to drown out those of us who are non-believers. There is now a debate underway regarding the accuracy of that 97 percent claim. A number which is based a survey by a team led by an Australian physicist and climate blogger, John Cook, which reported that 97 percent of some 4,000 peer-reviewed studies that declared a position on AGW "endorsed the consensus position."

When that survey was first published back in May 2013, Barry "Almighty" almost immediately linked to a wire service report on it on his Twitter account, tweeting, "Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree: #climate change is real, man-made and dangerous." But in so doing, and which is generally the case wherever Barry is involved, he was stretching things a bit. Because in fact neither the published survey nor the wire service report referred to the "dangerous" claim. In other word, Barry lied. OK, so who’s shocked about that? It what this guy does. He lies about everything!

And then it was just last month that the Wall Street Journal published an op-ed by Heartland Institute president and CEO Joseph Bast and climate scientist Roy Spencer, charging that the 97 percent claim was nothing more than "a fiction," and challenging the Cook and other studies that are often cited as sources for the figure. That in turn brought about some rather quick, strong and very critical responses from several different quarters, including the online magazine Salon, and one of the co-collaborators in the Cook study who responded a response courtesy of ‘The Guardian.’

After a hearing of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology late last month, committee chairman Rep. Lamar Smith, a Republican, said in a statement that both the latest report by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the White House’s National Climate Assessment documents "appear to be designed to spread fear and alarm and provide cover for previously determined government policies." And I remember seeing recent survey done that would seem to indicate that these kinds of tactics are actually working on the American people.

And it was Rep. Smith that also said, "The president and others often claim that 97 percent of scientists believe that global warming is primarily driven by human activity." Smith then went on to say, "However, the study they cite has been debunked. When asked today whether the science of climate change is settled or if uncertainties remain, witnesses unanimously said that the science is not settled." Witnesses at the hearing included Richard Tol, an IPCC report lead author who asked to have his name removed from its latest summary report because he said he found it "too alarmist."

The bottom line here is that this entire theory of manmade ‘climate change’ is just that, nothing more than a theory. And all of these claims about how it is now settled science and requires no further discussion is nothing more than wishful thinking on the part of folks like Barry "Almighty" and his trusty sidekick, John Kerry-Heinz. What we have today is pretty much the same politically motivated cast of characters who, not all that long ago, were telling us that right about this time we’d be in the midst of another ice age. And we see how right they were in making that call.

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