

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


There has been much talk, of late, and from sources on both sides of the political aisle, claiming that should Republicans fail to bring up some form of comprehensive immigration reform, aka amnesty, they face the possibility of never again winning the White House and of becoming the permanent minority party. Personally, I would argue that just such a scenario would be far more likely if they ‘were’ to bring it up.

And now inserting themselves into the amnesty fray, we have a team of supposed top Republican pollsters who have now, collectively it would seem, come to the conclusion that Republicans can generate a "more positive electoral environment" by choosing to embrace immigration reform. "A more positive electoral environment?" So what the Hell do they mean by that? Sounds like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo to me.

But with recent events, specifically the fact that House Majority Leader Eric Cantor essentially had his ass handed to him in Virginia’s GOP primary, the group's findings could be dampened. Because Cantor’s defeat by a complete unknown is said to have had a direct correlation to his very enthusiastic support for some form of amnesty. And the voters made it quite clear that that is not something in which they are in favor.

This team of 16 pollsters from 10 firms, including some that have polled for Tea Party-related figures and groups, conducted two surveys for FWD.us, which is a pro-reform group headed by Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg. It released its findings today in a memo which, I have no doubt, will likely be used as ammunition by the pro-amnesty crowd. But I simply don’t find their results to be all that credible.

The fact that these supposed ‘Republican’ pollsters at least appear to be on the payroll of a big money liberal who’s strongly in favor of amnesty, tells me pretty much all I need to know regarding both the results they came up with and how it was that they might have come up with them. And it causes me to distrust their findings as well as to call into question what might have motivated them to side with Zuckerberg.

This group also said that the reforms would also include a pathway for citizenship for undocumented immigrants. However, we’re told by those who should know that Cantor's loss on Tuesday came in part because of a backlash over his support of a Republican-backed version of the "Dream Act," which allows some immigrants who came to the United States as children to qualify for in-state college tuition rates.

And much is being made about how RINO Lindsey Graham was able to easily win his primary on Tuesday despite the fact that he has played a pretty active role in the ‘bipartisan’ effort to pass immigration reform. But, perhaps, had his opposition gotten their shit together with Graham being made to face only one primary candidate, instead of six, the contest would have been considerably closer than it was.

Anyway, back to these supposed ‘Republican’ pollsters. We’re told that they surveyed 800 Hispanic voters between May 27 and June 1, and another group of 800 voters, including an oversample of Republicans, from May 17-23. And I guess we’re supposed to believe these pollsters when they tell us that half of these Hispanic voters say that they blame Republicans for the reform efforts' failure to pass. I say, so what?

In addition, 76 percent of them said they would listen to Republicans say about other issues, as long as they support immigration reform. I’m thinking that’s pretty much bullshit. There is simply nothing that anyone is going to be able to say that will convince me that amnesty is the way to go. What we need to do is start locking up employers who hire those here illegally so that they will simply choose to self-deport.

And it’s according to the same memo generated by these pollsters that, "There is a strong sentiment in the country that undocumented immigrants should not be granted amnesty." And it went on to say, "This immigration reform proposal addresses that issue by requiring that undocumented immigrants pay a fine, taxes owed, learn English and wait at least thirteen years until they can become citizens." It all bologna.

Look, folks like these 800 Hispanics supposed quizzed by this gang of Zuckerberg-funded Republican pollsters are going to have to make up their minds about something. Illegal immigrants are just that, they are in our country illegally, which means they are breaking our laws. If those here legally can’t bring themselves to support our laws, maybe they too should be shipped back to ‘their’ country of origin as well!

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