

Sunday, June 15, 2014


Barry and his many propagandist freinds on the left take great pleasure in calling those of us who refuse to fall for this cockamamie theory of theirs, members of today's "Flat Earth Society".  Barry insists that the discussion on whether "climate change' is occurring is now settled science.  But the truth of the matter is that it is far from being settled.  And, strangely enough, it's the very same cadre of esteemed scientists who not all that long ago were warning us to start preparing the the next ic age, who are today telling us that the Earth is actually getting warmer.  So why is it that we should believe them this time around?

But the guy who's actually ignoring the science that he claims to put so much faith in is none other than our very own Propagandist-in-Chief, Barry "Almighty".  Most of us out here in the real world understand that 'climate change", at least how it is being sold by Barry and his many friends on the left, simply does not exist, and it is no way supported by thousands of 'responsible' scientists.  And despite the many revelations that have occurred over the years that expose it and its supporters as complete frauds, there is Barry once again standing in front of crowd doing his best to sell it as being the next great apocalpse.

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