

Thursday, June 5, 2014


I find it a little odd that I keep hearing about how it is that a majority of the American people say they think that the country is now headed in the wrong direction, or about how a majority thinks that the American dream is now officially dead or about how Barry has only succeeded in making America weaker. And oddly enough, it’s even a majority of Americans who now think that this supposed ‘prisoner swap’ engineered by Barry & Co. was a really bad idea.

So I’m more than just a little confused. Because how can a majority of Americans be said to think this way when, at the very same time, it’s seems to be Hitlery Clinton that everyone wants to see elected as Barry’s successor? After all, she has been a major player in this country having now been moved in the wrong direction, as secretary of state she contributed much in making America weaker, and she was very much in favor of that recent "prisoner swap’.

So which is it? What is it that the American people really want, because they can’t have it both ways? Do they really want to see a change in the direction that our country is currently on and a revival of the American dream? The reason for my confusion is the fact that in another recent poll it’s presumed 2016 Democrat candidate Hitlery Clinton who is leading her possible GOP rivals in the critical swing state of Pennsylvania in an early look at the race for the White House.

The poll to which I refer was conducted by Quinnipiac University from May 29-June 2, shows old Hitlery with a lead over Chris Christie of 45 percent to 41 percent. Among women, with whom the highest priority must be birth control, she leads by 51 percent to 37 percent, while men favor Christie at 45 percent to 38 percent. The survey which consisted of 1,308 registered voters also found that Hitlery has an even wider lead over every other potential GOP nominees.

It according to this same survey that we see that in a match-up with Rand Paul, old Hitlery would have a lead of 51 percent compared to 37 percent for Paul. Amd in a race against Mike Huckabee or Jeb Bush, old Hitlery would hold 51 percent support, while Huckabee would trail at 36 percent and Bush at 35 percent. The lead is slightly narrower if the match-up is with Paul Ryan. In that instance, Hitlery would have 50 percent support compared to Ryan at 38 percent.

It was this same poll that also found that Barry's approval rating continues to be in the negative in Pennsylvania, at 44 percent compared to 53 percent. In the February poll, his approval rating was negative 42 percent compared to 54 percent. Women in the state tend to be more divided about Barry's job performance at 47 percent compared to 48 percent. Men, meanwhile, give Barry a 40 percent approval rating compared to 58 percent who disapprove.

What’s the most important thing to Americans today? I would argue that the most important thing to a majority of us is to make sure we don’t need to pay taxes and to ensure that we get to remain on whatever government assistance programs we are currently able t take advantage of. Which most definitely tilts the playing field in favor of someone like Hitlery Clinton. We have now officially been overrun by the latest Democrat voting block, the parasite class.

The bottom line here is that if we are to have any hope, whatsoever, of being able to change the direction that our country is currently on, something very specific is going to have to take place. Those folks who have the rather nasty habit of doing little more than to perpetually walk around with their hand out, thinking, for whatever reason, that they are somehow owed something, must come to the realization that their free ride does not come without a very significant price.

Something that far too many Americans understand is the fact that the freedom is really a very fragile thing. And it takes a group effort by all involved to guarantee that it continues from on one generation to the next. Because when one generation assumes itself to be more important than those who will be coming after them, the ability to live in freedom is jeopardized for all. Therefore it is incumbent every single American to act responsibly and to not provide to the government opportunities to insert itself into the private lives of the citizens.

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