

Friday, June 6, 2014


Barry & Co. just love to tout, as well as to take complete credit for, the fact that on their watch the unemployment rate has now come down to 6.3 percent. But a fact that is typically glossed over by this cadre of socialist malcontents is the fact that the percentage of American civilians, 16 or older, who do not have a job, and who are not actively seeking one, remained at what is a 36-year high in May. So from my point of view, they really don’t have all that much that they are able to brag about.

In December, then in April, and again now in May, the labor force participation rate has been hovering around 62 percent. What that means is is that roughly 38 percent of those eligible, were not participating in the labor force during those months. Before December, the last time the labor force participation rate had sunk that low was in February 1978, which was back during the malaise of the Jimmy Carter era. Funny how when such a occurrence takes place it’s when we have a Democrat president,

In April, the number of those not in the nation’s labor force hit a record high of 92,018,000. In May, that number declined by 9,000 to 92,009,000. Yet, the participation rate remained essentially the same from April to May. In May the nation’s civilian noninstitutional population, consisting of all people 16 or older who were not in the military or an institution, hit 247,622,000. Of those, 155,613,000 participated in the labor force by either holding a job or by actively seeking one.

The 155,613,000 who participated in the labor force equaled only 62.8 percent of the 247,622,000 civilian noninstitutional population, matching (along with the 62.8 percent rate in May) the lowest labor force participation rate in 36 years. It’s interesting to note that at no time during the presidencies of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, ‘Slick Willie’ Clinton or George W. Bush, did such a small percentage of the civilian non-institutional population either hold a job or at least actively seek one.

When Barry first took office on that very fateful day back in January 2009, one of those things that he actually did inherit from George W. Bush was a labor force participation rate of 65.7 percent. But after just four short years of having Barry at the helm, it was by the beginning of 2013, and the start of Barry’s second term, that it had already dropped to 63.6 percent. And just since January 2014, when the participation rate was 63.0, it has continued to decline, hitting a 36-year low of 62.8 percent in May.

People in the civilian noninstitutional population who did not have a job and did not actively seek one in the last four weeks are considered "not in the labor force." And it would be that number that has now climbed by nearly 12 Million, or 11,480,000 since Barry first took office, rising from 80,529,000 in January 2009 to 92,009,000 in May 2014. So here we have yet another significant achievement by Barry and further evidence regarding his success at ‘fundamentally transforming’ America.

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